Organic fruit, is essentially all types of food that comes from living organisms (animal or plant). However, when this term is limited to use of organic products for plants that are only slightly or not to use pesticides and artificial fertilizers. Organic fruit bermanfat more fruit than the usual. Organic fruit more healthy and safe for the body. Benefits of several types of organic fruit to health:
* Avocado: to maintain good health and growth of cells.
* Bawang white: antikolesterol and penuaan early.
* Onion: to help the prevention of stomach cancer.
* Spinach: good for the health and brain health vision.
* Berry fruit: prevent infection in prostat and ureter.
* Broccoli: help the body to remove the materials are karsinogen.
* Kol: useful for the prevention of bowel cancer, stomach and breast
* Tomato: help womb cancer prevention, pancreas and intestine.
* Carrot: penuaan prevent early.
Benefits of organic fruit
* Working to clean blood.
* Remove the poison that accumulate in cells.
* Helping regeneration new cells.
* Maintain a balance between acid basa without medicines, vitamins or supplements are additional.
The advantages of organic fruit
* Having womb better nutrition. Organic food average womb have vitamin C, minerals, phytonutrients and (in the plant material that can fight cancer) is higher rather than conventional food.
* Organic food more durable and not easy casserole.
* Reduce the production process and reduce the level of damage to the environment.
Fruit danger nonorganik
a. And the effects of pesticides in the food:
* Cause interference awareness (Cognitive dysfunction) as difficult to spell, read, write, distinguish colors, including talking.
* Increase the risk of disruption to the physical brain.
* One of the causes of breast cancer.
* Berpotensi cause problems on the production of sperm.
b. The threat of pesticides for manusiaan.
* Threaten the next generation. Children potentially exposed to more pesticides than adults.
* Pollution of water to land.
* Profligate energy, a lot of energy needed to produce chemical fertilizers rather than to cultivate and harvest crops.
c. Tips mengonsumsi Organic food-food
* Choose vegetables, fruits or meat that has a clear label meiliki and official.
* Wash organic vegetable or fruit with the flowing water (tap) several times, in order to avoid vegetables from the worm eggs.
* Rebuslah vegetables with temperatures hot enough. So that it can kill bacteria or eggs attached.Sumber : sehat-organik
* Avocado: to maintain good health and growth of cells.
* Bawang white: antikolesterol and penuaan early.
* Onion: to help the prevention of stomach cancer.
* Spinach: good for the health and brain health vision.
* Berry fruit: prevent infection in prostat and ureter.
* Broccoli: help the body to remove the materials are karsinogen.
* Kol: useful for the prevention of bowel cancer, stomach and breast
* Tomato: help womb cancer prevention, pancreas and intestine.
* Carrot: penuaan prevent early.
Benefits of organic fruit
* Working to clean blood.
* Remove the poison that accumulate in cells.
* Helping regeneration new cells.
* Maintain a balance between acid basa without medicines, vitamins or supplements are additional.
The advantages of organic fruit
* Having womb better nutrition. Organic food average womb have vitamin C, minerals, phytonutrients and (in the plant material that can fight cancer) is higher rather than conventional food.
* Organic food more durable and not easy casserole.
* Reduce the production process and reduce the level of damage to the environment.
Fruit danger nonorganik
a. And the effects of pesticides in the food:
* Cause interference awareness (Cognitive dysfunction) as difficult to spell, read, write, distinguish colors, including talking.
* Increase the risk of disruption to the physical brain.
* One of the causes of breast cancer.
* Berpotensi cause problems on the production of sperm.
b. The threat of pesticides for manusiaan.
* Threaten the next generation. Children potentially exposed to more pesticides than adults.
* Pollution of water to land.
* Profligate energy, a lot of energy needed to produce chemical fertilizers rather than to cultivate and harvest crops.
c. Tips mengonsumsi Organic food-food
* Choose vegetables, fruits or meat that has a clear label meiliki and official.
* Wash organic vegetable or fruit with the flowing water (tap) several times, in order to avoid vegetables from the worm eggs.
* Rebuslah vegetables with temperatures hot enough. So that it can kill bacteria or eggs attached.Sumber : sehat-organik
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