# Change the style of eating: Occasionally berdiet is a wrong decision. Because no less successful when running back fat diet ago because of "revenge" against food:) Alternatively you can do is to change the style of eating. Habits that need to run the other is to change habits menyemil with fruit fresh. So, always available fresh fruit that is ready when disantap desire menyemil appear. If the fruit is making can be replaced with the availability of fresh water white. # Change lifestyles: In addition to change the style of eating, we also need to change lifestyles to be more healthy. How simple is the most easy to breathe in the sink-in. This can be done dipagi every day and have the opportunity. Search and enjoyable physical activities such as playing badminton or other sports. But the most important of these activities is made as a routine. How simple is the most sleep and wake up on time. Dibiasakan sleep about 10 pm and wake up 4 hours early, but tailored to the needs. The most important is to become a regular bedtime. The next step is to make sure to get a bed asleep:) # Do not despair: Tips when the latter is already planning the steps to get healthy life (from any source), do not despair! Changing the style of eating and living is a process that is not easy and not a moment. Look for the appropriate health tips with yourself to be happy with the run. Make sure you menjalaninya with the fun atmosphere.
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