Among existing element is fluor substance which in tooth paste, used every day when brushing tooth. This substance has vital important function in prevention of tooth's damage. What Fluor is? Fluor is one of the substances which in certain quantity there is freely in natures (like ground, water, and food-stuff like fish, bread, etc).Does fluor which implied in the food have last for preventing damage of tooth? If we are regularly eat food with enough content of fluor, hence the mentioned can prevent damage of tooth was without having to added with special fluor. But because we do not have a line on the content, hence passing tooth paste also will follow to assist prevention of damage of tooth, besides hygiene, freshness and fragrance, so that add to feel self confidence.This substance has vital importance for the conservancy of tooth so that remain to health, especially for children, because with amount of fluor consumed will be able to assist forming of tooth enamel that more hold up to damage. Also, fluor useful preventing tooth from process of spoiled. Actually, fluor can be used through 2 way, that is passing direct contact with tooth, like nut with special fluor condensation (like of fluoridation program for student, wearing tooth paste considering fluor, dabbing fluor to tooth directly done by dentist) and pass ingestion by drinking water or milk, use flour tablet or flour drop. Actually, fluor in drinking water is very useful for many people and very effective in prevention of damage of tooth, especially for child which in growth progress.
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