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Sunday, November 23, 2008


The trend of using laptop in students, especially in FKM VI is increase. Price of a laptop is
become low and still has complete fitures. High intensity of using laptop in students is risky
and can occur of health effect. Therefor, this study was conducted to know the health
problem in students who using laptop. This study uses cross-sectional design. Samples are
students using laptop in campus, the number is 100 with simple random sampling
technique. Data were collected by questionnaires, interview, and observation. The results
show that 97% felt of health effect. The parts of body that have health effect (pain) are neck,
eye, shoulder, up of back, and carpal. Only a few of samples have pain in foot. 91.8% of
samples who felt health effect have high risk condition when using laptop. Suggestion for
students is using laptop with follow the it's function and ergonomics procedures and for
laptop manufacturers is complete their products with safety and ergonomic guidance for
using laptop.Keywords: laptop, health, ergonomicsHendra, Devie Fitri Octaviani
Departemen K-3, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pilates Benefits

By Kimberly Dawn Neumann

The limb-elongating aspect of Pilates is only one reason why dancers and models often favor this workout. The goal with Pilates is to always feel length throughout the entire body, even while performing moves that work specific body parts. There is also an ever-present mind-body element which makes it appealing to people looking to develop that connection. The exercises can be performed both on a regular exercise mat (known as Pilates mat workouts) and on spring-based machines developed by Mr. Pilates referred to by names such as "The Reformer," "The Cadillac," and "The Chair."

The benefits of Pilates are innumerable. According to Rael Isacowitz, author of 'Pilates' (Human Kinetics, April, 2006) and a master of the Pilates method, a Pilates regimen develops strength, flexibility, coordination, speed, agility, endurance, balance, and correct posture. Plus, most of the moves are non-impact, making it a great fitness activity for , aging individuals or athletes recovering from injuries.

With Pilates mat classes, students will work to increase the strength and mobility of the spine, according to Kimberly and Katherine Corps, founders of New York City's Pilates on Fifth and the Cardiolates � workout. "Plus Pilates encourages you to keep your belly button pulled to the front wall of your spine at all times -- instead of pushing it out -- so your stomach gets super flat," says Kimberly.

Pilates equipment work uses spring resistance to challenge muscles in both phases of the contraction -- concentric and eccentric. "Thus the entire muscle is targeted so the result is the appearance of lengthened muscle instead of bulk concentrated at the belly of it," says Katherine.

To the novice, the Pilates exercise equipment can look daunting, but rest assured that each piece was developed as a tool to help students learn proper body mechanics. Because it can be intimidating, learning proper technique, which can best be done privately with an instructor, is essential. For the floor exercises, all that's needed is a cushioned mat. Technique is still important, but can be learned in a class or by watching a good DVD.

Source: AolDotCom

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