Some type of fat that is good for the body, namely: Saturated fat is not a single, there are many in the peanut, canola oil, olive and fruit. This is a very good oil to reduce the cholesterol level "evil" in the blood (LDL). Fat derived from peanut products or nuts (almond,? Nuts, hazelnut, peanut). Besides as a source of protein, food is a source of fiber and fitokimia able to prevent the alleged occurrence of cancer. Advokad, as the fruit with fat contents for both the body and contains vitamin E that is very high. Fat advokad function to maintain skin health and prevent heart attack. Fish, especially salmon and makarel, containing the fatty acid omega-3 is very high. Oxygen consumption is very good for those who have a high degree kolestrol be useful and to prevent heart disease, cancer, inflammation and reduce symptoms (such as arthritis). Jurus Controlling Cholesterol Be careful with cholesterol. Once the warning that we often hear. Presumably, one person was suspected of cholesterol. Cholesterol is considered to be the substance of evil heart disease and stroke. Cholesterol is a kind of material that forms nearly the same as the fat. If most of the fat food is trigliserida, then the rest is cholesterol. Trigliserida own ties between the glycerol with three fatty acid. Lipoprotein is then distributed to the entire body. Cholesterol because it is still loaded, and its ties lipoprotein contain little protein, so that kind of low (low density lipoprotein / LDL). Arriving at the cell body, kolesterolnya used to build the cell walls, so that the cargo kolesterolnya reduced. This makes the relatively proteinnya dominant, so that density lipoprotein is also increased (high density lipoprotein / HDL). There are various benefits of cholesterol. Of which increase the body's resistance, produce hormones and vitamin D, and maintain health cell wall. Cholesterol also play an important role in the growth of brain and nerve network. In addition, cholesterol also functions as a raw material for the formation of bile salt. Bile salt is a role to improve disposal of fat, by binding fat blood fat is absorbed before the intestinal wall. So, Feed is of adequate fat can increase the body's ability to remove excess cholesterol, so it does not accumulate in the body. The key: control Sometimes, our bodies produce cholesterol than the amount that we need. Usually this happens when we eat lots of fatty food. When that happens, cholesterol will accumulate in the arterial blood vessel walls and cause a stoppage of blood vessel that can culminate in stroke and heart attack. Moreover, if this narrow stoppage of blood flow to the brain. From the results of the research-U.S. NCEP (National Cholesterol Education Project), men aged 20 to an 30-year-old measure excess blood cholesterol (hiperkolesterol) 2 died at risk - 3.5 times bigger than the result of heart attack of the men with healthy cholesterol level. In addition, they also have a life expectancy 4 - 9 times shorter. In efforts to reduce kadar 'bad fat' in the body, is also advisable to consider the adequacy of food hipolipidemik (can lower 'bad fat'). Example hipolipidemik food is food that is rich in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, betakaroten, vitamin B5, chromium, copper, and likopen. To get the oxygen-oxygen is important, many suggested mengonsumsi wine, star fruit, soybeans, garlic, green tea, fish, celery, ginger, and honey. In addition to considering the benefits of fruits and vegetables, you also need to consider ways of processing and serving of food substances, substances that are important in it is not lost. Ways must also be cooking. To make the sauce spagheti for example, reduce the use of meat. If you use any meat, choose meat without fat. Physical exercise or aerobic sport that is also very good for burning fat in the body. Do this sport for 30 minutes with a frequency of 3-4 times a week. For best results, consult with your doctor first before you implement this program sports. by.Republika online
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Keeping simple Body Health
# Change the style of eating: Occasionally berdiet is a wrong decision. Because no less successful when running back fat diet ago because of "revenge" against food:) Alternatively you can do is to change the style of eating. Habits that need to run the other is to change habits menyemil with fruit fresh. So, always available fresh fruit that is ready when disantap desire menyemil appear. If the fruit is making can be replaced with the availability of fresh water white. # Change lifestyles: In addition to change the style of eating, we also need to change lifestyles to be more healthy. How simple is the most easy to breathe in the sink-in. This can be done dipagi every day and have the opportunity. Search and enjoyable physical activities such as playing badminton or other sports. But the most important of these activities is made as a routine. How simple is the most sleep and wake up on time. Dibiasakan sleep about 10 pm and wake up 4 hours early, but tailored to the needs. The most important is to become a regular bedtime. The next step is to make sure to get a bed asleep:) # Do not despair: Tips when the latter is already planning the steps to get healthy life (from any source), do not despair! Changing the style of eating and living is a process that is not easy and not a moment. Look for the appropriate health tips with yourself to be happy with the run. Make sure you menjalaninya with the fun atmosphere.
Though I tired ngeliat monitor
I often too long we make tough machines have symptoms: cepet tired, headache, neck pegel, ngeblur, dry eyes and laen-laen mata.ini symptoms and pain for a few tips to reduce these symptoms (except I do eyes dim bakalan sensitive) 1.gerakkan eyes you up and down as much as 10 times after that you pejamkan eye for approximately 30 seconds 2.trus loe gerakin eyes to the left to right what is also 10 times and pejamkan loe eyes for 30 seconds So simple tips from my hehehe ... hopefully can help by jokoklewer
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The stages Penuaan
old not occur in sudden, but through several stages or phases, so you have the opportunity to menghambatnya, one with the eating patterns and keep the cream or moisturizer to protect skin from sun sengatan not so fast, dry skin or wrinkles. old stages of the process is the first subklinikal that occurred at the age between 25-35 years old. Hormone in this phase we start decreasing production. This decrease reached 14 percent when a person aged 35 years. Air pollution, diet is not healthy, and stress is a free radical attack that can damage body cells. In this phase healthy people may feel OK, but the damage has begun to attack the cells. Second transition, that is, when reaching the age of 35-45 years. Hormone in human phase is decreased to 25 percent, so the body starts to sign penuaan. This phase is usually marked by the lack of vision, hair growth, reduced stamina and energy. Repotnya, in this age of someone affected by cancer are at risk as a result of the lifestyle that is not healthy sedari a young age. Peak at the Clinical phase, namely in the age of 45 years and above. Because hormone production is reduced to continue to stop at all. In this phase will have a skin dehydration and the body quickly tired. Chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes to become the scourge chilling. Because this process penuaan going through several phases, actually have more time to menghambatnya. The process penuaan 30 percent is influenced by genetic factors / descent, 70 percent more influenced by the lifestyle. Someone who evidently diligent exercise can prevent some diseases kardiovaskuler. Sports activity light on the sidelines, such as calisthenics, running, or the way it is often done quickly. The remote someone suffering from heart disease, stroke and the like, the more blessed life. And happiness that is one of the biggest role penunda penuaan. No person may feel healthy and can be seen well-preserved body dihinggapi when different types of dangerous diseases. Penunda penuaan other factors are diet and nutrition. What we eat determines our bodies. Diet and nutrition are involved in the process of determining someone's health and penuaan. drt / sho
Tips ageless
* Think positive
Positi mind certainly produce a positive action as well. From now try to think positive and dispose far worse mind you.
* Rest enough
Sleep is good enough for the body. Please take 6-8 hours a day of rest for the night. That is not enough sleep will not make a fresh body.
* Laugh
All agree that certain drugs are laughing ageless the most effective. Can also make a laughing matter residue in the lungs and decrease oxygen change with a more fresh. Not only that, laughing also nutritious to lower blood pressure and stress hormones.
* Relax
And an amusement foreverglo one alternative could be to release the dead in mind. Also do relaxation, Care in the spa or massage. Aroma therapy is also good. The important thought was relaxed and calm.
* Avoid stress
What you feel will be reflected on your face. People are happy, face will be seen shining, relax and look younger from the actual age.
* Sports sufficient
Sports is a way to keep ageless and avoid diseases.
* Use protective
The sun is one of the main factors cause penuaan early. Therefore, always use a lotion moisturizer, especially when out of the house, to keep the skin fresh, moist and not sunburn, especially the ultra-violet rays.Sumber : Banjarmasin Post Online
Tips ageless
* Think positive
Positi mind certainly produce a positive action as well. From now try to think positive and dispose far worse mind you.
* Rest enough
Sleep is good enough for the body. Please take 6-8 hours a day of rest for the night. That is not enough sleep will not make a fresh body.
* Laugh
All agree that certain drugs are laughing ageless the most effective. Can also make a laughing matter residue in the lungs and decrease oxygen change with a more fresh. Not only that, laughing also nutritious to lower blood pressure and stress hormones.
* Relax
And an amusement foreverglo one alternative could be to release the dead in mind. Also do relaxation, Care in the spa or massage. Aroma therapy is also good. The important thought was relaxed and calm.
* Avoid stress
What you feel will be reflected on your face. People are happy, face will be seen shining, relax and look younger from the actual age.
* Sports sufficient
Sports is a way to keep ageless and avoid diseases.
* Use protective
The sun is one of the main factors cause penuaan early. Therefore, always use a lotion moisturizer, especially when out of the house, to keep the skin fresh, moist and not sunburn, especially the ultra-violet rays.Sumber : Banjarmasin Post Online
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Blood Type Diet
There are people who can lose weight with a normal diet, but many people who had diet furiously still can not lose weight. I have the ideal body weight ya? Nowadays many methods introduced to reduce body weight, for example: drinking herbal ingredients, steam bath, sedot fat, and diet foods. Diet foods diet is one that is often done by each person. An example of the diet are well known and began to apply a lot of people are blood type diet. Is the blood type diet can be successful? Diet is in the habit of food and beverages are allowed to eat someone's day to day, especially those specifically designed to achieve a certain goal with the issue and how to enter a particular food. While blood is the fluid circulating through the heart, arterial, capillary, and vena carry oxygen and nourishing to the body cells. Blood work as transport O2 and CO2, blood coagulation, the balance of acid and basa, and as a system for the body's immunity. The division of the blood by Karl Landsteiner, among others, is the ABO system and the system that many rhesus recognized and used in general. The system consists of the ABO blood group A, B blood type, AB blood type, and blood type O. While the system is divided into rhesus positive and rhesus negative rhesus. In blood type diet, which will be discussed is the ABO blood group system. Blood type diet raised by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, a naturopatis from Stamford, Connecticut, United States based on the research and experience of patients. There is a saying that there is no ivory that is not cracked, all the research certainly has advantages and disadvantages. Similarly, blood type diet. Blood type diet is just have a lot of theory but pursuivant D'Adamo is still debated by the nutrition experts and other experts. The success of this blood type diet depends on the conditions and needs of the body perpetrators. Diet aims to achieve the health body. Blood type diet is examined by D'Adamo shows the physiological effects of lektin into the body. Lektin protein is commonly found in the food. Each type of food can affect the metabolism of blood composition and so affect the balance of resistance where the body composition of blood has 2 important components, namely antigen and antibody. The reason for ranking the importance of blood by D'Adamo blood type is identified with a surface antigen, so that when red blood cells mentransport foreign substances such as viruses and bacteria, it will be marked as a "comrade" or "enemy". As well as food, if found lektin, it will be marked as the enemy and cause a clot of blood cells together so that the problem of digestive system and metabolism of the food production of insulin and hormone disruption. This is why each of the blood group should have a ranking of food. Classification of food can be divided into food that is very helpful, the food is neutral, and avoided the food. Food is a very useful food react as medicine. Food is food that neutral react as food. Foods that should be avoided is to react as a food poison. Here is the suggestion that consumption can be based on blood type: � Diet for blood group A is the recommended high-carbohydrate foods and low fat. o Food is very useful: spinach, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms gold fish, peanuts, green beans, nuts / soy milk, know, Tempe, rice flour, blueberry, olive oil, gold fish, fish Sardine. o Food neutral: tuna fish, eggs, chickens & ducks, eggs, puyuh, sesame oil, sunflower seeds, peanut pea / pea, maize, tapioca, corn bread, squash, red onion, mentimun, taro, grape, melon, blewah, pear, pomegranate, date palm, strawberry, kesemek, cashew nut, chicken meat. o Food is avoided: meat (beef, duck, rabbit, partridge, lobster, octopus, crabs, eel, frog, shrimp, squid), butter, milk, beef, cheese, ice cream, milk, pure, pickle, eggplant, tomatoes, cassava, potato, orange, coconut / coconut milk, melon, honey, bananas (the king), papaya, pare, soda water. o Sports matches do: yoga, tai chi, meditation. � Diet for blood group B is recommended that milk and dairy products. o Food is very useful: fish, milk, beef, cheese, squash, wheat, essene bread, rice cakes, broccoli, parsnip, carrot, cabbage flowers, eggplant, green tea. o Food neutral: squid, gold fish, tuna, butter, cheese, eggs, chicken, red beans, green beans, rice flour, bread, rice, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, mentimun, squash, potatoes, mustard greens, mango, melon, orange, pear, dates, guava, beef. o Food is avoided: meat (chicken, pork, duck, snail, crab, snail, eel, frog, octopus, lobster), ice cream, eggs (duck, goose, puyuh), peanuts, wheat bread, tomatoes, corn, alpokat, pare, pomegranate, coconut / coconut milk, kesemek, star fruit, pear, water, soda, alcoholic beverages. o Sports matches do: swimming, tennis, walking, and meditation. � Diet for blood group AB is in accordance with their respective matches indivdu against certain types of food. o Food is very useful: Sardine fish, tuna fish, goat milk, egg white (chicken), ricotta cheese, sour cream (low calorie), green tea, red wine. o Food neutral: squid, gold fish, tuna, butter, cheese, eggs, chicken, red beans, green beans, rice flour, bread, rice, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, mentimun, squash, potatoes, mustard greens, mango, melon, orange, pear, dates, guava. o Food is avoided: meat (beef, chicken, duck, pork, goose, lobster, crab, frog), butter, ice cream, having a speech impediment duck, black beans, pickle, corn, star fruit, pomegranate, pare, banana, coconut, kesemek , guava, mango, tomato sauce, coffee, soda, alcoholic beverages. o Sports dicocok who do: sports in the morning. � Diet for blood group O is a food high protein and low carbohydrate. o Food is very useful: broccoli, cassava, waluh, lettuce, seaweed, radish china, blueberry, cerry, guava, curry spices, pea, red beans, all types of onion, seaweed, ginger, kailan, saffron, meat cow. o Food neutral: gold fish, eel, lobster, tuna, Sardine fish, shrimp, eggs (duck & chicken), butter, beans (black, red bean, soybean), Tempe, know, soy milk, cereal, rice, rice cakes, bread, rice, wheat flour, eggplant, tomatoes, squash, chicken, duck meat. o Food is avoided: pork, squid, cuttlefish, oysters, frog, octopus, goose egg, egg puyuh, ice cream, cheese, cow milk, yoghurt, coconut oil, turtle, corn oil, corn, broccoli flowers, peanut, peanut mede, kuaci, laichi, potatoes, mentimun, cabbage flowers, fungi, blewah, mandarin orange, plantain, pare, white wine, soy sauce, coffee, liquor. o Sports matches do: aerobic.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Healthy Diet, Healthy Body, Ideal Body!
Introduction : Ideal body every woman is a desire, to achieve the ideal body can not be undone with a healthy lifestyle such as: Eat healthy, the pattern of eating, the body of a fitness exercise, avoid smoking, avoid alcohol beverages, avoid not sleep habits (begadang), etc. With a healthy lifestyle, not just the body will be ideal, but the body shape. Discussion of the topic is limited to the well-balanced diet with a selection of food is appropriate and healthy. What is a balanced diet? Diet is a balanced diet with a balanced composition of food following the guidelines recommended a balanced Nutrition in Indonesia, such as the composition of carbohydrate 50-60% of total calories, Protein 10-20% fat and 20-30% of the total calories needed by an adult with activity are. How to achieve the ideal body? Actually not hard to get the ideal body (body weight & high body). Before we need to know first our ideal body weight (kg) with: Higher Board (TB) cm - 100 - 10% (TB-100). When your body weight at this time exceeds the ideal body weight, they need to be Feed food restriction (limiting the number of calories that go) with the goal of a decrease in body weight naturally � to 1 kg / sunday. With food gorengan limit or alter habits gorengan with food to eat fruit / vegetables. Or you can also stop ngemil practices. The best solution to lower body weight over your ideal is a limit to the amount of food consumed and exercise regularly. We can limit the amount of food consumed or choose food processing, with the right to get healthy food. Conversely, when your body weight at this time under the ideal body weight, then you must add the portion of food on a regular basis in order to get additional weight � - 1 kg perminggu. Healthy Food Ingredients list: 1. Complex carbohydrate Grains are part of the human food since the centuries the back: red Rice, bread wheat, barley, oat, Millet, couscous, buckwheat and quinoa. Rice can overcome digestive disturbances and reduce the risk of stomach and bowel cancer. Cereals rich in soluble fiber and can not dissolve prevent constipation / irregularity, binding them in dangerous and cholesterol. The starch in grains body absorbed slowly to maintain the balance of blood sugar. Grain source of protein, low fat, rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. 2. Pod-polongan Rich in protein low-fat, fiber and vitamin source. For cooking should use pod-polongan dry because in the process of cooking is usually added sugar and salt. Examples: tennis, dry beans, Pinto, mung bean or chickpea. How to cook: rendam first at least 8 hours before use in cooking. Rendam in fresh cold water overnight. The same morning and the next tiriskan Rinse. Boil for 10 minutes to boil, then boiled again with a small fire until beans are really mature. (Beans need not be soaked lentil) Do not consume pod-polongan in raw or half-cooked because it can cause allergies. For the first time-consuming ghost polongan new type for the first time in the first try a small amount to ensure you are not the type of allergy to the page. For those who have a high fiber content acid should consume pod-polongan in the number of small (25 grams) and is not recommended every day. 3. Sprout
Comes from the shoot-polongan pod and seeds. Gynecology shoot more nutrients such as vitamin C to its contents reached 30%, and vitamin B is 30%. 4. Sea plants Arame such as seaweed, kombu, wakame and jijiki contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are able to maintain skin health, hair and nails 5. Nuts and seeds nuts and seeds is a substitute for meat and cheese that is very good. In addition to rich protein, nuts and seeds can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. For example, walnut, almond, cashew nuts, peanuts. 6. Herbs & spices fresh spices Spice plants have an effect clean system body, smooth digestion. Some herbs spices: coriander, ginger, turmeric, the key meeting, lime leaf, caraway, Serai leaves, red onion, red pepper basil, garlic, ginger and spices 7. Oil and apple vinegar Organic olive oil, sunflower seed oil, safflower oil interest: the womb have essential fatty acid and vitamin E is good for the heart and skin. Because the oil contains high calories, use the oil in a small amount (1 / 2 SM). Use apple vinegar as a natural penambah taste sour. 8. Water 1 glass of drinking warm water with sliced lemon orange bagun sleeping at the time in the morning is recommended in the Detox program. You should not wait to feel thirsty come to drink, you should be drinking white water little by little every day even if not feel thirsty. Most people do not drink enough liquids in the day, which marked the changing color of dark yellow urine. 9. Fruits & vegetables Fruits and vegetables have higher nutrient niali, many contain vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals that phytonutrien very important. Gynecology and kaliumnya fiber but also high and the remaining material kalorinya low. We should try that fruit and vegetables that we eat in the fresh and not with the substance terkontaminasi preservative and pesticide. Fruit that is not fresh / storage that may reduce the actual substance gizinya. Processing can make vitamin become lost. It is recommended to consume raw vegetables in the gut is able to clean more efficiently. Raw vegetables have higher fiber content. Fresh fruit: apples, oranges balinese, salak, rambutan, jambu air, Markisa, watermelon, duku, mango, guava, papaya, star fruit, sirsak, mangosteen, kiwi, pineapple, pear, strawberry, melon Vegetables eaten raw: Leaf lettuce, basil, red cabbage, carrots (half-baked), paprika, water lettuce, cabbage white, mentimun, spring onion, bean sprouts, radis, poh-Pohan. Vegetables eaten cooked (steamed) Broccoli, eggplant, squash, spinach, radish, bean, ginseng leaves, cassava leaves, vegetable marrow, young corn, cabbage fella, bit, kangkung, kecipir, pea, melinjo leaves, leaves katuk, papaya leaves, pumpkin. Pod-polongan boiled / steamed: bean, pea, pete, soybean, peanut Tolo, red beans, Lamtoro, green beans. 10. Fish and chicken It is recommended to consume fresh fish does not tercemar mercury (mercury is a heavy metal found in the sea of dirty / tercemar waste and factory ship) fish kakap, kembung, appeal, Tuna, Marlin, row, patin, tengiri, Bawal, belanak, gindara, Gurame. Avoid canned fish in the bersodium with a preservative, and high oil saturated. Chicken fat content have a more low-and hormone-free chicken compared with the country. Remove the skin before processed chicken, chicken breasts have a discount rate lower than fat discount chicken thigh Eggs less easy terkontaminasi recommended because the bacteria do not cook when cooked. 11. Non-dairy products Cheese, goat / sheep, rice milk, soy milk 12. Drink Tea
All types of herbal tea (green tea, mint tea, tea echinaceae etc.), the honey dilarutkan water, orange perasan lemon, add to the image of a sense 13. Food other out, and Tempe, tauco, canola oil, olive oil, sesame oil, Nori / seaweed sheets for sushi, miso (in japan), mustard (mustard), yoghurt Cooking techniques During the weight reduction program, we avoid the gorengan, engineering steam vegetables half cooked / baked, flush with boiling water that will be raw vegetables we eat, use the microwave, menumis, grill, poach and short The portion of the amount eaten Adjust the portion of the day you eat the day, when you have a body fat if you can reduce the portion of food, while well-ideal if you set the amount of the portion of food that you do not raise your body weight. Pattern eat a healthy balanced diet The pattern is a well-balanced meal nutrition food we hours a day consisting of carbohydrate, protein and fat only use material makananan option (complex carbohydrates such as rice rice, oat, wheat bread, vegetable protein know without preservative, limited animal protein fish and chicken, fat olive or olives, and cook only technique that uses steam, boiled, grilled and tumis. The portion of food depends on body weight at that time. If you are overweight if you can limit the per portion: For example Rice rice 2 small bowl / day @ (100 grams) 1 sheet of bread wheat Vegetables (2 cup vegetable stew + 1 cup of fresh vegetables) 300 grams of fresh fruit (3 portions of fresh fruit that consists of 2-3 kinds of fruit / day) Boiled chicken breast without the skin cut 2 @ 50 grams Salmon @ 50 grams Know without preservative 2 pieces @ 50 grams 1 cup small yoghurt 1 cup soy milk Organic olive oil / canola oil: 1-2 tbs / day Conclusion: With a weight reduction program with the way the food intake restriction guidelines and Nutrition balanced exercise regularly, then you will be slim and in shape without disrupting daily activities of the day. Congratulations berdiet healthy! (dr. Nanny Djaja, SpGK - Staff FKUAJ Nutrition Science)
Comes from the shoot-polongan pod and seeds. Gynecology shoot more nutrients such as vitamin C to its contents reached 30%, and vitamin B is 30%. 4. Sea plants Arame such as seaweed, kombu, wakame and jijiki contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are able to maintain skin health, hair and nails 5. Nuts and seeds nuts and seeds is a substitute for meat and cheese that is very good. In addition to rich protein, nuts and seeds can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. For example, walnut, almond, cashew nuts, peanuts. 6. Herbs & spices fresh spices Spice plants have an effect clean system body, smooth digestion. Some herbs spices: coriander, ginger, turmeric, the key meeting, lime leaf, caraway, Serai leaves, red onion, red pepper basil, garlic, ginger and spices 7. Oil and apple vinegar Organic olive oil, sunflower seed oil, safflower oil interest: the womb have essential fatty acid and vitamin E is good for the heart and skin. Because the oil contains high calories, use the oil in a small amount (1 / 2 SM). Use apple vinegar as a natural penambah taste sour. 8. Water 1 glass of drinking warm water with sliced lemon orange bagun sleeping at the time in the morning is recommended in the Detox program. You should not wait to feel thirsty come to drink, you should be drinking white water little by little every day even if not feel thirsty. Most people do not drink enough liquids in the day, which marked the changing color of dark yellow urine. 9. Fruits & vegetables Fruits and vegetables have higher nutrient niali, many contain vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals that phytonutrien very important. Gynecology and kaliumnya fiber but also high and the remaining material kalorinya low. We should try that fruit and vegetables that we eat in the fresh and not with the substance terkontaminasi preservative and pesticide. Fruit that is not fresh / storage that may reduce the actual substance gizinya. Processing can make vitamin become lost. It is recommended to consume raw vegetables in the gut is able to clean more efficiently. Raw vegetables have higher fiber content. Fresh fruit: apples, oranges balinese, salak, rambutan, jambu air, Markisa, watermelon, duku, mango, guava, papaya, star fruit, sirsak, mangosteen, kiwi, pineapple, pear, strawberry, melon Vegetables eaten raw: Leaf lettuce, basil, red cabbage, carrots (half-baked), paprika, water lettuce, cabbage white, mentimun, spring onion, bean sprouts, radis, poh-Pohan. Vegetables eaten cooked (steamed) Broccoli, eggplant, squash, spinach, radish, bean, ginseng leaves, cassava leaves, vegetable marrow, young corn, cabbage fella, bit, kangkung, kecipir, pea, melinjo leaves, leaves katuk, papaya leaves, pumpkin. Pod-polongan boiled / steamed: bean, pea, pete, soybean, peanut Tolo, red beans, Lamtoro, green beans. 10. Fish and chicken It is recommended to consume fresh fish does not tercemar mercury (mercury is a heavy metal found in the sea of dirty / tercemar waste and factory ship) fish kakap, kembung, appeal, Tuna, Marlin, row, patin, tengiri, Bawal, belanak, gindara, Gurame. Avoid canned fish in the bersodium with a preservative, and high oil saturated. Chicken fat content have a more low-and hormone-free chicken compared with the country. Remove the skin before processed chicken, chicken breasts have a discount rate lower than fat discount chicken thigh Eggs less easy terkontaminasi recommended because the bacteria do not cook when cooked. 11. Non-dairy products Cheese, goat / sheep, rice milk, soy milk 12. Drink Tea
All types of herbal tea (green tea, mint tea, tea echinaceae etc.), the honey dilarutkan water, orange perasan lemon, add to the image of a sense 13. Food other out, and Tempe, tauco, canola oil, olive oil, sesame oil, Nori / seaweed sheets for sushi, miso (in japan), mustard (mustard), yoghurt Cooking techniques During the weight reduction program, we avoid the gorengan, engineering steam vegetables half cooked / baked, flush with boiling water that will be raw vegetables we eat, use the microwave, menumis, grill, poach and short The portion of the amount eaten Adjust the portion of the day you eat the day, when you have a body fat if you can reduce the portion of food, while well-ideal if you set the amount of the portion of food that you do not raise your body weight. Pattern eat a healthy balanced diet The pattern is a well-balanced meal nutrition food we hours a day consisting of carbohydrate, protein and fat only use material makananan option (complex carbohydrates such as rice rice, oat, wheat bread, vegetable protein know without preservative, limited animal protein fish and chicken, fat olive or olives, and cook only technique that uses steam, boiled, grilled and tumis. The portion of food depends on body weight at that time. If you are overweight if you can limit the per portion: For example Rice rice 2 small bowl / day @ (100 grams) 1 sheet of bread wheat Vegetables (2 cup vegetable stew + 1 cup of fresh vegetables) 300 grams of fresh fruit (3 portions of fresh fruit that consists of 2-3 kinds of fruit / day) Boiled chicken breast without the skin cut 2 @ 50 grams Salmon @ 50 grams Know without preservative 2 pieces @ 50 grams 1 cup small yoghurt 1 cup soy milk Organic olive oil / canola oil: 1-2 tbs / day Conclusion: With a weight reduction program with the way the food intake restriction guidelines and Nutrition balanced exercise regularly, then you will be slim and in shape without disrupting daily activities of the day. Congratulations berdiet healthy! (dr. Nanny Djaja, SpGK - Staff FKUAJ Nutrition Science)
Lets Get a Perfect Body�Girls
Do you will look healthy and fresh, when doing sports and maintain a regular pattern of eating nutritious. Maybe you want to get the body that contains more but the results are not visible, although you have to do sports and keep the food menu. This can happen because there are some small errors that you need to fix, see below. Make clear that sports program. If you often do fitness, try to ask the instructor how long you have to exercise every day and what the movement can be formed body. Any sport that becomes your choice, increase the intensity and porsinya 2 times than usual. If you are a normal practice with the dumbbell or ballast 2 kg then try to change the weight of 4 kg. But should be done gradually, not until your body injuries due to drastic changes. Make sports heating for 10 minutes, does not need to berlama-old, that important body musculature is ready to be moved and avoid cramps during sports later. Biasakan rest secukupnya course, after one set. When you have finished practice musculature the top of the body, cepatlah move to the bottom of the body, not too long time difference. This will burn more calories and work the heart will be more effective in pumping blood to all directions. Do sports that strengthen the heart, such as choosing up and down the stairs rather than using the elevator in the office. Kakilah way to buy lunch, this is you can make healthy heart. Choose exercise that you can move the whole body. Perform the exercise on the body that is rarely driven. If you wear shoes all day is entitled to the 'exhausting' feet, kurangilah portion of the exercise to concentrate on the thigh and calf. But you have to switch on the type of exercises that concentrate on the top of the body. Try a new sport such as rollerblade, or even climbing rafting. Types of exercise that is adventureous like this will make your spirit and enjoy the time berolah sport. If you always do the above, then in a short time your body will look more compact and contain fresh. Interested to try it out? (
Natural way ageless
ALL people certainly want to look ageless, that can see more from the young age even though the process penuaan running. Not surprisingly, many different ways so that any appearance made staying in shape. The desire to stay young and healthy appear already appeared since many centuries past. Egyptian berendam real belief in the mud because the mud can tighten skin. Until the birth-tale about a waterfall can create a durable young people in various countries. Until now, medical experts and biotechnology are also part mystery tertantang to delay too. But the key to stay healthy and well-preserved that in our lives every day. According to dr Vinna Dwiana Sawitri SpKK, penuaan process can not be avoided or prevented. However, there are several ways that can be done in order to keep the body healthy and ageless look. Medical specialist skin and venereal RS ennaq Saleh said that Banjarmasin, penuaan process started at the age of 25 years, since young for that age should maintain health. Keep them in eating patterns. Mengonsumi food should be processed with its own material that is still fresh and natural, do not eat food that all IM or fast food, including junk food. White water to drink at least eight glasses a day, enough rest and exercise regularly, including efforts to ensure that the body remains healthy and in shape. Sun exposure is skin affect health, for that explanation is that the sun should wear protective Sunblock cream or skin and do not forget to wear a hat or umbrella. If you drive a helmet mask. Please note, due process penuaan many diseases that threaten, such as diabetes, osteoporosis, hypertension and the like. Not to mention the various side effects of medicines consumed since a young age. Side effects this can be a diversity of diseases that are not natural in our young age. Plus the condition of the body somatopause, the time in which the body stops producing hormones that are necessary as testoteron, progesteron, estrogen and the like. At the Adam, this time with a more popular andropause, while the women known as menopause. Both equally ditakuti, because in addition to invite different types of disease penuaan also reduce the beauty of appearance. Both the men and women, loss of hormone activity will decrease the body. They are no longer at the sesegar not enter the somatopause. Indeed, quite a lot of drugs and medical services that promise to delay penuaan. But just how natural is the best. There are several programs in which well-preserved we can apply them in daily living, including skin care, maintaining the body to stay slim and keep eating patterns. Sumber : Banjarmasin Post Online
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Maintaining Health in the Workplace
They were a lot of work behind the desk often complain concerning the condition of the body, began to weary-weary body weight is increased. If you are like, advice for berolah sport and start a regular pattern of life dilontarkan often by relatives or colleagues. But the bustle of the higher people do not have time to think the food will disantap especially for sport, the grace and simply filling disantap. For that reason that the body remains prime condition, there are several things you can do are: 1.Mengontrol food to be the first step that can be done, among others, with attention to how the composition will be healthy or even more if a stock's house (when in the office where you work is not available catering). Automatically, in addition to the womb knowing what is in your food, take stock of the house is also a step to scrimp on food and health is guaranteed. 2.Demikian also to reduce the snack and consume more water and white. 3.Fasilitas such as telephone, computer and internet, printer and others who are above the work table to make people rarely go from place duduknya. Auto body will make a rare move, and decreased body condition. Therefore occasionally beranjaklah's seat just to see the outside or to communicate with the other colleagues. 4.Ada good idea to use the stairs when the floor dituju are only one or two levels above / below. Calculate count this step could be a small sport that can be done. 5.Saat working with computers, with Sit upright position, do not stretch to cover to reach the key board or to read any posts on the screen. Often and often-changing body position or do peregangan on the hands, neck, legs and other muscles so that is not rigid.(Info-sehat)
enough time to sleep
Should be sufficient time to sleep around 7-8 hours, not less or even beyond. A research reveals, the old age who spend more time to sleep, may increase kadar kolestol and lack koleksterol good or HDL. People who sleep less than seven hours each night or sleeping exceed eight hours a possible heart disease. The reason for not yet known. Likewise notes Dr. Julia F. van den Berg and the team researchers from Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam journal Psychosomatic Medicine. To investigate whether cholesterol as a cause, the research team then compare the period of sleep and cholesterol levels, including the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol of 768 men and women aged 57-97 years. The researchers using actigraphy to measure the length of time Sleep used as watches, to follow the movement and indicates a more reliable measure of the time someone sleeping. The volunteers are asked to put on the tool is about 5 to seven days for 24 hours. None of the participants allowed to take medicine penurun cholesterol. Overall, Van den Berg and the research team found, the person who more sleep have cholesterol level is higher. To persons aged less than 65 years, spent more time in bed is the main cause. Compared with people aged 70 and above, with the fact bedtime they are more split, so that less time to sleep eventually cause the cholesterol level is lower. The possibility that people spend more time in bed less active, increasing the likelihood of rate increase cholesterol, the researchers note. However, the relationship between sleep time is in pieces with cholesterol Low explained more difficult. Likely because there are factors other diseases, which is hidden. (Reuters/ri)
prevent dry lips and broken
To be able to overcome the problem, dry lips and broken in pieces, we need to know what causes dry lips and broken in pieces. The causes include the following:
* Air pollution and dust
* Changes in temperature that can make your mouth can not adapt so that the broken edge
* Food that is too sour or salty
* Smoking, drinking habits coffee or drink alcohol
* The lack of consumption of fruit or vegetables
* Poor drinking water and white
* Using cosmetics kimianya the material is too hard or because of allergy to a certain cosmetics
* Pasta teeth that contain a lot of detergent
* Habit lick lips with saliva
After knowing the causes of dry lips and broken, we should make prevention so that we do not feel broken lips that can make us less confident. Some ways to prevent dry lips and broken out, among others, as follows: * Use lipbalm containing sun screen and moisturizer The sun is one of the factors cause keringnya lips so that the use of sun screen on the lips to be important. As well as a moisturizer is needed to kelembapan lips remain awake during a whole day event. * Select the appropriate lipstick and a moisturizer When buying cosmetics, note abortion. Select the lipstick or cosmetics that contain emollient and of natural and contain moisturizer. * Basahi mouth feel dry when the white water Lips do not dampen the menjilati lips, as in the saliva gland and there is a enzyme that can create irritation in the mouth so that the lips will be dry. Just use water to drink a glass of white or white water to wet lips.
* Drink 8 glasses of water each day white
This can prevent the occurrence of dehydration that can create dry mouth.
* Immediately remove the remaining lipstick before sleep
The rest of the lipstick can be cleaned using a soft toothbrush and scrub brush lips to lips with the movement to play for a few minutes. Can also use a soft towel to dicelupkan in warm water to clean the mouth.
* The consumption of vegetables and fruit
Choose fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C, B, E and minerals. Water that are on the lips also helps the body avoid dehydration. About why the fruit and the actual benefit in any fruit, you can read in the article: The consumption of fruit for Health
* Lifestyle avoid smoking or drinking alcohol
Chemicals found in cigarettes can cause the color black on the lips. While alcohol can result in dehydration of dry lips.
* Oleskan lipsalve at night before bed
In addition to using lipsalve the sale, you can use honey as a natural moisturizer that can provide nutrition to the lips.
* Doing pemijatan lips using olive oil
Pemijatan will help blood circulation in the mouth so that a smooth lips remain healthy. You can also use olive oil to make pengolesan on the lips at the time squeeze your mouth.
Know the cause of a problem with dry lips and broken in pieces and how to prevent, of course you will be more attention to the tiny organs in your face this. Enchain beautiful face and will be your own.
* Air pollution and dust
* Changes in temperature that can make your mouth can not adapt so that the broken edge
* Food that is too sour or salty
* Smoking, drinking habits coffee or drink alcohol
* The lack of consumption of fruit or vegetables
* Poor drinking water and white
* Using cosmetics kimianya the material is too hard or because of allergy to a certain cosmetics
* Pasta teeth that contain a lot of detergent
* Habit lick lips with saliva
After knowing the causes of dry lips and broken, we should make prevention so that we do not feel broken lips that can make us less confident. Some ways to prevent dry lips and broken out, among others, as follows: * Use lipbalm containing sun screen and moisturizer The sun is one of the factors cause keringnya lips so that the use of sun screen on the lips to be important. As well as a moisturizer is needed to kelembapan lips remain awake during a whole day event. * Select the appropriate lipstick and a moisturizer When buying cosmetics, note abortion. Select the lipstick or cosmetics that contain emollient and of natural and contain moisturizer. * Basahi mouth feel dry when the white water Lips do not dampen the menjilati lips, as in the saliva gland and there is a enzyme that can create irritation in the mouth so that the lips will be dry. Just use water to drink a glass of white or white water to wet lips.
* Drink 8 glasses of water each day white
This can prevent the occurrence of dehydration that can create dry mouth.
* Immediately remove the remaining lipstick before sleep
The rest of the lipstick can be cleaned using a soft toothbrush and scrub brush lips to lips with the movement to play for a few minutes. Can also use a soft towel to dicelupkan in warm water to clean the mouth.
* The consumption of vegetables and fruit
Choose fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C, B, E and minerals. Water that are on the lips also helps the body avoid dehydration. About why the fruit and the actual benefit in any fruit, you can read in the article: The consumption of fruit for Health
* Lifestyle avoid smoking or drinking alcohol
Chemicals found in cigarettes can cause the color black on the lips. While alcohol can result in dehydration of dry lips.
* Oleskan lipsalve at night before bed
In addition to using lipsalve the sale, you can use honey as a natural moisturizer that can provide nutrition to the lips.
* Doing pemijatan lips using olive oil
Pemijatan will help blood circulation in the mouth so that a smooth lips remain healthy. You can also use olive oil to make pengolesan on the lips at the time squeeze your mouth.
Know the cause of a problem with dry lips and broken in pieces and how to prevent, of course you will be more attention to the tiny organs in your face this. Enchain beautiful face and will be your own.
The Relation of Body Mass Index to the Vital Capacity of Young Adults
Obesity is one of the risk factors for many metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Vital capacity measurement is one of the health procedures to show lung function. Vital capacity can be predicted by knowing age and height. Vital capacity percentage shows the result of vital capacity in measurement compared with the predicted vital capacity. Sixty six healthy volunteers (n=66) are used in this study. The results show that vital capacity percentage are higher in normal-thin volunteers with % RBW (Relative Body Weight) <>0,05).By: Rizaldy Pinzon; Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada
Bathroom with Shower Mempercantik Face
In fact, there are many benefits of using a bath with shower. First, it shows our concern for the environment by utilizing the maximum water. Because the use of water during a bath with shower is much more sparing use of our second gayung. Manfaat, beauty is to our skin. Why? Because using the water we can get more negative ion is beneficial for our skin. In air-free, actually have negative and positive ion is united. With the water spray, then the negative ion and positive ion split. The positive ion more weight, making this fast ion fell while the negative ion can float in the air. That is why we feel more comfortable and fresh while at or near the waterfall when breathe air after the rain because there are so many negative ion in the air. In an experiment, the number of negative ion increased 10-fold after the shower is used for 5 minutes and continue to increase with the length of shower. But keep in mind that the hot steam can thus increase the positive ion, when we should use the bathroom fan or open the window so that the air exchange occurs. Use a shower can also provide massage in the face so that we face we can breathe better. So to get a good effect, should not use the shower upright, but with a slope of about 60 degrees. So, no one tried to use the shower when the tub as therapy for the face, we also as a statement of our concern for the environment.
eyes can not brake and no sense of drowsiness. How so you can enjoy a sound sleep at night?
Do not over-eat at night Try to eat so you do not pass the night at 19:00. Belly full of the body's digestive process is still doing, so that the body has not been rested. Even though food is not heavy, reduce the consumption of snacks in the evening. Do not perform activities that are mentally and seize the mind during sleep Activities or jobs that require consideration can cause you to sleep difficult. The debate is conducted at night has also caused a similar effect. So, do not let the activities carried out after 20:30 pm. Bath with hot water This activity can make the body more rileks so you can sleep more quickly. Bath with hot water can you do this 1 hour before sleep. Drink hot milk This can also help the body more relaxed and you sleep more soundly. Turn off the lights When the bed, turn off your room lights. When you to sleep the night and want to sleep more quickly, then you have strived to be in the room half an hour from the time you set, turn off the lights and try to pejamkan eyes. Use wewangian or slow music You can use aromatherapy to be more quiet. If possible, turn on music that can help slow your rileks. Read books Books that should not read books that incriminating mind as a romantic story books. Instead, choose books that include things that inspiring. Feel your body While in bed, your body feels. This will help you realize that you're ready to sleep. Set breath With interest in the breath and manage them, and you can to the same time you have to sleep soundly. Write a Book Daily (Diary) Write a diary before sleep can also make you enjoy a sound sleep. With the diary writing, as though you are downloading your mind and will ease the burden of thinking that makes your mind more calm and tidurpun become more profound.
overcome stress
This is indeed unavoidable. However, remember that health is the most important, because the mind can damage wrought your health. Rather than continue to feel depressed you with this, you can do so the following tips can reduce the burden of thought. Stop complain If we continue to work only about us, our minds will be more depressed and jobs will not be completed also is not it? Try to find a little positive value that can be taken, just consider this as a learning tool for you. Or think about things that will be interesting when you do receive a salary. Determine priorities Indeed, we can not do the work all at once, then specify where the former is more important and must be completed. Do not think about another job, because it will make you disturbed concentration and slower job done. Stay rileks and rest Sesibuk anything you, when hours of rest, use the most of the time to relax. When possible, use the rest for you to sleep at least 15 minutes. This can make your body and mind more fresh. Eat nutritious food Do not forget to keep your attention to food nutrition in order to remain tercukupi. Adequate nutrition can make the body more healthy and vibrant. Keep consume enough fruit. Return on time If the work can be done tomorrow and you are not required overtime, return on time. This will help you get more time to rest and relax with the family. Requested leave and refreshing When you're very tired, try to ask your leave. Use your vacation to visit the places you like, such as roads to the mountain or beach. When possible, Invite your child or your family to vacation together. Find another job This is one of the options if you feel it is not longer perform your job. Try to find another job that is different and you like. But think about this before with the previous mature.
benefits of avocado - avocado or avokad comes from the Aztek is ahuacatl. This is indeed the fruit comes from the tribal region where the Aztek came in the Central America and Mexico. Originally started this fruit introduced by Mart�n Fern�ndez de Enciso, a leading Spanish army, in the year 1519 to the European people. At the same time also, the Spanish troops that colonize Central America also introduced the chocolate, corn and potatoes to the people of Europe. Since that is the fruit or avocado avokad start assigned and known by many people dunia.Manfaat avocado Almost every part of the avocado tree has a benefit. Avocado useful wood as fuel. The seeds and leaves can be used in the clothing industry. Tree bark can be used to dye the chocolate products made of leather. In the field of beauty, avocado fruits are often used as a face mask. The fruit is considered to be able to make the skin more taut. Avocado fruit is also useful for the treatment of hair for example, when doing creambath. In addition, as the fruit, avocado can also certainly enjoyed as a delicious meal. Many of the dishes served with avocado as part of the meal is. Rich in substance Benefit avocado Avocado or avokad womb have a very high nutrition. Avocado avokad or at least contain 11 vitamins and 14 minerals that are useful. Avocado is rich in protein, riboflavin (or known as vitamin B2), niasin (or known as vitamin B3), potasium (better known as potassium), and vitamin C. In addition, avocado contains fat that is high enough. But do not be afraid because the fat in the avocado is similar to the fat in olive oil is very healthy. Dikandung fat in the avocado is not saturated fat had a positive impact in the body. Fat in avocado is also used in making soap and cosmetics. Here is some explanation or substance in avocado avokad useful for our bodies:
Vitamin E and vitamin A
Vitamin E is known as a vitamin that is useful to refine the skin. Mixture of vitamin E and vitamin A is very useful in skin care. The combination vitamin E and vitamin A to make a chewy skin, eliminate wrinkle, making the skin look young and fresh.
Potasium or potassium
Potasium (also known as potassium) in the avocado can reduce depression, prevent precipitation in the body fluids and can lower blood pressure.
No saturated fat
In avocado have a high vegetable fat that is not saturated. Fat is useful to decrease the level of blood cholesterol (LDL), which means that the disease can prevent stroke, high blood, cancer or heart disease. No saturated fat in the avocado is also easily digested so the body can provide the most in the body. No saturated fat in the avocado also contains anti-bacterial substances and anti-fungus.
Acid oleat
Oleat acid is a very powerful antioxidants that can capture free radicals in the body due to pollution. Free radicals in the body will cause a variety of health complaints.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin this nutritious sidrom to ease pre-menstrual or pre-menstruasi (PMS), which generally affects women of every month.
Iron and Copper substances
Substance is required in the process of regeneration of blood, so to prevent the disease anemia.
Zinc and mineral Mangaan
This is useful elements for ease high blood pressure, heart monitor and keep tap nerve function remain awake.
Healthy living with avocado
In some parts of the world, the fruit is regarded as one of the rare and exotic fruits. Avocado may have played an important role in your diet food. After many feel that the meal contains avocado or avokad, you may be able to say that the fruit is really a lot of benefits and also a delicious fruit!
Vitamin E and vitamin A
Vitamin E is known as a vitamin that is useful to refine the skin. Mixture of vitamin E and vitamin A is very useful in skin care. The combination vitamin E and vitamin A to make a chewy skin, eliminate wrinkle, making the skin look young and fresh.
Potasium or potassium
Potasium (also known as potassium) in the avocado can reduce depression, prevent precipitation in the body fluids and can lower blood pressure.
No saturated fat
In avocado have a high vegetable fat that is not saturated. Fat is useful to decrease the level of blood cholesterol (LDL), which means that the disease can prevent stroke, high blood, cancer or heart disease. No saturated fat in the avocado is also easily digested so the body can provide the most in the body. No saturated fat in the avocado also contains anti-bacterial substances and anti-fungus.
Acid oleat
Oleat acid is a very powerful antioxidants that can capture free radicals in the body due to pollution. Free radicals in the body will cause a variety of health complaints.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin this nutritious sidrom to ease pre-menstrual or pre-menstruasi (PMS), which generally affects women of every month.
Iron and Copper substances
Substance is required in the process of regeneration of blood, so to prevent the disease anemia.
Zinc and mineral Mangaan
This is useful elements for ease high blood pressure, heart monitor and keep tap nerve function remain awake.
Healthy living with avocado
In some parts of the world, the fruit is regarded as one of the rare and exotic fruits. Avocado may have played an important role in your diet food. After many feel that the meal contains avocado or avokad, you may be able to say that the fruit is really a lot of benefits and also a delicious fruit!
Monday, January 12, 2009
A cup of tea
Benefits of Tea
Benefits of tea are as antioxidants, repair cells damaged, refine skin, streamline the body, prevent cancer, prevent heart disease, reduce cholesterol in the blood, the blood circulation swing. So, do not wonder if this drink have been used as the drink is rich in a cup of tea manfaat.Zat useful Therefore, other than as a soft drink, tea can also be used as a therapy for health. If we drink a cup of tea, then at least we know best what substance is in a cup of tea we drink. Substances are found in tea, so make them known as the rich benefit drink? Here are some of the main substances that are useful in a cup of tea. Polifenol Polifenol in the form of tea katekin and flavanol. This compound functions as antioxidants to capture free radicals in the body is also effective to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body. Free radicals in the body because of our environment tercemar air pollution and also from the food we eat.
Vitamin E
In one cup of tea contains vitamin E is approximately 100-200 IU a day is a need for a human body. This works to keep the number of heart health and make the skin becomes smoother.
Vitamin C
This vitamin works as immunity or resistance to the human body. In addition, vitamin C also function as antioxidants that are required for the resilience of the human body against diseases.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is in the form of vitamin betakaroten is needed can tercukupi body.
Types of Tea
Substance-substances found in tea is very easy teroksidasi. When the tea leaves exposed to sunlight, the oxidation process also occurs. The type of tea is generally known in the community is the green tea, Oolong tea (such as Java Oolung tea / Ulung), black tea and white tea. Green tea has the most proactive in the process as well pembuatannya, this type of tea is not dried with the sun, but use a special drying technique. While other types of tea is processed with fermentation.
The substance in the Poor Better
In addition to the benefits of tea, there is also a substance in tea that result in less good for the body. Substances are caffeine. Caffeine in tea (tehine) can cause the absorption of food to be obstructed. Delivery is safe to consume caffeine in one day is 750 mg / day, equivalent to 5 tea cup-sized 200 ml.
Avoid worth at Tea Drinking
There is also a must see you when you drink tea to be a useful substances in the body is not lost, among others:
Do not drinking tea during meals or after kerena substances in the food can be stolen by substance Stimulation tea.
* Do not drink tea at an empty stomach can increase the production of stomach acid.
* Avoid drinking tea mixed with sugar because of the oxygen-oxygen into the dikandungnya reduced.
* Do not drink tea that night because it already has many of its substance teroksidasi so trite and does not affect the body for good.
* Avoid drinking tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because caffeine and substances Stimulation tea can stimulate the uterus contraction. In addition to breastfeeding mothers will disrupt the production of milk gland or breastfeeding.
How Menyeduh Tea
That does not lose in the process pembuatannya is a way menyeduh tea. To avoid the error when menyeduh tea, you should consider how menyeduh tea whether it is correct or not. Because of this error can cause the tea does not provide benefits for people who meminumnya. To menyeduh tea, use boiling water bersuhu 80 degrees centigrade, do not use water with a temperature higher than 80 degrees because it can make us lose the benefits of tea.
In addition, the tea can be mixed with milk. Tea mixed with milk, tea or milk, often known to reduce the effects Stimulation of calcium milk tea because the oxygen-binding substance in tea Stimulation.
Another way is to add lemon that often we know as the Lemon Tea. Lemon will provide protection for digestion, because the citric acid in the lemon to prevent the occurrence of crust on the intestinal wall.
Throughout the world there are many ways to drink tea. In the UK, a member of the United Kingdom have a habit to drink a cup of tea every afternoon. In other parts of the world tea drinking habits are also made. All depends on your habits and your culture. But do not forget to consider some of the instructions mentioned above at the tea. Enjoy a cup of tea!
Benefits of tea are as antioxidants, repair cells damaged, refine skin, streamline the body, prevent cancer, prevent heart disease, reduce cholesterol in the blood, the blood circulation swing. So, do not wonder if this drink have been used as the drink is rich in a cup of tea manfaat.Zat useful Therefore, other than as a soft drink, tea can also be used as a therapy for health. If we drink a cup of tea, then at least we know best what substance is in a cup of tea we drink. Substances are found in tea, so make them known as the rich benefit drink? Here are some of the main substances that are useful in a cup of tea. Polifenol Polifenol in the form of tea katekin and flavanol. This compound functions as antioxidants to capture free radicals in the body is also effective to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body. Free radicals in the body because of our environment tercemar air pollution and also from the food we eat.
Vitamin E
In one cup of tea contains vitamin E is approximately 100-200 IU a day is a need for a human body. This works to keep the number of heart health and make the skin becomes smoother.
Vitamin C
This vitamin works as immunity or resistance to the human body. In addition, vitamin C also function as antioxidants that are required for the resilience of the human body against diseases.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is in the form of vitamin betakaroten is needed can tercukupi body.
Types of Tea
Substance-substances found in tea is very easy teroksidasi. When the tea leaves exposed to sunlight, the oxidation process also occurs. The type of tea is generally known in the community is the green tea, Oolong tea (such as Java Oolung tea / Ulung), black tea and white tea. Green tea has the most proactive in the process as well pembuatannya, this type of tea is not dried with the sun, but use a special drying technique. While other types of tea is processed with fermentation.
The substance in the Poor Better
In addition to the benefits of tea, there is also a substance in tea that result in less good for the body. Substances are caffeine. Caffeine in tea (tehine) can cause the absorption of food to be obstructed. Delivery is safe to consume caffeine in one day is 750 mg / day, equivalent to 5 tea cup-sized 200 ml.
Avoid worth at Tea Drinking
There is also a must see you when you drink tea to be a useful substances in the body is not lost, among others:
Do not drinking tea during meals or after kerena substances in the food can be stolen by substance Stimulation tea.
* Do not drink tea at an empty stomach can increase the production of stomach acid.
* Avoid drinking tea mixed with sugar because of the oxygen-oxygen into the dikandungnya reduced.
* Do not drink tea that night because it already has many of its substance teroksidasi so trite and does not affect the body for good.
* Avoid drinking tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because caffeine and substances Stimulation tea can stimulate the uterus contraction. In addition to breastfeeding mothers will disrupt the production of milk gland or breastfeeding.
How Menyeduh Tea
That does not lose in the process pembuatannya is a way menyeduh tea. To avoid the error when menyeduh tea, you should consider how menyeduh tea whether it is correct or not. Because of this error can cause the tea does not provide benefits for people who meminumnya. To menyeduh tea, use boiling water bersuhu 80 degrees centigrade, do not use water with a temperature higher than 80 degrees because it can make us lose the benefits of tea.
In addition, the tea can be mixed with milk. Tea mixed with milk, tea or milk, often known to reduce the effects Stimulation of calcium milk tea because the oxygen-binding substance in tea Stimulation.
Another way is to add lemon that often we know as the Lemon Tea. Lemon will provide protection for digestion, because the citric acid in the lemon to prevent the occurrence of crust on the intestinal wall.
Throughout the world there are many ways to drink tea. In the UK, a member of the United Kingdom have a habit to drink a cup of tea every afternoon. In other parts of the world tea drinking habits are also made. All depends on your habits and your culture. But do not forget to consider some of the instructions mentioned above at the tea. Enjoy a cup of tea!
Keeping Body Health Tips
tips to improve the health of the body
1. Change the style of eating.
Occasionally berdiet is a wrong decision. Because no less successful when running back fat diet ago because of "revenge" against food:) Alternatively you can do is to change the style of eating. Habits that need to run the other is to change habits menyemil with fruit fresh. So, always available fresh fruit that is ready when disantap desire menyemil appear. If the fruit is making can be replaced with the availability of fresh water white.
2. Change lifestyles.
In addition to change the style of eating, we also need to change lifestyles to be more healthy. How simple is the most easy to breathe in the sink-in. This can be done dipagi every day and have the opportunity. Search and enjoyable physical activities such as playing badminton or other sports. But the most important of these activities is made as a routine. How simple is the most sleep and wake up on time. Dibiasakan sleep about 10 pm and wake up 4 hours early, but tailored to the needs. The most important is to become a regular bedtime. The next step is to make sure to get a bed asleep:)
3. Do not despair!
Tips when the latter is already planning the steps to get healthy life (from any source), do not despair! Changing the style of eating and living is a process that is not easy and not a moment. Look for the appropriate health tips with yourself to be happy with the run. Make sure you menjalaninya with the fun atmosphere.
1. Change the style of eating.
Occasionally berdiet is a wrong decision. Because no less successful when running back fat diet ago because of "revenge" against food:) Alternatively you can do is to change the style of eating. Habits that need to run the other is to change habits menyemil with fruit fresh. So, always available fresh fruit that is ready when disantap desire menyemil appear. If the fruit is making can be replaced with the availability of fresh water white.
2. Change lifestyles.
In addition to change the style of eating, we also need to change lifestyles to be more healthy. How simple is the most easy to breathe in the sink-in. This can be done dipagi every day and have the opportunity. Search and enjoyable physical activities such as playing badminton or other sports. But the most important of these activities is made as a routine. How simple is the most sleep and wake up on time. Dibiasakan sleep about 10 pm and wake up 4 hours early, but tailored to the needs. The most important is to become a regular bedtime. The next step is to make sure to get a bed asleep:)
3. Do not despair!
Tips when the latter is already planning the steps to get healthy life (from any source), do not despair! Changing the style of eating and living is a process that is not easy and not a moment. Look for the appropriate health tips with yourself to be happy with the run. Make sure you menjalaninya with the fun atmosphere.
In the Women's Cancer Rahim
Cancer Rahim Rahim female reproductive organ is the main man in the womb cancer and must be treated immediately in order not to spread and cause death. Cancer happens in the womb many indonesian. Definition of Cancer Rahim Rahim Cancer (Cancer Serviks) is a malignant tumor that grows in the womb, neck / serviks (the lowest part of the uterus attached to the top of the vagina. Cancer serviks (womb) is usually the women aged 35-55 years. 90% of cancer serviks or womb cancer cells derived from skuamosa the mantle serviks (womb cancer) and the remaining 10% comes from the gland cells of mucus in the channel leading to the servikal in the womb. Cancer Causes Rahim Cancer (womb) serviks occur when cells become abnormal and serviks split the uncontrollable. If the cells serviks (womb) will continue to split the network form a mass called a tumor may be benign or malignant. If the tumor is malignant, then the case is called cancer or cancer serviks uterus (womb). The cause of a difference in the cells serviks not known exactly, but there are several factors that affect the risk of a cancer serviks: 1. HPV (human papillomavirus) HPV is a wart virus causes genitalis (kondiloma akuminata), which is transmitted through sexual relations. Variant is a very dangerous HPV types 16, 18, 45 and 56.
2. Smoking Tobacco and damage the immune system influence the body's ability to fight HPV infection in serviks. 3. Sexual first done in the early 4. Flit pair sexual 5. Husband / seksualnya pair to the first sexual relationship at the age of under 18 years old, take turns and the couple had married a woman who suffered from cancer serviks (womb) 6. Use of DES (dietilstilbestrol) in pregnant women to prevent miscarriage (many used in the year 1940-1970)
7. Interference immune system 8. Use pill KB 9. Herpes genitalis infection or chronic infection klamidia 10. The economy is weak (because they are not able to perform routine Pap smear) Prekanker In the circumstances Serviks (womb) Cells on the surface of the serviks (womb) sometimes appear abnormal but not violent. Scientists believe that some abnormal changes in cells serviks is the first step of a series of changes that are running low, a few years later, can cause cancer. Therefore, some changes are abnormal circumstances prekanker, which can turn into cancer. When this has been used a different term for abnormal changes in cells on the surface serviks (womb), one of them is lesi skuamosa intraepitel (lesi aberration network means, means intraepitel cells were found in abnormal surface layer). Changes in the cells can be divided into 2 groups: 1. Lesi low level: the early changes in the size, shape and number of cells that form the surface serviks. Some low-level lesi disappear by itself. But the other grow into larger and more abnormal, lesi establish a high level. lesi low displasia also called light or neoplasia intraepitel servikal 1 (NIS 1). Lesi low level most often found in women aged 25-35 years, but can also occur in all age groups. 2. Lesi high: a large number of cells found prekanker that appear very different from a normal cell. Changes prekanker this only happens on the surface of cells in serviks. For months and even many years, these cells will not become violent and will not penetrate to the layer in a more serviks. Lesi high displasia also called secondary or displasia weight, NIS 2 or 3, or karsinoma in situ. Lesi higher level most commonly found in women aged 30-40 years. If abnormal cells spread deeper into serviks or to the network and other organs, the situation called mada serviks cancer or cancer serviks (womb) invasif. Cancer serviks (womb) is found most often at the age of over 40 years. Rahim Cancer Symptoms Changes prekanker on serviks usually does not cause symptoms and the change is not detected unless a woman is a pelvic examination and Pap smear. Uterus cancer symptoms usually appear when a new cell serviks abnormal changes to the violence and to infiltrate the network in the surrounding areas. At this time will arise following symptoms: - The vagina abnormal bleeding, especially between 2 menstruasi, after a sexual relationship, and after menopause - Menstruasi abnormal (longer and more) - Keputihan who lived, with a thin liquid, colored pink, brown, black or contain blood and the smell. Symptoms of cancer of the womb stadium information: - Decreased appetite, weight reduction, fatigue - Nyeri pelvis, back or leg - Vagina out water from urine or feces - Patah bones (fraktur). Cancer diagnosis Rahim Ditegakkan diagnosis based on symptoms and examination results below: 1. Pap smear Pap smear can detect up to 90% of cases of cancer serviks accurately and with a cost that is not too expensive. As a result, mortality due to cancer servikspun decreased more than 50%. Every woman who has been active in sexual or have reached age 18 years, should undergo regular Pap smear is 1 time / year. If for 3 times in a row showed normal results, Pap smear can be done 1 kali/2-3tahun. Pap smear examination results show from the stadium serviks cancer (womb): - Normal - Displasia light (early changes that are not violent) - Displasia weight (about the changes are not violent) - Karsinoma in situ (cancer is limited to the outermost layer serviks) - Invasif cancer (cancer has spread to the layer serviks (womb) in a more or to other organs). 2. Biopsy Biopsy performed if the pelvic examination of a visible growth in the serviks or injured, or if the Pap smear shows a abnormalitas or cancer. 3. Kolposkopi (examination serviks with brass lens) 4. Schiller test Serviks be oiled with lauran iodine, a healthy cell color will change to brown, while abnormal cells that become the color of white or yellow. To help determine the stadium womb cancer, made some pemeriksan following: - Sistoskopi - Rays chest - Urografi intravena - Sigmoidoskopi - Skening bones and heart - Barium enema.
2. Smoking Tobacco and damage the immune system influence the body's ability to fight HPV infection in serviks. 3. Sexual first done in the early 4. Flit pair sexual 5. Husband / seksualnya pair to the first sexual relationship at the age of under 18 years old, take turns and the couple had married a woman who suffered from cancer serviks (womb) 6. Use of DES (dietilstilbestrol) in pregnant women to prevent miscarriage (many used in the year 1940-1970)
7. Interference immune system 8. Use pill KB 9. Herpes genitalis infection or chronic infection klamidia 10. The economy is weak (because they are not able to perform routine Pap smear) Prekanker In the circumstances Serviks (womb) Cells on the surface of the serviks (womb) sometimes appear abnormal but not violent. Scientists believe that some abnormal changes in cells serviks is the first step of a series of changes that are running low, a few years later, can cause cancer. Therefore, some changes are abnormal circumstances prekanker, which can turn into cancer. When this has been used a different term for abnormal changes in cells on the surface serviks (womb), one of them is lesi skuamosa intraepitel (lesi aberration network means, means intraepitel cells were found in abnormal surface layer). Changes in the cells can be divided into 2 groups: 1. Lesi low level: the early changes in the size, shape and number of cells that form the surface serviks. Some low-level lesi disappear by itself. But the other grow into larger and more abnormal, lesi establish a high level. lesi low displasia also called light or neoplasia intraepitel servikal 1 (NIS 1). Lesi low level most often found in women aged 25-35 years, but can also occur in all age groups. 2. Lesi high: a large number of cells found prekanker that appear very different from a normal cell. Changes prekanker this only happens on the surface of cells in serviks. For months and even many years, these cells will not become violent and will not penetrate to the layer in a more serviks. Lesi high displasia also called secondary or displasia weight, NIS 2 or 3, or karsinoma in situ. Lesi higher level most commonly found in women aged 30-40 years. If abnormal cells spread deeper into serviks or to the network and other organs, the situation called mada serviks cancer or cancer serviks (womb) invasif. Cancer serviks (womb) is found most often at the age of over 40 years. Rahim Cancer Symptoms Changes prekanker on serviks usually does not cause symptoms and the change is not detected unless a woman is a pelvic examination and Pap smear. Uterus cancer symptoms usually appear when a new cell serviks abnormal changes to the violence and to infiltrate the network in the surrounding areas. At this time will arise following symptoms: - The vagina abnormal bleeding, especially between 2 menstruasi, after a sexual relationship, and after menopause - Menstruasi abnormal (longer and more) - Keputihan who lived, with a thin liquid, colored pink, brown, black or contain blood and the smell. Symptoms of cancer of the womb stadium information: - Decreased appetite, weight reduction, fatigue - Nyeri pelvis, back or leg - Vagina out water from urine or feces - Patah bones (fraktur). Cancer diagnosis Rahim Ditegakkan diagnosis based on symptoms and examination results below: 1. Pap smear Pap smear can detect up to 90% of cases of cancer serviks accurately and with a cost that is not too expensive. As a result, mortality due to cancer servikspun decreased more than 50%. Every woman who has been active in sexual or have reached age 18 years, should undergo regular Pap smear is 1 time / year. If for 3 times in a row showed normal results, Pap smear can be done 1 kali/2-3tahun. Pap smear examination results show from the stadium serviks cancer (womb): - Normal - Displasia light (early changes that are not violent) - Displasia weight (about the changes are not violent) - Karsinoma in situ (cancer is limited to the outermost layer serviks) - Invasif cancer (cancer has spread to the layer serviks (womb) in a more or to other organs). 2. Biopsy Biopsy performed if the pelvic examination of a visible growth in the serviks or injured, or if the Pap smear shows a abnormalitas or cancer. 3. Kolposkopi (examination serviks with brass lens) 4. Schiller test Serviks be oiled with lauran iodine, a healthy cell color will change to brown, while abnormal cells that become the color of white or yellow. To help determine the stadium womb cancer, made some pemeriksan following: - Sistoskopi - Rays chest - Urografi intravena - Sigmoidoskopi - Skening bones and heart - Barium enema.
How to Eliminate pimple on face
Whelk is common in every person, especially in adolescence. Whelk can also painful shame. Pimple on the face need to be removed because it reduces the sense of confidence. Face healthy without whelk? Whelk can arise from many things, but attendance can be controlled. Of course you need to change habits and make a little extra effort to avoid the emergence of whelk. In this article will explain how to remove the pimple on the face of the stone is the pimple or pimple on the normal face. Is the pimple that is traditionally safe. If we use a chemical remover of whelk sometimes create irritation in the face. How to remove pimple indeed need to be to restore the beauty of your face. Face every desire to be beautiful women. Therefore we need to face now and find out how to overcome the problem have Yana on your face. Is the pimple can be either traditional or modern. Blotch is the traditional one is diligent with washing the face, while the modern way is to use a pimple or technology from the advanced medical equipment. Some way to whelk: 1. Diligent washing face. But do not facial origin. Basuh also the neck and forehead at least 2 times a week. Massage your face with the movement and play basuh using hot water. 2. Add the drug whelk. You may need to try several kinds of drugs before finally find products that match the skin of the face. Usually these products marketed with the packaging and price berfariasi. Remember! Expensive not guarantee the product can match, and the issue you whelk.
3. Be careful with the use of beauty products. Only use make-up, moisturizer or sun screen only without the oil. Usually if a written "nonacnegenic" or "noncomedogenic" on the label information, the product was better. 4. When put on products for hair, do not try to get to the face. Cover your face with a towel while using pomade, mousse or hairspray. Once you've finished bathing, do not forget your face Rinse again to eliminate the possibility used shampoo or conditioner behind in the face. 5. Do not heat up, the bacteria and dirt stick to the face. bind your hair when heat and avoid wearing a hat and a glass eye. 6. You should try to find expert doctors. skin pimple if you start to affect your self confidence. Doctors can give advice and how best medicine the most efektik. 7. Change your diet pattern. Eating chocolate, candy and greasy food can change your skin gestur. Feed Limit junk food, get more vitamins and change your lifestyle to be more healthy. a regular sleep, and do not let lack of body fluids. How to remove pimple through tips above as safe for health and will not cause your body to the toxin. Not as well as how to use pimple chemicals, chemicals are capable of causing prolonged irritation. Blotch is the need of chemical products in diwaspadai sometimes pimple remover that we use contain mercury (mercury) and formalin dangerous for the health of the body of our skin. Do not desire to remove pimple on the face would damage the beauty of your face. Way to use a pimple safe for your face.Sumber :
3. Be careful with the use of beauty products. Only use make-up, moisturizer or sun screen only without the oil. Usually if a written "nonacnegenic" or "noncomedogenic" on the label information, the product was better. 4. When put on products for hair, do not try to get to the face. Cover your face with a towel while using pomade, mousse or hairspray. Once you've finished bathing, do not forget your face Rinse again to eliminate the possibility used shampoo or conditioner behind in the face. 5. Do not heat up, the bacteria and dirt stick to the face. bind your hair when heat and avoid wearing a hat and a glass eye. 6. You should try to find expert doctors. skin pimple if you start to affect your self confidence. Doctors can give advice and how best medicine the most efektik. 7. Change your diet pattern. Eating chocolate, candy and greasy food can change your skin gestur. Feed Limit junk food, get more vitamins and change your lifestyle to be more healthy. a regular sleep, and do not let lack of body fluids. How to remove pimple through tips above as safe for health and will not cause your body to the toxin. Not as well as how to use pimple chemicals, chemicals are capable of causing prolonged irritation. Blotch is the need of chemical products in diwaspadai sometimes pimple remover that we use contain mercury (mercury) and formalin dangerous for the health of the body of our skin. Do not desire to remove pimple on the face would damage the beauty of your face. Way to use a pimple safe for your face.Sumber :
Effect of Cigarette Smoke Danger Health Human Body - a Rokok toxic effects, addiction, opium, Seed Money And Sin
Cigarettes are toxic substances that give effect sugesti relaxed and feel more masculine. Behind the use of cigarettes or a benefit that secuil are a very big danger for people who smoke and people around the smokers who are not smokers. 1. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals of which 200 are poisonous and 43 other types of cancer can cause the body. Some of the substance that is a very dangerous tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, etc..2. The new cigarette smoke in the ashtray containing death three times the trigger cancer in the air and 50 times the material pengeiritasi eye and respiratory. The shorter the higher the degree of cigarettes poison the air, ready to sail. A place filled with cigarette smoke pollution is a more dangerous than pollution in the streets of highway traffic jams. 3. Someone who will usually try smoking because cigarettes are addicted to opium difficult released under any circumstances. A heavy smoker will choose to eat if smoking than money too limited. 4. The price of cigarettes will be very expensive to burden the poor people, so that fund health and welfare of his family often diverted to buy cigarettes. With a famous brand of cigarettes usually owned by foreign cigarette companies from abroad, so that the money spent It is smokers will flee to foreign countries to reduce foreign exchange. Cigarette factory that employs many workers will not be able to improve the standard of living servants, so that when the factory closed the labor pool could be in place for other businesses that are more creative and bring in foreign exchange. 5. Some smokers are more likely to invite other people who have not been smoking for smoking to be suffering the same experience with it, that is trapped in addiction cigarette smoke evil. Some smokers who have also deliberately smoking in public places so that the cigarette smoke dihembuskan can terhirup other people, so that other people will be exposed to the disease of cancer. 6. Activities that damage the body is a sin, so that cigarettes can be categorized as an object or illicit goods that must be avoided as far as possible and dijauhi. Religious scholars or experts who smoke may have a different perception in this regard. Conclusion: So it can be concluded that smoking is an activity that made foolish people who give up the money, health, social life, the reward, positive perception, and so forth. So be grateful if you have not smoke, because you are smart / clever. When someone offers a cigarette with both the decline. Feeling kasihanlah on their smoking. Do not listen to those who consider you to be lower than if they do not follow-up ngerokok. because in the hearts and minds of their senses they want to stop smoking.
Organic Fruit Body Good for Health
Organic fruit, is essentially all types of food that comes from living organisms (animal or plant). However, when this term is limited to use of organic products for plants that are only slightly or not to use pesticides and artificial fertilizers. Organic fruit bermanfat more fruit than the usual. Organic fruit more healthy and safe for the body. Benefits of several types of organic fruit to health:
* Avocado: to maintain good health and growth of cells.
* Bawang white: antikolesterol and penuaan early.
* Onion: to help the prevention of stomach cancer.
* Spinach: good for the health and brain health vision.
* Berry fruit: prevent infection in prostat and ureter.
* Broccoli: help the body to remove the materials are karsinogen.
* Kol: useful for the prevention of bowel cancer, stomach and breast
* Tomato: help womb cancer prevention, pancreas and intestine.
* Carrot: penuaan prevent early.
Benefits of organic fruit
* Working to clean blood.
* Remove the poison that accumulate in cells.
* Helping regeneration new cells.
* Maintain a balance between acid basa without medicines, vitamins or supplements are additional.
The advantages of organic fruit
* Having womb better nutrition. Organic food average womb have vitamin C, minerals, phytonutrients and (in the plant material that can fight cancer) is higher rather than conventional food.
* Organic food more durable and not easy casserole.
* Reduce the production process and reduce the level of damage to the environment.
Fruit danger nonorganik
a. And the effects of pesticides in the food:
* Cause interference awareness (Cognitive dysfunction) as difficult to spell, read, write, distinguish colors, including talking.
* Increase the risk of disruption to the physical brain.
* One of the causes of breast cancer.
* Berpotensi cause problems on the production of sperm.
b. The threat of pesticides for manusiaan.
* Threaten the next generation. Children potentially exposed to more pesticides than adults.
* Pollution of water to land.
* Profligate energy, a lot of energy needed to produce chemical fertilizers rather than to cultivate and harvest crops.
c. Tips mengonsumsi Organic food-food
* Choose vegetables, fruits or meat that has a clear label meiliki and official.
* Wash organic vegetable or fruit with the flowing water (tap) several times, in order to avoid vegetables from the worm eggs.
* Rebuslah vegetables with temperatures hot enough. So that it can kill bacteria or eggs attached.Sumber : sehat-organik
* Avocado: to maintain good health and growth of cells.
* Bawang white: antikolesterol and penuaan early.
* Onion: to help the prevention of stomach cancer.
* Spinach: good for the health and brain health vision.
* Berry fruit: prevent infection in prostat and ureter.
* Broccoli: help the body to remove the materials are karsinogen.
* Kol: useful for the prevention of bowel cancer, stomach and breast
* Tomato: help womb cancer prevention, pancreas and intestine.
* Carrot: penuaan prevent early.
Benefits of organic fruit
* Working to clean blood.
* Remove the poison that accumulate in cells.
* Helping regeneration new cells.
* Maintain a balance between acid basa without medicines, vitamins or supplements are additional.
The advantages of organic fruit
* Having womb better nutrition. Organic food average womb have vitamin C, minerals, phytonutrients and (in the plant material that can fight cancer) is higher rather than conventional food.
* Organic food more durable and not easy casserole.
* Reduce the production process and reduce the level of damage to the environment.
Fruit danger nonorganik
a. And the effects of pesticides in the food:
* Cause interference awareness (Cognitive dysfunction) as difficult to spell, read, write, distinguish colors, including talking.
* Increase the risk of disruption to the physical brain.
* One of the causes of breast cancer.
* Berpotensi cause problems on the production of sperm.
b. The threat of pesticides for manusiaan.
* Threaten the next generation. Children potentially exposed to more pesticides than adults.
* Pollution of water to land.
* Profligate energy, a lot of energy needed to produce chemical fertilizers rather than to cultivate and harvest crops.
c. Tips mengonsumsi Organic food-food
* Choose vegetables, fruits or meat that has a clear label meiliki and official.
* Wash organic vegetable or fruit with the flowing water (tap) several times, in order to avoid vegetables from the worm eggs.
* Rebuslah vegetables with temperatures hot enough. So that it can kill bacteria or eggs attached.Sumber : sehat-organik
Sunday, January 11, 2009
benefits of the betel leaf
Dental health is closely related with the traditional betel leaves for Indonesia to be sure people know that the betel leaf has a lot of property especially in the field of dental and oral health. Benefits for dental betel leaves no doubt that until now, and grandfather and grandmother are still using a betel leaf to clean the teeth (this is my experience dikampung hehehe, may Her grandfather and grandmother if it is not modern betel leaf using more). Some use the area as a betel leaf in the ritual, and of course is a betel leaf plants that are very popular drugs. Description plant Plant this vine can reach 15 meters high Betel stem greenness brown, rounded shape, beruas and is the root of the discharge. Leaves a single heart-shaped, spired, grow criss-cross, bertangkai, and remove the smell of tasty when diremas. Length of about 5 - 8 cm wide and 2 - 5 cm. Ear-shaped compound interest and there is a patron leaves � 1 mm elliptical. In the male ear length of 1.5 - 3 cm, and there are two stamen that are short on female fascicle length of 1.5 - 6 cm where the head ovary fruit three to five white and green colors. Fruit-shaped fruit buni rounded green grayish. Root steep, rounded and brown colors. Gynecology and benefits Oil atsiri of betel leaves contain oil fly (betIephenol), seskuiterpen, starch, diatase, sugar and oxygen samak and chavicol has power off the bacteria, and antioksidasi fungicide, anti-fungus. Betel nutritious eliminate body odor caused bacteria and fungus. Betel leaves are also holding bleeding, heal wounds on the skin, and digestive disturbances channel. It also can be mengerutkan, removing the phlegm, saliva cause to fall, hemostatik, and stop the bleeding. Usefulness: Cough Sariawan Bronchitis Whelk Keputihan Toothache because perforated (leaves) Scarlatina Mouth odor Menstruation does not regularly Asma Sore throat (leaves and oil) Gumboil (getahnya) Use of Foreign Eczema Burns Ulceration (pyodermi) Scabies legs Blain Nosebleed Eye pain Gum bleeding Reducing the production of breastmilk The itch Description Usually for drugs nose bleed, use 2 pieces of fresh leaves Piper betle, washed, digulung then inserted in the nose Iubang. Warning Chew betel too many vulnerable and in a long time has been associated with the disease the mouth and throat cancer squamous cell carcinoma.(wikipedia)
Karies and Diet
Karies is one of the teeth and mouth disease caused by several factors, I think I already perbah study and previous dipostingan you will be more clear about karies. Diet one of the trend of young people now, especially for the young girls who want to appear more and PD maintain slimness body. However, what the relationship between diet and karies ya? here I will try to explain a little. Basically the relationship between diet and karies very simple and easy to understand, some people who undergo healthy diet and healthy living berprilaku will decrease dental problems. so why, this is because the consumption of sugar in the body was reduced and consume more food with the material or natural sweetener such as fruits that are good for the body and for dental and oral health. When we consume fruits such as apples, apple indirectly will help to clean teeth naturally we can diibaratkan polish teeth, there are highly recommended to use the apple menu cover or replace your snak with fruit - fruit. In addition to our mouth and teeth healthy and we remain slim body. The relationship between diet and karies very closely related to the amount of sweetener or sugar consumption is consumed by our bodies, in fact God has created our teeth and mouth as a warning gate and a very extraordinary. How do not, if the food we consume is not good for the body or harmful gelaja that will appear on the visible areas around the mouth cavity, such as: tonsil, sariawan, lips broken - broken, karies, sore throat and others - others. then you know the food consumption. It is very advisable to go back to the simple pattern of life and return to nature. Feedback from now I leave the food with chemicals and Natural back. Just add: Remember cuisine with the processing of food MSG mengidikasikan less skilled work with a blend of cooking ingredients - ingredients that are available. When a chef or cook can prepare food and do not use the material feeler.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
After seven should not eat
1) Do not Smoking - Research from experts proves that smoking a rokoksetelah eat together with smoking 10 cigarettes (most likely fell ill kankerlebih)
2) Do not live to eat fruits - Jump eating fruits after meals will cause stomach dipenuhidenganudara. To eat the fruits 1-2 hours after meals or 1 meal jamsebelum
3) Do not drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high acid contents. iniakan cause the uterus to the fetus protein food we have to konsumsisulit digested.
4) Do not mengendorkan ligament pinggangmu - Mengendorkan belt after eating will cause intestinal terbelitdan terblokir.
5) Do not Bathroom - Bathroom will menaikan flow of blood to the hands, feet and body yangmenyebabkan amount of blood around the stomach will continue to be reduced. This iniakan weaken the digestive system in our stomach.
6) Do not Walk-way - people often say that running a few steps setelahmakan will extend the age. In fact this is not benar.Berjalan will cause the digestive system can not afford menyerab nutrisidari we have food to eat.
7) Do not sleep directly - food that we eat can not be digested well. This akanmenyebabkan intestinal inflammation and experience kembung. (sigitpras31/aktivis kaskus)
2) Do not live to eat fruits - Jump eating fruits after meals will cause stomach dipenuhidenganudara. To eat the fruits 1-2 hours after meals or 1 meal jamsebelum
3) Do not drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high acid contents. iniakan cause the uterus to the fetus protein food we have to konsumsisulit digested.
4) Do not mengendorkan ligament pinggangmu - Mengendorkan belt after eating will cause intestinal terbelitdan terblokir.
5) Do not Bathroom - Bathroom will menaikan flow of blood to the hands, feet and body yangmenyebabkan amount of blood around the stomach will continue to be reduced. This iniakan weaken the digestive system in our stomach.
6) Do not Walk-way - people often say that running a few steps setelahmakan will extend the age. In fact this is not benar.Berjalan will cause the digestive system can not afford menyerab nutrisidari we have food to eat.
7) Do not sleep directly - food that we eat can not be digested well. This akanmenyebabkan intestinal inflammation and experience kembung. (sigitpras31/aktivis kaskus)
Sleeping late at night due to
Doctors at the National Taiwan Hospital recently surprising finding because the medical case of a young doctor 37 years of age during this very trust the results of the examination heart function (GOT, GPT), but appeared at the Hari Raya Imlek positive note suffering liver cancer throughout 10 cm! So far, most people were dependent on the results of liver function examination index (Liver Function Index). They considered when the review results show that normal index means all OK. This kind of misunderstanding was also made by many specialist doctors. Really surprising, that the doctors should give the correct knowledge on the general public, appeared to have knowledge that is not true. Prevention of liver cancer should be done in a way that's true. There is no other way except to detect and mengobatinya as early as possible, said a doctor Hsu Chin Chuan. But Ironically, the doctor who handles liver cancer can also have a view that is wrong, even mislead the public, why this is the biggest cause of liver cancer is difficult to be cured. The main damage to the heart is: 1. Sleep the night and wake up too too afternoon is the main cause of most 2. Do not waste water in the morning. 3. Eating pattern that is too excessive. 4. No breakfast. 5. Consume too many drugs. 6. Consume too much preservative, additional substances, coloring substances, artificial sweetener. 7. Oil that is not healthy! Wherever possible reduce the use of oil during fry food. This also applies even though using the best oil even as olive oil. Do not consume food fried in conditions when we tired, except in the body fit. 8. Consume raw cuisine (very mature) also increase the burden of the heart. Vegetables eaten raw or cooked cooked 3 / 5 part. Fried vegetables that should be eaten out at that time also, jangandisimpan. We have to do with the prevention without the additional cost. Self-set lifestyle and patterns of food daily. Treatment of eating patterns and conditions of the time is necessary so that we can make the body absorption and discharge of substances-substances that are not useful in accordance with the schedule. For: * Night pk day 9 - 11: oxygen-exile is not useful substances / toxic (de-toxin) in the antibody system (lymph gland). During the duration of this time should be with the calm atmosphere, or listening to music. If at that time a housewife is still in a condition that is not relaxed such as washing dishes or supervise children learn, this can be a negative impact for health. * Night pk 11 days - early pk Day 1: during the process of de-toxin at the heart, should take place in bed asleep. * Early days pk 1 - 3: the process of de-toxin in the bile, also held in the sleep condition. * Early days pk 3 - 5: de-toxin in the lungs. Therefore there will be a great cough for the duration of cough during this time. Because the process of cleaning (de-toxin) have reached the respiratory tract, they do not need to drink cough medicine so as not counteract the sewage disposal. * Morning pk 5 - 7: de-toxin in the colon, should dispose of water in a small room. * Morning pk 7 - 9: the absorption of food nutrients for small intestine, harusmakan morning. For a sick person should eat more before the morning pk 6:30. Breakfast before 7:30 pk very good for those who want to maintain health. For those who do not eat breakfast kebiasaannya please change this, but still better late breakfast until pkl 9-10 than not eating at all. Sleep the night and wake up too too afternoon will disrupt the process of oxygen-exile is not useful substances. In addition, from midnight to 4 o'clock early morning is the time for the spinal marrow to produce blood.
When turning off the lights Bedroom Improve Health Conditions
The dark night secretly collaborated with tubuh. Hanya in circumstances that are really dark body produces Melantonin, one of the hormones in the immune system that is able to fight and prevent various diseases including cancer and breast cancer prostat. Instead, sleep with the lights on at night Day - a sinarnya any cause hormone production melantonin stopped. Biolog Joan Roberts find this after secret experiments on animals. When the animals were given artificial light at night Day, melantoninnya decreased and the body's immune system weakened. Apparently, light lamp - as well as TV - the hormone to be very tired. By Therefore, in addition to save energy, turn off the lights when sleep is a natural way to improve the health of the body.
The types of sleep disturbances that can be experienced by everyone, among others, are: A. Jet-lag. There is a change in the time between lunch and dinner, an unexpected result with the aircraft. This can disrupt the rhythm sirkadian body. b. Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol. Nicotine that caffeine may cause too many difficulties to sleep. This condition often experienced by coffee drinker, smoker, alcohol and opium. C. Environmental factors. Boom sound of loud music, sound, the noisy factory, sleeping with lights that turn on the light, sleep will cause someone to be disturbed. The cause of sleep disruption in women are: A. Psychological stress. Family members who have died, the test, traffic accidents, dropping out of love. Statistically, 34% of women often experience this is compared to 22% in men. The possibility of women as more sensitive. B. Sleep Disorders partners. Approximately 17% of women complain that difficult to sleep because the partners have a sleep habits snore and only 5% of men about the causes of similar. C. Night workers, nurses, hospitals, night guards, factory workers. They are working on the evening of Day appeared to experience more frequent sleep disturbances. The women workers in this more often also experience menstrual cycle disruption, and difficult to get pregnant. D. Associated with menstruation. Progesteron hormones cause the feeling of calm and sense of drowsiness. Progesteron hormone increases the ovulasi, which is more or less on Day 12-14 of the menstrual cycle. Some women experience a sense of feeling weak and excessive drowsiness. Sleep disturbances occur when the hormones start progesteron began to decline, which came a few days before menstruation (Day 22-28 of the menstrual cycle). Women will become more frequent, less sleep soundly, or awakened with a feeling that is not fresh. E. Associated with pregnancy. During the pregnancy also changes that can disrupt sleep. At 1-3 weeks of pregnancy, hormones progesteron increased, the feeling of drowsiness in some women. Rahim urged the start up of bladder, so that pregnant women often awakened several times to berkemih. At 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, hormones start progesteron stable. Rahim is no more urgent bladder. Pregnant women will experience a period of sleep-the most delicious. There are almost no sleep disturbance at the age of this pregnancy. At 7-9 weeks of pregnancy, start going to sleep disturbances. There is a feeling of heat in the chest, feeling sick, who stopped nose, leg cramps on the bottom, more often berkemih will disrupt sleep quality and quantity of pregnant women. Around 97% of women will become more frequent and difficult night to sleep again. 30% of women who snore will never sleep with a snore. F. The period of menopause. Hormone estrogen production begins to decline, making 30% -40% of women more often awakened in the middle of the night because a lot of sweat, feel the heart throb, or a sense of relief in the hot chest and the head. Efforts that can be done to overcome the sleep disturbances are: 1. Avoid high-sugar foods berkadar (honey, syrup), contain caffeine (coffee, chocolate, the), cigarettes, or alcohol, before bedtime. 2. Sleep and wake up on a regular time each day. 3. Use the bed only for sleeping and intimate relations. Not for other activities such as studying, working, reading, acrobatics, and so forth. 4. Sports will make a regular bed become more comfortable and convenient. Similarly, for pregnant women, exercise can reduce the incidence of leg cramps down. 5. Biasakan sleep in the dark atmosphere without lights up. 6. Shalat / Pray. Do not use sleeping pills because it can cause side effects such as memory disturbances, less vigilant, often ngompol and headaches. 8. Consult a doctor, the doctor may need to give advice or drugs such as melatonin, hormone estrogen, and so forth. (Kubera)
The types of sleep disturbances that can be experienced by everyone, among others, are: A. Jet-lag. There is a change in the time between lunch and dinner, an unexpected result with the aircraft. This can disrupt the rhythm sirkadian body. b. Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol. Nicotine that caffeine may cause too many difficulties to sleep. This condition often experienced by coffee drinker, smoker, alcohol and opium. C. Environmental factors. Boom sound of loud music, sound, the noisy factory, sleeping with lights that turn on the light, sleep will cause someone to be disturbed. The cause of sleep disruption in women are: A. Psychological stress. Family members who have died, the test, traffic accidents, dropping out of love. Statistically, 34% of women often experience this is compared to 22% in men. The possibility of women as more sensitive. B. Sleep Disorders partners. Approximately 17% of women complain that difficult to sleep because the partners have a sleep habits snore and only 5% of men about the causes of similar. C. Night workers, nurses, hospitals, night guards, factory workers. They are working on the evening of Day appeared to experience more frequent sleep disturbances. The women workers in this more often also experience menstrual cycle disruption, and difficult to get pregnant. D. Associated with menstruation. Progesteron hormones cause the feeling of calm and sense of drowsiness. Progesteron hormone increases the ovulasi, which is more or less on Day 12-14 of the menstrual cycle. Some women experience a sense of feeling weak and excessive drowsiness. Sleep disturbances occur when the hormones start progesteron began to decline, which came a few days before menstruation (Day 22-28 of the menstrual cycle). Women will become more frequent, less sleep soundly, or awakened with a feeling that is not fresh. E. Associated with pregnancy. During the pregnancy also changes that can disrupt sleep. At 1-3 weeks of pregnancy, hormones progesteron increased, the feeling of drowsiness in some women. Rahim urged the start up of bladder, so that pregnant women often awakened several times to berkemih. At 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, hormones start progesteron stable. Rahim is no more urgent bladder. Pregnant women will experience a period of sleep-the most delicious. There are almost no sleep disturbance at the age of this pregnancy. At 7-9 weeks of pregnancy, start going to sleep disturbances. There is a feeling of heat in the chest, feeling sick, who stopped nose, leg cramps on the bottom, more often berkemih will disrupt sleep quality and quantity of pregnant women. Around 97% of women will become more frequent and difficult night to sleep again. 30% of women who snore will never sleep with a snore. F. The period of menopause. Hormone estrogen production begins to decline, making 30% -40% of women more often awakened in the middle of the night because a lot of sweat, feel the heart throb, or a sense of relief in the hot chest and the head. Efforts that can be done to overcome the sleep disturbances are: 1. Avoid high-sugar foods berkadar (honey, syrup), contain caffeine (coffee, chocolate, the), cigarettes, or alcohol, before bedtime. 2. Sleep and wake up on a regular time each day. 3. Use the bed only for sleeping and intimate relations. Not for other activities such as studying, working, reading, acrobatics, and so forth. 4. Sports will make a regular bed become more comfortable and convenient. Similarly, for pregnant women, exercise can reduce the incidence of leg cramps down. 5. Biasakan sleep in the dark atmosphere without lights up. 6. Shalat / Pray. Do not use sleeping pills because it can cause side effects such as memory disturbances, less vigilant, often ngompol and headaches. 8. Consult a doctor, the doctor may need to give advice or drugs such as melatonin, hormone estrogen, and so forth. (Kubera)