Some type of fat that is good for the body, namely: Saturated fat is not a single, there are many in the peanut, canola oil, olive and fruit. This is a very good oil to reduce the cholesterol level "evil" in the blood (LDL). Fat derived from peanut products or nuts (almond,? Nuts, hazelnut, peanut). Besides as a source of protein, food is a source of fiber and fitokimia able to prevent the alleged occurrence of cancer. Advokad, as the fruit with fat contents for both the body and contains vitamin E that is very high. Fat advokad function to maintain skin health and prevent heart attack. Fish, especially salmon and makarel, containing the fatty acid omega-3 is very high. Oxygen consumption is very good for those who have a high degree kolestrol be useful and to prevent heart disease, cancer, inflammation and reduce symptoms (such as arthritis). Jurus Controlling Cholesterol Be careful with cholesterol. Once the warning that we often hear. Presumably, one person was suspected of cholesterol. Cholesterol is considered to be the substance of evil heart disease and stroke. Cholesterol is a kind of material that forms nearly the same as the fat. If most of the fat food is trigliserida, then the rest is cholesterol. Trigliserida own ties between the glycerol with three fatty acid. Lipoprotein is then distributed to the entire body. Cholesterol because it is still loaded, and its ties lipoprotein contain little protein, so that kind of low (low density lipoprotein / LDL). Arriving at the cell body, kolesterolnya used to build the cell walls, so that the cargo kolesterolnya reduced. This makes the relatively proteinnya dominant, so that density lipoprotein is also increased (high density lipoprotein / HDL). There are various benefits of cholesterol. Of which increase the body's resistance, produce hormones and vitamin D, and maintain health cell wall. Cholesterol also play an important role in the growth of brain and nerve network. In addition, cholesterol also functions as a raw material for the formation of bile salt. Bile salt is a role to improve disposal of fat, by binding fat blood fat is absorbed before the intestinal wall. So, Feed is of adequate fat can increase the body's ability to remove excess cholesterol, so it does not accumulate in the body. The key: control Sometimes, our bodies produce cholesterol than the amount that we need. Usually this happens when we eat lots of fatty food. When that happens, cholesterol will accumulate in the arterial blood vessel walls and cause a stoppage of blood vessel that can culminate in stroke and heart attack. Moreover, if this narrow stoppage of blood flow to the brain. From the results of the research-U.S. NCEP (National Cholesterol Education Project), men aged 20 to an 30-year-old measure excess blood cholesterol (hiperkolesterol) 2 died at risk - 3.5 times bigger than the result of heart attack of the men with healthy cholesterol level. In addition, they also have a life expectancy 4 - 9 times shorter. In efforts to reduce kadar 'bad fat' in the body, is also advisable to consider the adequacy of food hipolipidemik (can lower 'bad fat'). Example hipolipidemik food is food that is rich in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, betakaroten, vitamin B5, chromium, copper, and likopen. To get the oxygen-oxygen is important, many suggested mengonsumsi wine, star fruit, soybeans, garlic, green tea, fish, celery, ginger, and honey. In addition to considering the benefits of fruits and vegetables, you also need to consider ways of processing and serving of food substances, substances that are important in it is not lost. Ways must also be cooking. To make the sauce spagheti for example, reduce the use of meat. If you use any meat, choose meat without fat. Physical exercise or aerobic sport that is also very good for burning fat in the body. Do this sport for 30 minutes with a frequency of 3-4 times a week. For best results, consult with your doctor first before you implement this program sports. by.Republika online
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