Ripe papaya can be used to cure dysentery, rheumatism, and the problems with the production of mucus. Papaya is rich in vitamin C and is a good source of antioxidants. Gynecology fibers on the smooth, so good is consumed by the age of five to go. Papaya tree originally came from south of Mexico. The high may reach 10 meters, and the fruit can be enjoyed anytime. Papaya plants have been widespread, especially in tropical countries. In traditional China, the papaya can overcome indigestion. Fruits that do not recognize this season can eliminate intestinal worms. Ripe papaya can be used to cure dysentery, rheumatism, and the problems with the production of mucus. International Cancer Foundation in 1997 to report about the benefits of vitamin C and karoten, that there are many in the papaya, to help prevent cancer. Appear suggestion that diet foods contain vitamin C and karotenoid to prevent lung cancer. This possibility can also fight cancer kolon, pancreas, bladder, and breast, and reduce free radicals which is a spark cancer. Smoking is a bond that can be oksidan with antioxidants. For smokers should increase consumption of vitamin C compared to vitamin C content for a non-smoker. Vitamin C is essential for the formation of sperm. Lack of vitamin C can prevent the men in obtaining offspring. Repairs to take it one month to increase the consumption of vitamin C of 500 milligram. Quality and quantity of sperm and activities can be enhanced with the increase consumption of vitamin C. Vitamin C can also reduce the risk of cataracts, strengthening blood capillary walls, and reduce the risk of heart disease. The researchers believe that vitamin C can also prevent the update penuaan white blood cell. Papaya is very appropriate given to the elderly as easily digested and enjoyed. Please note that do not mix papaya for cooking jelly and jelly eggs because the enzyme papain in papaya will damage the protein and so-so egg. @ Papaya juice For 2 glasses Materials: 200 grams of papaya 50 ml of water orange 2 tbsp sugar 1 klg (330 ml) soft drink cold How to create: 1. Blender papaya with orange juice and sugar until smooth. 2. Tuang in glass, pour soft drink will be served at. 3. Hidangkan in the cold.
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