Introduction : Ideal body every woman is a desire, to achieve the ideal body can not be undone with a healthy lifestyle such as: Eat healthy, the pattern of eating, the body of a fitness exercise, avoid smoking, avoid alcohol beverages, avoid not sleep habits (begadang), etc. With a healthy lifestyle, not just the body will be ideal, but the body shape. Discussion of the topic is limited to the well-balanced diet with a selection of food is appropriate and healthy. What is a balanced diet? Diet is a balanced diet with a balanced composition of food following the guidelines recommended a balanced Nutrition in Indonesia, such as the composition of carbohydrate 50-60% of total calories, Protein 10-20% fat and 20-30% of the total calories needed by an adult with activity are. How to achieve the ideal body? Actually not hard to get the ideal body (body weight & high body). Before we need to know first our ideal body weight (kg) with: Higher Board (TB) cm - 100 - 10% (TB-100). When your body weight at this time exceeds the ideal body weight, they need to be Feed food restriction (limiting the number of calories that go) with the goal of a decrease in body weight naturally � to 1 kg / sunday. With food gorengan limit or alter habits gorengan with food to eat fruit / vegetables. Or you can also stop ngemil practices. The best solution to lower body weight over your ideal is a limit to the amount of food consumed and exercise regularly. We can limit the amount of food consumed or choose food processing, with the right to get healthy food. Conversely, when your body weight at this time under the ideal body weight, then you must add the portion of food on a regular basis in order to get additional weight � - 1 kg perminggu. Healthy Food Ingredients list: 1. Complex carbohydrate Grains are part of the human food since the centuries the back: red Rice, bread wheat, barley, oat, Millet, couscous, buckwheat and quinoa. Rice can overcome digestive disturbances and reduce the risk of stomach and bowel cancer. Cereals rich in soluble fiber and can not dissolve prevent constipation / irregularity, binding them in dangerous and cholesterol. The starch in grains body absorbed slowly to maintain the balance of blood sugar. Grain source of protein, low fat, rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. 2. Pod-polongan Rich in protein low-fat, fiber and vitamin source. For cooking should use pod-polongan dry because in the process of cooking is usually added sugar and salt. Examples: tennis, dry beans, Pinto, mung bean or chickpea. How to cook: rendam first at least 8 hours before use in cooking. Rendam in fresh cold water overnight. The same morning and the next tiriskan Rinse. Boil for 10 minutes to boil, then boiled again with a small fire until beans are really mature. (Beans need not be soaked lentil) Do not consume pod-polongan in raw or half-cooked because it can cause allergies. For the first time-consuming ghost polongan new type for the first time in the first try a small amount to ensure you are not the type of allergy to the page. For those who have a high fiber content acid should consume pod-polongan in the number of small (25 grams) and is not recommended every day. 3. Sprout
Comes from the shoot-polongan pod and seeds. Gynecology shoot more nutrients such as vitamin C to its contents reached 30%, and vitamin B is 30%. 4. Sea plants Arame such as seaweed, kombu, wakame and jijiki contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are able to maintain skin health, hair and nails 5. Nuts and seeds nuts and seeds is a substitute for meat and cheese that is very good. In addition to rich protein, nuts and seeds can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. For example, walnut, almond, cashew nuts, peanuts. 6. Herbs & spices fresh spices Spice plants have an effect clean system body, smooth digestion. Some herbs spices: coriander, ginger, turmeric, the key meeting, lime leaf, caraway, Serai leaves, red onion, red pepper basil, garlic, ginger and spices 7. Oil and apple vinegar Organic olive oil, sunflower seed oil, safflower oil interest: the womb have essential fatty acid and vitamin E is good for the heart and skin. Because the oil contains high calories, use the oil in a small amount (1 / 2 SM). Use apple vinegar as a natural penambah taste sour. 8. Water 1 glass of drinking warm water with sliced lemon orange bagun sleeping at the time in the morning is recommended in the Detox program. You should not wait to feel thirsty come to drink, you should be drinking white water little by little every day even if not feel thirsty. Most people do not drink enough liquids in the day, which marked the changing color of dark yellow urine. 9. Fruits & vegetables Fruits and vegetables have higher nutrient niali, many contain vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals that phytonutrien very important. Gynecology and kaliumnya fiber but also high and the remaining material kalorinya low. We should try that fruit and vegetables that we eat in the fresh and not with the substance terkontaminasi preservative and pesticide. Fruit that is not fresh / storage that may reduce the actual substance gizinya. Processing can make vitamin become lost. It is recommended to consume raw vegetables in the gut is able to clean more efficiently. Raw vegetables have higher fiber content. Fresh fruit: apples, oranges balinese, salak, rambutan, jambu air, Markisa, watermelon, duku, mango, guava, papaya, star fruit, sirsak, mangosteen, kiwi, pineapple, pear, strawberry, melon Vegetables eaten raw: Leaf lettuce, basil, red cabbage, carrots (half-baked), paprika, water lettuce, cabbage white, mentimun, spring onion, bean sprouts, radis, poh-Pohan. Vegetables eaten cooked (steamed) Broccoli, eggplant, squash, spinach, radish, bean, ginseng leaves, cassava leaves, vegetable marrow, young corn, cabbage fella, bit, kangkung, kecipir, pea, melinjo leaves, leaves katuk, papaya leaves, pumpkin. Pod-polongan boiled / steamed: bean, pea, pete, soybean, peanut Tolo, red beans, Lamtoro, green beans. 10. Fish and chicken It is recommended to consume fresh fish does not tercemar mercury (mercury is a heavy metal found in the sea of dirty / tercemar waste and factory ship) fish kakap, kembung, appeal, Tuna, Marlin, row, patin, tengiri, Bawal, belanak, gindara, Gurame. Avoid canned fish in the bersodium with a preservative, and high oil saturated. Chicken fat content have a more low-and hormone-free chicken compared with the country. Remove the skin before processed chicken, chicken breasts have a discount rate lower than fat discount chicken thigh Eggs less easy terkontaminasi recommended because the bacteria do not cook when cooked. 11. Non-dairy products Cheese, goat / sheep, rice milk, soy milk 12. Drink Tea
All types of herbal tea (green tea, mint tea, tea echinaceae etc.), the honey dilarutkan water, orange perasan lemon, add to the image of a sense 13. Food other out, and Tempe, tauco, canola oil, olive oil, sesame oil, Nori / seaweed sheets for sushi, miso (in japan), mustard (mustard), yoghurt Cooking techniques During the weight reduction program, we avoid the gorengan, engineering steam vegetables half cooked / baked, flush with boiling water that will be raw vegetables we eat, use the microwave, menumis, grill, poach and short The portion of the amount eaten Adjust the portion of the day you eat the day, when you have a body fat if you can reduce the portion of food, while well-ideal if you set the amount of the portion of food that you do not raise your body weight. Pattern eat a healthy balanced diet The pattern is a well-balanced meal nutrition food we hours a day consisting of carbohydrate, protein and fat only use material makananan option (complex carbohydrates such as rice rice, oat, wheat bread, vegetable protein know without preservative, limited animal protein fish and chicken, fat olive or olives, and cook only technique that uses steam, boiled, grilled and tumis. The portion of food depends on body weight at that time. If you are overweight if you can limit the per portion: For example Rice rice 2 small bowl / day @ (100 grams) 1 sheet of bread wheat Vegetables (2 cup vegetable stew + 1 cup of fresh vegetables) 300 grams of fresh fruit (3 portions of fresh fruit that consists of 2-3 kinds of fruit / day) Boiled chicken breast without the skin cut 2 @ 50 grams Salmon @ 50 grams Know without preservative 2 pieces @ 50 grams 1 cup small yoghurt 1 cup soy milk Organic olive oil / canola oil: 1-2 tbs / day Conclusion: With a weight reduction program with the way the food intake restriction guidelines and Nutrition balanced exercise regularly, then you will be slim and in shape without disrupting daily activities of the day. Congratulations berdiet healthy! (dr. Nanny Djaja, SpGK - Staff FKUAJ Nutrition Science)
Comes from the shoot-polongan pod and seeds. Gynecology shoot more nutrients such as vitamin C to its contents reached 30%, and vitamin B is 30%. 4. Sea plants Arame such as seaweed, kombu, wakame and jijiki contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are able to maintain skin health, hair and nails 5. Nuts and seeds nuts and seeds is a substitute for meat and cheese that is very good. In addition to rich protein, nuts and seeds can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. For example, walnut, almond, cashew nuts, peanuts. 6. Herbs & spices fresh spices Spice plants have an effect clean system body, smooth digestion. Some herbs spices: coriander, ginger, turmeric, the key meeting, lime leaf, caraway, Serai leaves, red onion, red pepper basil, garlic, ginger and spices 7. Oil and apple vinegar Organic olive oil, sunflower seed oil, safflower oil interest: the womb have essential fatty acid and vitamin E is good for the heart and skin. Because the oil contains high calories, use the oil in a small amount (1 / 2 SM). Use apple vinegar as a natural penambah taste sour. 8. Water 1 glass of drinking warm water with sliced lemon orange bagun sleeping at the time in the morning is recommended in the Detox program. You should not wait to feel thirsty come to drink, you should be drinking white water little by little every day even if not feel thirsty. Most people do not drink enough liquids in the day, which marked the changing color of dark yellow urine. 9. Fruits & vegetables Fruits and vegetables have higher nutrient niali, many contain vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals that phytonutrien very important. Gynecology and kaliumnya fiber but also high and the remaining material kalorinya low. We should try that fruit and vegetables that we eat in the fresh and not with the substance terkontaminasi preservative and pesticide. Fruit that is not fresh / storage that may reduce the actual substance gizinya. Processing can make vitamin become lost. It is recommended to consume raw vegetables in the gut is able to clean more efficiently. Raw vegetables have higher fiber content. Fresh fruit: apples, oranges balinese, salak, rambutan, jambu air, Markisa, watermelon, duku, mango, guava, papaya, star fruit, sirsak, mangosteen, kiwi, pineapple, pear, strawberry, melon Vegetables eaten raw: Leaf lettuce, basil, red cabbage, carrots (half-baked), paprika, water lettuce, cabbage white, mentimun, spring onion, bean sprouts, radis, poh-Pohan. Vegetables eaten cooked (steamed) Broccoli, eggplant, squash, spinach, radish, bean, ginseng leaves, cassava leaves, vegetable marrow, young corn, cabbage fella, bit, kangkung, kecipir, pea, melinjo leaves, leaves katuk, papaya leaves, pumpkin. Pod-polongan boiled / steamed: bean, pea, pete, soybean, peanut Tolo, red beans, Lamtoro, green beans. 10. Fish and chicken It is recommended to consume fresh fish does not tercemar mercury (mercury is a heavy metal found in the sea of dirty / tercemar waste and factory ship) fish kakap, kembung, appeal, Tuna, Marlin, row, patin, tengiri, Bawal, belanak, gindara, Gurame. Avoid canned fish in the bersodium with a preservative, and high oil saturated. Chicken fat content have a more low-and hormone-free chicken compared with the country. Remove the skin before processed chicken, chicken breasts have a discount rate lower than fat discount chicken thigh Eggs less easy terkontaminasi recommended because the bacteria do not cook when cooked. 11. Non-dairy products Cheese, goat / sheep, rice milk, soy milk 12. Drink Tea
All types of herbal tea (green tea, mint tea, tea echinaceae etc.), the honey dilarutkan water, orange perasan lemon, add to the image of a sense 13. Food other out, and Tempe, tauco, canola oil, olive oil, sesame oil, Nori / seaweed sheets for sushi, miso (in japan), mustard (mustard), yoghurt Cooking techniques During the weight reduction program, we avoid the gorengan, engineering steam vegetables half cooked / baked, flush with boiling water that will be raw vegetables we eat, use the microwave, menumis, grill, poach and short The portion of the amount eaten Adjust the portion of the day you eat the day, when you have a body fat if you can reduce the portion of food, while well-ideal if you set the amount of the portion of food that you do not raise your body weight. Pattern eat a healthy balanced diet The pattern is a well-balanced meal nutrition food we hours a day consisting of carbohydrate, protein and fat only use material makananan option (complex carbohydrates such as rice rice, oat, wheat bread, vegetable protein know without preservative, limited animal protein fish and chicken, fat olive or olives, and cook only technique that uses steam, boiled, grilled and tumis. The portion of food depends on body weight at that time. If you are overweight if you can limit the per portion: For example Rice rice 2 small bowl / day @ (100 grams) 1 sheet of bread wheat Vegetables (2 cup vegetable stew + 1 cup of fresh vegetables) 300 grams of fresh fruit (3 portions of fresh fruit that consists of 2-3 kinds of fruit / day) Boiled chicken breast without the skin cut 2 @ 50 grams Salmon @ 50 grams Know without preservative 2 pieces @ 50 grams 1 cup small yoghurt 1 cup soy milk Organic olive oil / canola oil: 1-2 tbs / day Conclusion: With a weight reduction program with the way the food intake restriction guidelines and Nutrition balanced exercise regularly, then you will be slim and in shape without disrupting daily activities of the day. Congratulations berdiet healthy! (dr. Nanny Djaja, SpGK - Staff FKUAJ Nutrition Science)
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