Sebab dari proteinlah protoplasma yang hidup dalam sel itu dibuat. Bahan hidup yang ajaib ini terus menerus mengisap dan menggunakan tenaga. Sebagian dari tenaga ini diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan sel itu sendiri. Yang tersisa dipakai untuk pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh sel itu dan untuk panas yang ia hasilkan. Itulah yang menjadikan kita tetap hangat dan hidup. Selama kita hidup dan sehat-sehat saja, sel-sel kita itu akan mempertahankan suhu tubuh yang sama tanpa menghiraukan cuaca. Untuk melakukan tugas ini, sel-sel itu harus mempunyai protein dan hidrat arang yang cukup. Bahan protein dibentuk mula-mula sekali dalam tanaman dan pepohonan. Pabrik kecil di dalam daun dan akar bekerja terus-menerus dan mengubah bahan kimiawi alam yang sederhana menjadi bahan yang serba rumit, seperti protein, hidrat arang, dan lemak, sedia digunakan di dalam tubuh manusia. Hidrat arang dan lemak menyediakan tenaga untuk semua sel tubuh. Protein diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan dan perbaikan sel. Protein adalah kelompok zat-zat yang paling rumit yang diketahui dalam bidang ilmiah dewasa ini. Untunglah kita tidak perlu mengerti ilmu kimia makanan dan sel, sebelum kita memesan makanan kita. Hal ini tak perlu menyusahkan kita. Biarlah kita serahkan hal itu kepada para ahli ilmu pengetahuan dengan mikroskop dan perlengkapan mereka yang serba halus. Yang penting bagi kita adalah mengetahui dengan pasti bahwa kita mempunyai cukup protein di dalam makanan kita sendiri, karena inilah bahan makanan yang membangun tubuh yang kuat dan sehat. Protein diperlukan terus menerus untuk perbaikan jaringan yang rusak. Protein penting untuk pembentukan tulang dan otot yang kuat pada anak-anak yang sedang tumbuh dan diperlukan juga seumur hidup. Kita tidak pernah akan hidup sehat kecuali kita mendapat cukup protein. Protein bukan saja merupakan zat yang amat rumit, melainkan banyak sekali jenisnya yang belum diselidiki. Setiap jenis protein dilengkapi sejumlah tertentu �building blocks� atau asam amino, yang selalu diatur dalam urutan tertentu menurut jenis protein. Protein yang lebih rumit mempunyai lebih banyak asam amino. Beberapa protein seperti albumin, mudah sekali larut dalam air. Yang lain seperti globulin, hanya dapat dilarutkan dalam cairan. Baik albumin maupun globulin terdapat di dalam peredaran darah bersama-sama dengan banyak macam protein yang lain, yang semuanya perlu untuk kehidupan. Semua protein di dalam tubuh terus menerus diubah dan digunakan. Sebelum diserap oleh tubuh, semua protein dalam makanan harus dipecahkan lebih dulu menjadi asam amino. Ini terjadi di dalam usus kecil. Dari situlah pecahan protein ini diangkut oleh peredaran darah ke hati dimana protein itu diubah dan disimpan serta siap untuk digunakan dalam waktu mendatang. Dan dalam segala jaringan, pecahan protein ini akhirnya disenyawakan kembali dengan sejenis protein yang diperlukan oleh setiap macam sel. Sumber Protein Yang BaikProtein terdapat dalam hampir segala macam makanan. Tapi ada makanan yang mengandung jauh lebih banyak dari yang lain. Makanan yang paling banyak mengandung protein ialah susu, telur, keju, daging, ikan, biji-bijian yang masih berkulit-ari, ercis, kacang tanah dan kedele. Karena daging itu umumnya mahal, banyak keluarga mungkin tidak sanggup membelinya. Karena berbagai-bagai sebab, ada keluarga yang lebih menyukai makanan tanpa daging. Untunglah, kombinasi sayur-sayuran biasanya dapat mencukupi semua protein yang diperlukan seseorang. Susu dan sejenisnya merupakan sumber protein yang terbaik. Umumnya, protein dari sumber ini mudah dicernakan dan diserap oleh tubuh. Susu mengandung protein yang sempurna dan juga menyediakan kalsium dan fosfor dalam proporsi yang tepat benar untuk anak-anak yang sedang tumbuh dan untuk para ibu yang sedang menyusui. Tetapi meskipun susu merupakan makanan yang sebaik itu, kita harus masih berhati-hati. Sebab, susu mudah sekali dikotori oleh kuman-kuman penyakit baik selama proses pemerahan, maupun selama disimpan. Sebab itu semua susu harus dimasak atau melalui proses pasteurisasi sebelum dipakai. Memasaknya sampai mendidih sekalipun hanya beberapa menit akan dapat membunuh semua kuman yang berbahaya. Daging juga merupakan sumber lain bagi protein. Di dalamnya terdapat pula banyak zat besi, fosfor, dan beberapa vitamin B complex. Tetapi semua daging binatang mengandung sejenis sampah yang harus dikeluarkan oleh ginjal. Ini berarti pekerjaan tambahan untuk tubuh dan juga membawa kesulitan bagi mereka yang ginjalnya mungkin sudah dirusakkan oleh penyakit. Banyak sekali alasan yang baik untuk hidup dengan makanan tanpa daging. Meskipun demikian, seorang yang tidak makan daging harus mengetahui dengan pasti bahwa ia mendapat cukup protein dari makanan lain, seperti kacang-kacangan, biji-bijian yang masih berkulit-ari, susu dan sejenisnya. Dan salah satu sumber protein yang patut diperhitungkan ialah kedele. Makanan yang sederhana ini mengandung protein yang lengkap. Kedele ditanam di Tiongkok dan di Jepang berabad-abad lamanya, lama sebelum sejarah negara-negara ini ditulis. Kedele ini mengandung banyak sekali protein. Ia mengandung protein dua kali lebih banyak ketimbang yang ada dalam daging, bahkan sampai empat kali lebih banyak tinimbang yang ada dalam telur.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Three Easy Recipes from Leftovers
Here are three delicious recipes that I often make. Each recipe makes a lot, so you'll have leftovers... and here's the good news: you can use the leftovers to make some really great chili! Spicy Italian Crockpot Roast 1 grass-fed roast 1 bottle of Giardiniera vegetables 1 bottle of Pepperoncini (look in the pickle ailse, you'll usually find both Pepperoncini and Giardiniera together) 4-6 red new potatoes Italian seasoning Salt and pepper 1/4 cup of water Coat your roast with salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning on all sides, very thoroughly with a lot of seasoning. Then sear in a pan until brown. This gets the flavors into the meat. Wash potatoes and place at bottom of the crockpot. Put roast on top of potatoes. Open bottle of vegetables. Pour out the juice then pour all the veggies into the crockpot. Do about half of the peppers, also draining the juice (I like mine really spicy so I do the whole bottle). Finally add a tiny amount of water. Remember the potatoes and veggies will release water so you don't want too much. Cook on low all day or high for 5-6 hours. Sweet Crockpot Pork Tenderloin This recipe is tender, moist, and great for holidays and special occasions. Also it's super easy to make! 1 pork tenderloin 1 can of cranberry sauce, jellied or whole (or you can make your own) 1/3 cup French dressing 1 onion, cut into quarters 2 celery stalks, coarsely chopped Salt and pepper to taste Mix cranberry sauce and French dressing in a bowl until combined in an orange sauce. Place onions on the bottom of the crockpot. Add pork tenderloin. Sprinkle celery atop pork and salt and pepper to taste. Finally, pour in the sauce, making sure to cover the pork. Cook on low for 5-7 hours or high for 3-4. Chili1 bag of Carroll Shelby's chili mix (you can spice it yourself but I find using his spices a lot easier) 1-2 pounds of grassfed organic beef 1 8 oz can tomato sauce, NOT spiced 1 can diced or quartered tomatoes 1 can of red kidney beans, dark or light 1 can of black beans 1 onion 3 cloves of garlic 1/4 or 1 or 2 tsp of red pepper flakes (1/4 makes medium, 1 makes hot, 2 makes ultra-nuclear hot) Pinch of cayenne Optional: leftover pork from the sweet crockpot pork, or the spicy pot roast Brown grass-fed organic beef, draining grease. Chop onions pretty finely, but you don't have to go crazy with it. Add to meat and stir for about five minutes until they're translucent. Now chop the garlic as finely as humanly possible. Add to meat and stir, letting the flavors absorb. Now the important part... add your cayenne and crushed red pepper. The crushed red pepper is going to give you your heat, more so than the ground cayenne, so use sparingly if you don't like it too spicy. We're building our foundation right now so stir the hot spices in well.Kick the temperature up on the burner. Pour in tomato sauce and diced tomatoes (you want the water the tomatoes came in!) Now add your chili seasoning, the Carroll Shelby stuff or your own spices (chili powder, cumin, paprika, etc). inally, pour your beans into a strainer and THOROUGHLY rinse them. You don't want any of the juices the beans came in. Pour the beans into the chili and stir heartily. Also add whatever meat or anything else you like (some crunchy peanut butter, a dash of dark cocoa powder, crushed nuts, maybe another type of bean, etc). Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer. Cover for 20 minutes or so. (I let mine simmer for about an hour to really let the flavors come together.) If you like your chili really thick, you can add some masa flour that came with the chili pack. Follow the directions on the chili kit. Chop up some green onions or chives, finely. Spoon into bowls and garnish with green onions on top. Be sure to have sour cream. by Josh Day
Changing Your Mouth Bacteria
We all know people who never get cavities. We've also heard that kissing can help prevent cavities. Why might this be? Dr. White at UCLA told me that dental cavities are a complex problem dealing with the bacterial ecology. Here is one idea that might turn out to be the key: There is competition between the cariogenic bacterium, Streptococcus mutans, and the non cavity causing Streptococcus sanguis. "The higher the initial population, the easier it became predominant, or the harder it was eliminated from the mixed population." Adding S. sanguis to your mouth is not the answer, in fact, it could kill you. S. sanguis binds to oral surfaces and allows other bacteria to attach. "Furthermore, S. sanguis has been long recognized as a leading cause of bacterial endocarditis, a disease of high morbidity which is fatal if untreated." Is there some other "good bacteria" that people with no cavities have? It seems so ... "S. mutans comprises thousands of different strains, some more harmful than others, which partly explains why some people have more, or more severe, cavities than others. The solution may be to target individual strains.
Yoga Untuk Mata Lelah Akibat Komputer
Setelah jamannya body language dan tae-bo, kini giliran yoga yang banyak diminati. Olahraga yang aslinya berasal dari India ini memang tengah menjadi tren. Apalagi karena yoga juga disebut-sebut sebagai �pengendali� stres. Tak heran bila banyak penduduk kota kosmopolitan ini yang tertarik. Kata yoga berasal dari bahasa Sansekerta, yang artinya penyatuan tubuh, pikiran dan pernafasan. Inti latihannya memang lebih menekankan pada stretching dan pernapasan. Hasilnya? Mereka yang telah melakukan yoga mengakui tubuh mereka menjadi lebih lentur, ditambah pikiran menjadi tambah jernih dan tenang. Yang menarik, ternyata yoga juga memiliki latihan khusus untuk mata lelah akibat banyak menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam di depan komputer. Mata lelah ini diakui para ahli bisa mengganggu penglihatan. Tapi gejala yang disebut computer-vision syndrome ini bisa diatasi dengan latihan yoga untuk mata. Begini caranya. Ambil posisi tegak sambil bersandar pada kursi kedipkan mata dengan cepat sebanyak 50 kali. Lakukanlah setiap jam, dan usahakan kedipan Anda meningkat menjadi 100 kali. Akhiri latihan dengan menutup mata, sambil tarik nafas dalam-dalam sampai otot-otot. Bagaimana, cukup mudah? Anda paling tidak hanya membutuhkan 5 menit untuk melakukannya. Setelah itu�siap kembali bekerja dan mata Anda pun tetap terjaga kesehatan dan kecantikannya. Selamat mencoba!
Find Happiness on the Job; Hate your job? You can find a way to match your personality with employment -- or happily adapt to the situation you're in.
You hate your job. OK, maybe "hate" is too strong a word. At the very least, you're not happy and wish for a change. Yet transformation doesn't come easy, because, like many others, you might get mired in the obstacles. There are bills to pay so you can't just quit, there aren't enough jobs available, or you simply don't know what to do next. The quandary is enough to make the best of us snooze the alarm eight times before dragging ourselves to work, or impatiently watch the clock crawl toward the end of the day. There is hope. According to mental health professionals, people can improve their occupational situations, either by switching employers, vocations, or attitudes. The Right Job for You The first step to loving your labor appears to be figuring out who you are, and what you want and need in a job. "Different people have different needs, and different things that motivate them," says Roni Reiter-Palmon, PhD, director of the Industrial/Organizational Psychology program at the University of Nebraska, Omaha. "For some people, the whole notion of having a secure job is more important than pay; for others, having prestige is more important. For a third group, they don't really care what job they have, as long as they're making a lot of money. You have those people who would take a low-paying job just to be satisfied; and then you have people who don't want responsibility."In addition, Reiter-Palmon says people's needs change over time. At some point in their lives, some folks desire a flexible schedule because they need to take care of kids. At another time, they may want more hours because they're saving up for a car, house, or a higher degree. Psychiatrist Jeffrey P. Kahn, MD, agrees that everyone wants something different in a job, but also points out a recent survey of American workers showing that most people want to feel like they're part of a big happy family, and that they are treated with respect and integrity at work. Yet the occupational perks may have their limits in delivering inner bliss. Kahn, who is a member of the American Psychiatric Association's Committee on Business Relations, says people's personalities play a role in how they perceive the atmosphere and relationships at work. "Some people will think they're underpaid or mistreated almost anywhere they are," he explains. "Others will feel the opposite. They'll feel content no matter where they are."An employee's personality is, indeed, a big factor in job satisfaction, says Frank Schmidt, PhD, professor of human resources at the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business. He says personality traits can be traced to the tendency for some to be emotionally stable and for others to be neurotic. These traits have a genetic component, notes Schmidt, but past and present experiences in and out of work also affect perception of a job.Making a Change By day, Dan is a trader in a New York brokerage firm. At night, he dreams of someday becoming a doctor, a physical therapist, or a high school teacher. One thing's for sure, though. He's not happy with his current work situation, but sticks with it because it pays the bills. The Los Angeles native is not just dealing with an unsatisfactory job, however. He's also trying to cope with a disappointing social life, uncertainty over whether he wants to stay in Manhattan or go back to L.A., and lots of sleepless nights. "When I'm depressed, I hate my job even more," says the 32-year-old, who, despite his distress, remains optimistic that he will someday be able to change his work and life situation, and be happy. In one sense, Dan has already taken one step toward his goal to find happiness: He realizes the scope of his misery -- a feat that isn't as easy as it seems, says Kahn. "Unhappy people often don't know just how unhappy they are," he says, noting that people tend to focus their displeasure on things that are easier to think about. Instead of identifying a problem in a marriage, for example, they shift their attention on a boss who's mean, or on an inadequate salary. After recognizing the extent of the problem, Kahn says it might help some people to discuss their dilemma with family, friends, and others who might be able to offer solutions. Next, he says it's important to find activities that will make them happy, such as exercising, praying, or listening to music. If these steps do not ease some of the misery, he recommends seeing an occupational therapist. For those who suffer with problems such as clinical depression, panic/anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, visiting a mental health professional and getting proper treatment is also important. It may be beneficial to seek jobs that might be more comfortable for them. For example, people with panic disorders, may not want a job that requires a lot of plane travel. People with chronic depression may want to limit social contact at work. This does not mean that people with ailments or problematic tendencies cannot pursue certain careers. With self-awareness, hard work, and the proper treatment, it is possible to make a change. Kahn says he once had a patient with social anxiety disorder who recognized that he needed better public speaking skills to move up in his company. After drug treatment and psychotherapy, the businessman was not only able to move into the inner circle at work, he also improved his personal life by finding a girlfriend and eventually marrying her. If All Else Fails ... Changing jobs or careers may not be a viable option for everyone, either because they live in a small town where there are not very many opportunities, or because of inadequate openings in the current job market, or because they need the money offered by their current occupation. In such cases, people try to seek contentment in other aspects of life such as family or hobbies. That is possible, says Reiter-Palmon, but she recommends altering one's approach to a job. "Ask why you're not happy, and what you can do to find happiness," she says. For some, this may mean looking into how they can reframe their jobs, either by talking to a boss and asking for more responsibility or for fewer hours. Or it may mean changing one's attitude about the job. A person who decides he needs more education and training to obtain a higher position or salary, for instance, could learn to stick with a current job because he knows it will support him while he's in school. "You may not be happy per se in that job, but you're working toward a goal so that provides a meaning to that job that you're holding right now," says Reiter-Palmon.
By Dulce Zamora
By Dulce Zamora
Model Teoritik Stres Kerja Guru
The purpose of this study was to identify and to examine the relationship/correlation among predictors' variables which strongly suspected would predict the possibility of stress related to job happening among school teachers. Specifically, the aim of this study was to compose a theoritical models which described the relationship between predictors (sex, age, number of work's year, education, school location, personality types, family cost, economic status, and school climate) and teacher stress related to job. Subjects of this study were teachers from elementary to senior high schools located on Surabaya , Malang , and Blitar. Proportional Stratified Random Sampling was used in this study. Reseach type used correlational study by applying path analysis. The results from data analysis and discussion showed that: four variables (personality type, education, family cost, experience, economic status) showed direct correlation significantly to the teacher stress related to job. The following is a theoritical model describing the correlation between predictor variables and dependent variable. (Carolina L. Radjah, State University of Malang)
Brilliant 'Wheat Free' Breakfast Suggestions . .
It is always a good idea to start the day with the juice of half a lemon in hot water to wake up your liver and digestion in a clean, healthy way. Drink this about 20 minutes before breakfast, you can also add ginger, to warm up or calm the digestion and/or cinnamon to sweeten and improve blood sugar balance. Try to include a good source of protein with your breakfast to keep you alert and maintain even energy levels. Vary breakfasts as much as possible to eat the full range of nutrients over the course of a week. Even if you manage a small amount or even eat a few nuts, it really is better than nothing at all, which can start your energy levels and blood sugar balance off to a very bad start and lead to cravings later in the day. Breakfast Suggestions: Boiled/poached egg on wholegrain bread. Wheat is okay as long as there�s no intolerance/allergy. Other alternatives include rye, spelt and rice. EnerG, The Village Bakery and Terence Stamp make delicious speciality breads available in supermarkets. The best gluten-free, yeast-free choices are Biona�s Buckwheat, Millet or Corn Lupin Breads, available in health food shops or from Spreads that are low in sugar and high in protein include tahini (sesame seed), nut or pumpkinseed butter and cottage cheese. Be imaginative and try avocado, goat�s cheese, watercress, spinach, alfalfa, anything you might eat at other times really. Bio or live full-fat yogurt (organic) with raw nuts and seeds (pumpkin and sunflower); to sweeten have berries which you can buy in frozen bags in supermarkets � defrost the night before and they will give off lots of juice after being frozen that adds to the flavour. Other fruits can be added too for variety. Gluten-free....Wholegrain muesli with nuts and live bio-yoghurt. Try an organic fruit yoghurt for variation - perhaps mixing with plain yoghurt if too sweet. If you are intolerant to wheat or gluten, by a gluten-free brand of Muesli or mix your own using buckwheat flakes or puffed quinoa, buckwheat or millet - available in health food shops. Consider making a fruit smoothie with milk (soya/rice/oat/almond). Remember to add protein in the form of nuts/seeds, silken tofu or even protein powder. Porridge...Make up porridge from oats/quinoa/rice/millet flakes with the milk of your choice topped with mixed ground seeds and berries, stewed apples and/or plums with cinnamon or sliced banana (or other fruit). Also try quinoa seeds (heirloom), which have the consistency of couscous. Sweet cinnamon...Cereal sweetening agents can include fresh or dried fruit (not too much dried) as can contain moulds and be high in sugar), fructoligosaccharide (shortened to FOS). FOS is fruit/vegetable fibre that provides food for the beneficial gut bacteria, encouraging their growth. It is widely available in health food stores or through a nutritionist, but can cause some initial bloating as it �cleans� out the gut. Juices such as apple juice in porridge or muesli, as used traditionally are good and cinnamon is very sweet tasting and actually helps to balance blood sugar levels. Whole Earth Organic tinned Baked Beans (contain no sugar and are sweetened with fruit juice) on wholegrain bread and go well with poached eggs or organic bacon as a weekend treat. Something fishy...Fish for breakfast is very traditional in England, especially smoked fish such as haddock or mackerel; you can even find a good kedgeree recipe with fish, eggs, rice, peas and Indian spices � a popular Victorian breakfast dish, modified from the Indian dish kigeree, used for cleansing in Ayurvedic medicine. You do not have to eat what is considered to be traditionally breakfast foods in the morning. This should be a hearty meal to sustain energy throughout the day and foods such as the lentil curry dhal are wonderful eaten in the morning. Avocado, feta cheese, hummus or tahini on crackers, rice or corn cakes are also good for waking up to.You can make your own healthy breakfast (or snack) flapjacks if very busy in the morning. You can use just a little honey or maple syrup to sweeten with the most sweetness supplied by apple, apple juice, dried apricots and cinnamon. Choosing a Cereal Choose a wholegrain cereal rather than a highly processed one, which has had the natural goodness removed. After processing certain vitamins and minerals then have to be added back by law. There is, of course, a massive loss in quality of these and of fibre. Removing the fibre makes a cereal easier and quicker for the body to digest, giving you a quick burst of energy but leaving you hungry by mid-morning. Even if not wheat intolerant, vary the amount you eat with more oat-based cereals such as the �oat crunchy� varieties; just be careful of the amount of added sugar. They can be very sweet and it can help to load them up with extra nuts and seeds � this can be true of any cereal, so that you increase the protein content and lower the overall ratio of sugar. You can even make your own �oat crunchy�, by toasting or baking oats rolled in Wholegrains release their energy more slowly and provide more essential oils, fibre, vitamins, minerals and have less additives. Cereal products such as muesli and oat crunchies provide real wholegrains and are more likely to include other healthy ingredients such as nuts, seeds and fruit. There may also be an organic version with fewer additives. They can still be high in sugar though, so compare labels. If bran suits your gut, then, All-Bran is less refined than the other processed cereals. Additional ingredients...Packet cereals are high in carbohydrate, which we need for energy, but the sugars are released fairly quickly so they are not an ideal balanced meal to start the day with on their own. Protein is also needed to keep our energy levels stable, combat fatigue, stop cravings for sugar and caffeine and for every aspect of the body�s function; it is found in nuts and seeds, eggs, milk and meat. Unprocessed cereals naturally contain more protein than refined ones and having live yoghurt instead of milk adds more protein and is healthier for the digestion and the immune system. A less processed cereal will be tastier with yoghurt and keep a good texture. The cereal itself does not need sugar; it is easy, tasty and very beneficial to add a chopped banana, dried fruit or even FOS (see above). Adding sugar to cereal is a habit that can you can gradually wean yourself off. Choosing a less processed cereal is an excellent step towards better health. Avoid �added� or �fortified with vitamins and minerals�Usually if a food carries this label it is an indication that the food has been processed to an extent that vitamins and minerals have been lost and some must be added back to satisfy the minimum legal requirements. Try and stick to food in as natural a state as possible for maximum intake of nutrients and fibre. Recipes for Wheat-Free Breakfast Cereal Alternatives Bircher Muesli Serves 4 Prep: 5 mins plus overnight soaking 150g/5 half oz rolled oats � can use buckwheat flakes if gluten intolerant 225ml/8 fl oz apple juice 1 apple, grated125ml/4 fl oz natural yoghurt 1 punnet of blackberries or other berries (can buy frozen) 2 plums, stoned and sliced - Put the oats and apple juice in a bowl and mix well, cover and refrigerate overnight. To serve, remove oats from the �fridge and mix in the grated apple and yoghurt, divide between 4 bowls and top with the blackberries. Gluten-free Apple Muesli By making your own muesli, you can choose your favourite grains, seeds, nuts and fruit, so feel free to adapt the recipe as preferred. Soaking the muesli for 30 minutes � or overnight if liked � in dairy-free milk or yogurt helps to soften the grains. The traditional Swiss way is too eat it with apple juice. 10 portions 75 g/23/4 oz sunflower seeds 50 g/13/4 oz pumpkin seeds 90 g/31/4 oz shelled hazelnuts, roughly chopped 125 g/41/2 oz buckwheat flakes 125 g/41/2 oz rice flakes 125 g/41/2 oz millet flakes115 g/4 oz no-soak dried apple, roughly chopped 115 g/4 oz dried stoned dates, roughly chopped - Heat a dry frying pan over a medium heat, add the seeds and hazelnuts and lightly toast, shaking the pan frequently, for 4 minutes, or until golden-brown. Transfer to a large mixing bowl and leave to cool. - Add the flakes, apple and dates to the bowl and mix thoroughly until combined. Store the muesli in an airtight jar or container. Crunchy Muesli Ingredients 200g (7oz) rolled oats or buckwheat flakes (or mixture) 25g (1oz) pumpkin seeds 25g (1oz) sunflower seed Mother Grain Munchie Ingredients 100 g Quinoa 2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 pt Water /2pt Soya milk 1 cinnamon stick Garnish/Seasoning: Honey or Brown Sugar - Pour the water into a saucepan. Add the quinoa and cinnamon. - Stir the mixture over a med heat and allow to cook for 10 mins or until the water has been absorbed by the quinoa. -Serve the quinoa into bowls, pour on soya milk. Add honey or sugar to taste. - Sprinkle � tsp cinnamon over each dish. Add cinnamon stick if desired. So, you get the idea and now you can mix, pick and choose any of the above and change to your taste. There are loads of different ingredients to add, try different combinations of: Cinnamon Nutmeg Dried apple Dried apricot - unsulphuredCoconut � unsweetened, flakes or dessicated Orange and lemon zest and peelVarious dried fruits All varieties of nuts Different grains; millet, amaranth, rye, buckwheat (actually a grass), quinoa (actually a seed!) Puffed versions of the above are available in healthfood shops � puffed quinoa is the best protein source and good for those avoiding grains Fresh fruit to add Frozen berries (in supermarkets) � good substitute for milks/yoghurt Molasses to sweetenFOS to sweeten Or anything else you fancy! 110g (4oz) mixed nuts � any mixture of almonds, macadamias, brazils , pecans, walnuts, pine kernels, hazelnuts � broken into bits 50g (2oz) dried cranberries 50g (2oz) dried apricots (or raisins/ sultanas) 125g (4oz) runny honey - Preheat the oven to 200C, 400F, Gas Mark 6.- Mix the oats, seeds, nuts and honey together in a large bowl so that everything is just coated in honey. - Tip the mixture into a roasting tin and bake for 15 mins, turning the mixture every 5 mins to ensure that the nuts do not burn and become bitter. - Remove, allow to cool and then add the dried fruits. This can be stored in an airtight container for up to a month. -To serve: spoon into bowls and serve with live, plain yoghurt. Alternatively soak overnight with soya milk, heat in the morning and eat with chopped banana. Mother Grain Munchie Ingredients 100 g Quinoa2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 pt Water 1/2pt Soya milk 1 cinnamon stick Garnish/Seasoning: Honey or Brown Sugar - Pour the water into a saucepan. Add the quinoa and cinnamon. - Stir the mixture over a med heat and allow to cook for 10 mins or until the water has been absorbed by the quinoa. -Serve the quinoa into bowls, pour on soya milk. Add honey or sugar to taste. - Sprinkle � tsp cinnamon over each dish. Add cinnamon stick if desired. So, you get the idea and now you can mix, pick and choose any of the above and change to your taste. There are loads of different ingredients to add, try different combinations of: Cinnamon Nutmeg Dried appleDried apricot - unsulphured Coconut � unsweetened, flakes or dessicated Orange and lemon zest and peel Various dried fruits All varieties of nuts Different grains; millet, amaranth, rye, buckwheat (actually a grass), quinoa (actually a seed!) Puffed versions of the above are available in healthfood shops � puffed quinoa is the best protein source and good for those avoiding grains Fresh fruit to add Frozen berries (in supermarkets) � good substitute for milks/yoghurt Molasses to sweetenFOS to sweeten Or anything else you fancy!
Love tomatoes and pasta?
The Spicy Pasta and Mexican Pasta recipes below combine them to benefit your immune system. Every day, your immune system battles the millions of bacteria, microbes, toxins and viruses that try to invade your body. From colds and flu to allergies, from gastric conditions to infection to depression, a strong immune system is your first line of defense. But this complex and highly interactive network of organs and specialized cells can help keep you healthy only if it�s healthy itself. So how do you make sure your immune system stays strong? Along with getting enough sleep and exercise, and keeping your stress level down, eating right is a key component to having lifelong good health. A low-fat, high-fiber, nutrient-rich diet will keep your immune system in top-notch condition. Research suggests that the following vitamins and minerals, in particular, regulate a wide variety of immune system functions: Vitamin A B-complex vitamins Vitamin C Zinc Selenium Magnesium While it�s a good idea to take a vitamin and mineral supplement to ensure you�re getting the nutrients your body needs, you can get immunity-boosting nutrients from a number of different foods. The following recipes, rich in the vitamins and minerals listed above, offer a delicious way to keep your immune system strong: Spicy PastaServes 4 2 teaspoons olive oil 3/4 pound spicy sausage, sliced into pieces 1 teaspoon chili powder 1/2 teaspoon oregano 3 garlic cloves, minced 1 large onion, diced 1/4 cup water 1 large red bell pepper, diced 1 large green bell pepper, diced 1 can (14� oz) stewed tomatoes, chopped 1 can (8 oz) tomato sauce 1/4 teaspoon hot pepper sauce 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 8 oz package vermicelli or angel hair pasta Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain well and set aside. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the sausage pieces and cook five minutes or until browned all over. With a slotted spoon, transfer sausage to a plate and cover loosely to keep warm. Add minced garlic, chili powder and oregano to skillet. Stir and cook about 1 minute. Add onion to skillet. Stir to coat with spices. Add water. Cook, stirring occasionally, until onion has softened (5-7 minutes). Stir in red and green bell peppers. Cook 4-5 minutes, or until crisp-tender. Stir in stewed tomatoes and their juices, tomato sauce, hot pepper sauce, salt and pepper. Add sausages and bring to a boil; then reduce to a simmer. Cover and cook until sausage is thoroughly cooked (about 5 minutes). Serve over pasta. Mexican PastaServes 4 1 tablespoon olive oil 3 green onions, thinly sliced 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1/2 lb lean ground beef or ground turkey 1 tablespoon chili powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 can (14� oz) stewed tomatoes, chopped 1 jalape�o pepper, finely chopped 1/3 cup shredded Monterey Jack or cheddar cheese 1/4 cup chopped cilantro 8 oz package bow- or corkscrew-shaped whole wheat pasta Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain well and place in a large bowl. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add green onions and garlic and cook 30 seconds. Crumble in ground beef. Sprinkle with chili powder and salt. Cook, stirring frequently, about 5 minutes, or until beef is no longer pink. Add tomatoes and their juices, and jalape�o. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium; cover and cook 5 minutes. Pour sauce over pasta. Sprinkle with cheese and cilantro. Toss to mix. These pasta dishes use canned stewed tomatoes, but you can also substitute fresh tomatoes for the canned variety in either dish. It�s easy to stew them yourself: Stewed tomatoesPeel and core tomatoes. Melt 1 tablespoon butter in a large saucepan. Add tomatoes and stir over medium heat for 1 minute. Cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes. I hope you enjoy making these healthy pasta recipes
Tooth Decay Vaccine?
Successful trials with human subjects have been conducted. For example, a Fall 1999 article from the University of Alabama at Birmingham states: "Microbiologist Suzanne Michalek, Ph.D. ( 64 ), and pediatric dentist Noel Childers, D.D.S., Ph.D., have developed an anti cavity vaccine that is being administered to volunteers in a nasal spray rather than in a hypodermic needle. In Winter 2005, Dr. Michaleck replied to an email request for an update, saying "Regarding our study, we had very encouraging results that the vaccine significantly delayed the re colonization of the bacterium that causes tooth decay. We are very excited about our findings and are continuing our studies." In response to follow up questions: "We have been doing human trial studies with our various vaccine candidates. ... The delayed colonization was months without a boost.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Fluoride fights cavities in part by decreasing demineralization ( 21 ) and increasing remineralization. ( 22 ) (Also see below.) The element fluorine, the most chemically reactive of the halogens, will bind almost any other element to form a fluoride. ("ide" on the end means there is an ionic compound of two elements. So, there are different fluorides depending on what other element binds with fluorine.) Think of fluorine as super sticky dust that grabs everything nearby. It helps glue minerals into your teeth and to keep them there. So far, so good! Fluorine's reactive property also causes it to inhibit the function of some enzymes (like enolase) essential to bacteria's ability to produce acid. Acid from bacteria causes loss of minerals from the tooth and eventually a hole or cavity, so stopping the acid production sounds nice as well ... until you realize that we humans have enzymes too I had frequent treatments as a kid. I still recall eating red fluoride pills. Am I now being overly cautious by avoiding fluoride? Perhaps I am jeopardizing the health of my teeth as some dentists claim, but based on my research my personal choice has been to avoid it. I've avoided it for years due to claims of weakened bones ( 30 ), a lowered IQ ( 31 ), cancer ( 32 ), thyroid dysfunction ( 33 ), anemia ( 34 ), liver disease ( 35 ), heart disease ( 36 ), Down's syndrome ( 37 ), and others. Many hold that fluoride is a politically protected poisonous industrial waste. I've also read startling reports that fluoride is a byproduct of atomic bomb production. ( 38 ) Documents obtained by researchers seem to support the claim that it was sold to the public as beneficial to teeth with bogus studies in order to protect early military interests. Believe this part or not, but my personal experience is that I healed five cavities without fluoride. No matter where you stand on the fluoride debate, it seems most reasonable to focus on the cause of cavities, the microscopic tooth eating beastliest themselves.
Apakah tekstur kondom mempengaruhi kepuasan dalam hubungan seksual?

Heart Disease: Heart-Healthy Diet
A heart healthy diet begins by paying close attention to what you eat. You can reduce your chance of developing atherosclerosis, the blocked arteries that cause heart disease with a heart healthy diet. If the artery-clogging process has already begun, you can slow the rate at which it progresses. Feed Your Heart Well Feeding your heart well is a powerful way to reduce or even eliminate some risk factors. Adopting a heart-healthy nutrition strategy can help reduce total and LDL cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol), lower blood pressure, lower blood sugars, and reduce body weight. While most dietary plans just tell you what you CAN'T eat (usually your favorite foods!), the most powerful nutrition strategy helps you focus on what you CAN eat. In fact, heart disease research has shown that adding heart-saving foods is just as important as cutting back on others. Here are nine nutrition strategies to reduce your risk: Eat more fish. Fish is a good source of protein and other nutrients. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. These beautiful and delicious wonders of nature may be one of the most powerful strategies in fighting heart disease. Choose fat calories wisely. Keep these goals in mind:
Limit total fat grams. Eat a bare minimum of saturated fats and trans fats (for example, fats found in butter, margarine, salad dressing, fried foods, snack foods, sweets, and desserts).
When you use added fat, use fats high in monounsaturated fats (for example, fats found in olive and peanut oil). Eat a variety and just the right amount of protein foods. Commonly eaten protein foods (meat, dairy products) are among the main culprits in increasing heart disease risk. Reduce this nutritional risk factor by balancing animal, fish, and vegetable sources of protein.
Limit cholesterol consumption. Dietary cholesterol can raise blood cholesterol levels, especially in high-risk people. Limiting dietary cholesterol has an added bonus: You'll also cut out saturated fat, as cholesterol and saturated fat are usually found in the same foods. Get energy by eating complex carbohydrates (whole-wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, whole-grain breads) and limit simple carbohydrates (regular soft drinks, sugar, sweets). If you have high cholesterol, these simple carbohydrates exacerbate the condition and may increase your risk for heart disease. Feed your body regularly. Skipping meals often leads to overeating. Eating five to six mini-meals is the best way to control blood sugars, burn fat calories more efficiently, and regulate cholesterol levels. Other Heart-Healthy Strategies Reduce salt intake. This will help you control your blood pressure. Exercise. The human body was meant to be active. Exercise strengthens the heart muscle, improves blood flow, reduces high blood pressure, raises HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol), and helps control blood sugars and body weight. Hydrate. Water is vital to life. Be sure to stay adequately hydrated. Enjoy every bite. Your motto should be dietary enhancement, not deprivation. When you enjoy what you eat, you feel more positive about life, which helps you feel better. An added bonus is that you eat less when you eat food you love, and that helps control weight and reduce cholesterol levels.
Limit total fat grams. Eat a bare minimum of saturated fats and trans fats (for example, fats found in butter, margarine, salad dressing, fried foods, snack foods, sweets, and desserts).
When you use added fat, use fats high in monounsaturated fats (for example, fats found in olive and peanut oil). Eat a variety and just the right amount of protein foods. Commonly eaten protein foods (meat, dairy products) are among the main culprits in increasing heart disease risk. Reduce this nutritional risk factor by balancing animal, fish, and vegetable sources of protein.
Limit cholesterol consumption. Dietary cholesterol can raise blood cholesterol levels, especially in high-risk people. Limiting dietary cholesterol has an added bonus: You'll also cut out saturated fat, as cholesterol and saturated fat are usually found in the same foods. Get energy by eating complex carbohydrates (whole-wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, whole-grain breads) and limit simple carbohydrates (regular soft drinks, sugar, sweets). If you have high cholesterol, these simple carbohydrates exacerbate the condition and may increase your risk for heart disease. Feed your body regularly. Skipping meals often leads to overeating. Eating five to six mini-meals is the best way to control blood sugars, burn fat calories more efficiently, and regulate cholesterol levels. Other Heart-Healthy Strategies Reduce salt intake. This will help you control your blood pressure. Exercise. The human body was meant to be active. Exercise strengthens the heart muscle, improves blood flow, reduces high blood pressure, raises HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol), and helps control blood sugars and body weight. Hydrate. Water is vital to life. Be sure to stay adequately hydrated. Enjoy every bite. Your motto should be dietary enhancement, not deprivation. When you enjoy what you eat, you feel more positive about life, which helps you feel better. An added bonus is that you eat less when you eat food you love, and that helps control weight and reduce cholesterol levels.
Can Aromatherapy Heal Depression?
Most people who are affected by depression become very flat, lifeless, stressed out and easily agitated. Some individuals even have trouble getting out of the bed. This makes it very difficult to recover or bounce back. The essential oils used in aromatherapy, may help to reverse this by positively affecting the brain. Essential oils can provide an emotional lift and help to alleviate some of the tension and anxiety associated with depression. Some common essential oils that are believed to help chase away the blues include: Geranium, Jasmine, Sandalwood, Rose, eppermint and Ylang Ylang. Although counseling and medication have been the mainstays in the fight against depression, there are many side effects associated with pharmaceutical meds and many people stay in counseling for years without any significant progress. Others do experience relief using these methods and that is great. However, there are groups of individuals who would rather not use pharmaceutical drugs to cure their depression, or may be simply looking to supplement their drug regimen. They may be interested in experimenting with natural remedies. Aromatherapy gives them that option. It can be added as an additional tool in the fight against depression. To increase the effectiveness of this approach, changes in diet, physical activity, and supplementation can really help to multiply the effects of aromatherapy. A 17th century herbalist by the name of John Gerard, believed that clary sage was good to use when individuals were suffering from mental tiredness, depression and other mental disorders. Today, many aromatherapists tend to agree. According to research conducted at the International Flavors and Fragrances in New Jersey, fragrances of orange are also believed to be helpful in reducing anxiety Aromatherapy is generally more effective in people who are only having mild bouts of depression, and that either do not require medication or who are being weaned off of it. . This is because there is no threat of dangerous drug interactions. Now while aromatherapy can be very helpful, it is important that one doesn�t suddenly stop using their medications. This could potentially be quite dangerous. It is vital that one works closely with their doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist, so that they can safely create an effective game plan to be weaned off prescribed medications as a health professional sees fit. Probably the most effective forms of aromatherapy to treat depression are bath and massage oils. These allow you take advantage of both your sense of touch and smell. Aromatherapy is a fantastic way for individuals to treat mild depression. Lavender, geranium, rose and peppermint are some of the very best essential oils to use when one has the prolonged blues.
What About Mouthwash?
One dentist I asked said mouthwash "kills germs" but said it didn't reduce cavities. This did not make sense to me. If by "germs" they mean s. mutans, then cavities should be reduced by the use of mouthwash, right? According to one study: Rinsing with 20 ml of Listerine Antiseptic for 30 seconds twice per day for 11 days produced respective reductions of 69.9% and 75.4% in total recoverable streptococci and in S. mutans in plaque, and corresponding reductions of 50.8% and 39.2% in saliva. The drug company, Pfizer, has been told by a federal judge that their advertising which claims Listerine is just as effective at fighting plaque and gingivitis as the use of dental floss is misleading. McNeil-PPC, a unit of Johnson & Johnson, sued Pfizer saying the ads were a threat to dental floss sales. Recommendation: Use both mouthwash and floss. My choice for floss is Eco-dent with essential oils found in mouthwash. The active ingredients of Listerine are called essential oils and they include Thymol 0.064% (kills fungus 47), Eucalypol 0.092%, Methyl Salicylate 0.060% and Menthol 0.042%. Tests at Weber State University by Dr. Gary Young found certain essential oils kill 99.96% of airborne bacteria, although some say Young's knowledge of basic science is lacking. For a while I was using Biotene mouthwash. I previously used Listerine mouthwash daily and I still had high counts, however.
Manfaat cabai rawit

21st-Century Dentistry
A new world of dental treatments requires a bit less bravery Kevin Ireland had his gums fixed twice a few years ago. His first treatment involved peeling back his lower gums with a scalpel to excise bacteria and stitching him up, an uncomfortable and painful experience for the 50-year-old manager of a Utah dinosaur park. While his gums were healing, his periodontist received training in a new laser technology that targets diseased gum tissues without harming healthy ones. So the treatment of his upper gums a few weeks later was virtually pain free. Such high-tech advances are transforming how patients experience oral care, in some cases shortening their time in the chair and in recovery. Less-invasive implants, digital imaging, and new uses of lasers are also removing some of the anxiety and discomfort often associated with dentistry. It can be easy to get caught up in the "gee whiz" factor of dazzling new technology, though, and dentists sometimes offer procedures that are neither essential nor cost effective. So each patient should develop a solid, trusting relationship with a dentist, says Gene Antenucci, a spokesman for the Academy of General Dentistry, especially before shelling out for unfamiliar treatments. "It's also important for the patient to ask questions and to do some outside research," he adds, when a dentist recommends a costly service. Ireland's periodontist was one of a number who have begun laying aside scalpels in favor of the laser-assisted new attachment procedure, or LANAP, a novel treatment for infected gums that the Food and Drug Administration approved in 2004. The pulsing laser can distinguish by color between healthy and diseased gums and zaps away only bacteria and infected tissue, which has a darker pigment than the surrounding healthy gums. LANAP helps connective tissue and bone form between the gums and teeth, according to a study in the December issue of the International Journal of Periodontics and Restora-tive Dentistry. "There were also signs of a regeneration of diseased root surfaces in all lanap-treated teeth," says Raymond Yukna, the study's lead author and director of advanced periodontal therapies at the University of Colo-rado School of Dental Medicine. In theory, that means there is less chance of the infection returning. The laser's heat also seals the gums with a "thermal blood clot, creating a physical barrier to any bacteria or tissue that could re-create gum pockets," says Sam Low, an associate dean of the University of Florida College of Dentistry and vice president of the American Academy of Periodontology. Still, LANAP is unlikely to fully replace traditional gum surgery anytime soon. The laser therapy isn't demonstrably superior to surgery, reseachers recently reported in the Journal of Periodontology. Insurance will typically cover either procedure, so patients won't necessarily pay more for lanap. Lasers are also taking part in cosmetic treatments. Laser gum revision, for example, can reshape the gum lines in much the same way periodontists have traditionally done with a scalpel. So, patients with a gummy smile or long- or short-looking teeth can achieve a more proportioned look, says Joseph Zelig, a New York City-based cosmetic periodontist. "Think of the gums as a frame around a painting," he says. "If the frame is broken, the painting won't look good no matter how expensive it is." The laser cauterizes the gum tissue, minimizing pain and bleeding and shortening recovery. Mini-implants. Lasers aren't the only game in town. Advances in miniature dental implants are making the replacement of decayed or missing teeth with dentures more palatable. "Mini-implants are designed for patients with limited bone in their jaws who have trouble holding in their dentures," says Antenucci. In contrast to conventional implants, which must be anchored in the jaw and take several months to fuse with bone, titanium mini-implants can be inserted in a single visit and don't require cutting the gums. And while conventional implants cost $1,250 to $3,000 per tooth, mini-implants can be just half that. Neither is typically covered by insurance. Digital impression technology, another recent advance, is taking the goo out of dentistry. Crowns, bridges, and other restorative prosthetics require an impression of a patient's teeth in order to fit correctly. This usually involves a paste or putty that takes several minutes to set. But a "virtual" impression removes the discomfort from that wait. In the new process, a digital camera scans a portion of the mouth and creates a 3-D image that precisely reflects the size and position of each tooth. Dentists with certain equipment can then produce a custom-tailored prosthetic on the spot. Others send the image to an off-site manufacturing facility, an approach that may take a couple of weeks but offers patients a wider selection of materials, like gold and porcelain. Some dentists may build the cost of the equipment and processing into the price of the restoration, making the work more expensive than conventional restoration work, which remains most dentists' only offering. When Martha Zeeman, 40, of Lake Forest, Ill., got fitted for a crown four years ago, she could barely tolerate the impression paste because of her strong gag reflex. So when she needed three crowns last fall, she became one of the first patients to receive a virtual impression using the recently approved iTero system. "There was no more unpleasant taste and definitely no more gagging," she says.
By Matthew Shulman
By Matthew Shulman
Weight Loss: High Protein, Low Carbohydrate Diets
High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets have been widely promoted in recent years as an effective approach to losing weight. These diets generally recommend dieters receive 30% to 50% of their total calories from protein. By comparison, the American Heart Association, the National Cholesterol Education Program, and the American Cancer Society all recommend a diet in which a smaller percentage of calories are derived from protein (nutrients essential to the building, maintenance, and repair of tissues in the body). The Atkins diet is an example of a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. How Do These Diets Work? By restricting carbohydrates drastically to a mere fraction of that found in the typical American diet, the body goes into a different metabolic state called ketosis, whereby it burns its own fat for fuel. Normally the body burns carbohydrates for fuel -- this is the main source of fuel for your brain, heart and many other organs. A person in ketosis is getting energy from ketones, little carbon fragments that are the fuel created by the breakdown of fat stores. When the body is in ketosis, you tend to feel less hungry, and thus you're likely to eat less than you might otherwise. However, ketosis can also cause health problems, such as kidney failure (see below). As a result, your body changes from a carbohydrate-burning engine into a fat-burning engine. So instead of relying on the carbohydrate-rich items you might typically consume for energy, and leaving your fat stores just where they were before (alas, the hips, belly, and thighs), your fat stores become a primary energy source. The purported result is weight loss. What Are the Health Risks Associated With High Protein, Low Carb Diets? High protein diets can cause a number of health problems, including: Kidney failure. Consuming too much protein puts a strain on the kidneys, which can make a person susceptible to kidney disease. High cholesterol. It is well known that high protein diets (consisting of red meat, whole dairy products, and other high fat foods) are linked to high cholesterol. Studies have linked high cholesterol levels to an increased risk of developing heart disease, stroke and cancer. Osteoporosis and kidney stones. High protein diets have also been shown to cause people to excrete more calcium than normal through their urine. Over a prolonged period of time, this can increase a person's risk of osteoporosis and kidney stones. Cancer. One of the reasons high protein diets increase the risks of certain health problems is because of the avoidance of carbohydrate-containing foods and the vitamins, minerals, fiber and anti-oxidants they contain. It is therefore important to obtain your protein from a diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Not only are your needs for protein being met, but you are also helping to reduce your risk of developing cancer. Unhealthy metabolic state (ketosis). Low carb diets can cause your body to go into a dangerous metabolic state called ketosis since your body burns fat instead of glucose for energy. During ketosis, the body forms substances known as ketones, which can cause organs to fail and result in gout, kidney stones, or kidney failure. Ketones can also dull a person's appetite, cause nausea and bad breath. Ketosis can be prevented by eating at least 100 grams of carbohydrates a day. Is This Diet Right for Me? These theories of weight loss remain unproven, and most experts are concerned that high-protein, low carb diets can cause a host of problems, particularly for the large segment of the population that is at risk for heart disease. What's more, the plan doesn't permit a high intake of fruits and vegetables, recommended by most nutrition experts because of the numerous documented health benefits from these foods. The experts say to achieve permanent weight loss you must change your lifestyle. This means following a lower calorie diet that includes grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables combined with participating in regular physical activity. Before starting this or any diet, be sure to talk with your doctor to determine what approach is right for you. Reviewed by the Department of Nutrition Therapy at The Cleveland Clinic.
Ceramah Kesehatan �Kenali dan Cegah Osteoporosis�
Osteoporosis adalah suatu penyakit yang ditandai dengan berkurangnya kepadatan massa tulang, sehingga tulang menjadi rentan terhadap fraktur (patah tulang). Faktor yang mempengaruhi kepadatan massa tulang adalah setelah puncak massa tulang tercapai sekitar usia diatas 80 Thn, kekurangan hormon, calcium + VIT D, dan latihan. Dalam rangka Menindaklanjuti kegiatan pemeriksaan Osteoporosis pada tanggal 3 dan 4 Desember 2007 yang diikuti oleh karyawan/ti di lingkungan kantor pusat BATAN, hari ini (14/12) Korpri Sub Unit Kantor Pusat mangadakan ceramah kesehatan dengan tema �Kenali dan Cegah Osteoporosis� , dengan pembicara Dr. Okky Kadarusman, Sp.PD ceramah diawali dengan pemberian sambutan oleh Kepala Biro Umum Ir. Jeni Ruslan, menurutnya dengan diadakannya kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja pegawai. Kegiatan ini membahas bagaimana mengenali osteoporosis sejak dini dan cara penanganannya, Okky memaparkan faktor-faktor risiko osteoporosis antara lain, usia (setiap penambahan lima s/d satu dekade akan meningkatkan risiko osteoprosis 1.5 kali), wanita (henti haid/menopause , henti haid lebih cepat <45>Osteoporosis dapat dicegah dengan memberikan asupan kalisium + VIT D HOR (one Alpha), sumber kalsium makanan, tambahan kalsium (suplementasi), hindari merokok, hindari minum alkohol, dan olah raga serta tetap aktif. Osteoporosis juga dapat diobati yaitu dengan perubahan gaya hidup, latihan / olah raga pembebanan, Obat: hormon (estrogen), vitamin D hormone (ONE ALPHA), Calcitonin dan fisioterapi / rehabilitasi medik.
Loose Weight By Cutting Dietary Fat Absorption
You can lose weight by cutting dietary fat absorption, although in order to understand the need for this you have to appreciate the effect that fat has on your weight. Not only fat, but any form of calories. The word �calorie� appears to have a bad press, and there have been a lot of ill informed comments made about calories and whether calorie controlled diets are effective or not. Quite frankly, it is all said in ignorance. Whether you agree or not, the calorie is a measurement of energy and the calorie content of foods is what is calculated to be the energy value of these foods. Once inside your body, that energy is either used up or converted to body mass. It is not necessarily converted to fat, since that extra weight could be in the form of muscle tissue. However, it is converted to body mass and so you can put on weight. The basic equation is that if you take in more energy than you use, then you add weight, and if you use more energy than you take in, then you lose weight. It is slightly more complex than that, but it is basically true. That does not mean that if you eat a pound of dripping (the fat that drips off cooking meat) you will add a pound of weight. It is the calorific value of the dripping in terms of energy, whether measured in calories or in joules, that is the relevant factor, and if that is 4000 calories, which is about average for various types of dripping, then if you use up 4001 calories in exercise, you can safely spread your pound of lard on toast and eat it without putting on weight (you will have also to use up the calories in the toast). It is the calorie equation that is important, and if this is negative then you will lose weight. You have to: it is a law of science! Whether your calories are in the form of cookies, candies, avocados (loads of them) or dripping, it is all the same. A meat calorie is the same as a vegetarian or vegan calorie. If you eat more than you use you put on weight. Different foods contain different quantities of energy, or calories. If you buy a Big Mac you eat 570 calories, and 5 from your Super Pepsi. If the guy next to you has an English Muffin, he will have 140 calories. However, if he then goes home and slouches on the sofa watching TV and you go to the gym for a serious workout, he is liable to put on weight and you lose it. It�s all in the equation! However, you don�t just use calories in exercise. Your metabolism is also important. In fact 65% - 75% of the calories you use in a day are used up by the body at rest: the metabolism that takes place 24/7 to keep you alive. The heartbeat, breathing and brain activity for example, all use up energy. So not all is doom and gloom, and you can burn up these calories even while you are sleeping. However, there is another way to prevent the fat you eat from turning into weight. (Incidentally, if you exercise a lot, that weight will likely be in muscle mass, but if not then it will certainly be fat). You have a clue to the way that can be done in the first sentence of this article: �dietary fat absorption�. If the fat is not absorbed into the body, then it is not available to be metabolized into body fat. It will pass through the body unchanged. It is not the fat you consume that makes you gain weight, but the amount of that fat absorbed through your intestines. But how is it possible to selectively prevent the fat in your diet from being emulsified by the bile and absorbed through the intestinal wall? By means of chitosan. This is a fiber that absorbs part of the fat from the food you have eaten and hides it away from your digestive system. It cannot be broken down into sugars and then into fat to add to your unwanted weight. However, because it works after your meal, you get to eat what you want � that �finger lickin� good� stuff you love, but don�t suffer the consequences of failing to exercise to work it off. It�s like you just ate lettuce without the fried chicken with the crispy fatty skin. So what is this miracle substance, chitosan? Biologists would recognize the name as being associated with chitin, the acetyl-glucosamine polymer that forms the carapaces, or shells, of crabs, lobsters and other marine shellfish. Chitosan is formed by deacetylating the chitin and is mainly used to enhance the growth of plants, and also as a filtration aid. So what does it do to help to remove some of the fat from your diet after you have eaten it? The mechanism by which it does this is not fully understood, and in fact is still disputed in some quarters. However, the proof of the pudding is in the eating and it appears to act according to the claims. There are two possible mechanisms, one of which is connected with the deacetylation of the chitin molecule. Because of this, the resultant chitosan molecule has cationic groups on the polymer chain. Cations are positively charged, and can react with acids, not the least of which are the bile acids that break down lipids (fats) to render them into a form suitable for absorption. It is possible for the chitosan to react with the bile acids and prevent them from breaking down the fats into a condition that enables them to be passed through the intestinal wall. However, it has also been proposed that dietary fibers work by increasing the thickness of the boundary layer of the intestine through which the fats would have to pass. This would have the effect of reducing the lipid uptake. It is also possible that since chitosan is a fibrous substance, it attracts the fats through its charge and absorbs them into a swelling ball of fats and fiber that is not only impermeable by the bile acids, but also passes through the intestinal tract unchanged and eventually excreted. In fact, there is not proof for any of these projected mechanisms, and all are theoretically possible. The fact is that it appears to work, but must be taken for several weeks for the effects to be noticeable. It is possible to lose weight by dietary fat absorption, and whatever mechanism is used by chitosan, it is well worth trying if you like your fatty foods but also want to lose weight. Combine chitosan with a good exercise regime and you might find that you can control your weight whatever you eat. Chitosan is available over the counter at any health food store.
Natural Bar Soaps for the Kitchen and Bathroom
Good natural bar soaps that contain only substances that are good for your skin are available, although most people pay little attention to them. Many people might be unaware of the fact but the skin is the largest organ of the body. As such, the skin needs taken care of just as much as any other major organ, yet few people pay much attention to what they bring into contact with it. Although a lot of money is spent on body products, do you really know what your skin needs for optimum health and what substances can do it harm? Your skin carries out many functions other than keeping the bits inside that should be kept inside. It is a natural thermostat, containing the sweat glands that dampens it and allows evaporation to cool you down. It contains hairs and subcutaneous fat, both of which help you to remain warm when the external temperature is low. Your skin is designed to remain supple, and so allow free movement of the various parts of your body. It is an ideal waterproof covering for your body that also protects you from infection. Although infection can set in if the skin is ruptured through cuts or grazes, the skin itself rarely suffers from surface infections when related to the number of infectious agents it is constantly in contact with. The health of your skin is very important, especially in view of the fact that it regularly comes into contact with some very hazardous substances. What may not have occurred to you is that one of the many functions of your skin is to eliminate some of the body�s waste products. It does this when you sweat and the toxins that are emitted can harm it. Although not often infected, it does suffer from complaints such as psoriasis, eczema and acne that are not primarily caused by bacterial agents or viruses, and hence not true infections.
These conditions, however, are caused largely through the emission of toxic agents through the sweat glands. Acne for instance is caused by excessive emission of sebum that combines with dead skin cells to form acne which can also become infected with bacteria. Psoriasis is the excessive formation of skin cells at too rapid a rate, the true causes of which are as yet unknown. Skin cells can become cancerous due to excessive exposure to sunlight or ultra violet radiation, and skin cancer is the most common type of cancer that your doctor is liable to come across.
If you suffer from any specific skin condition, such as acne, or even dry skin that can be caused through excessive exposure to degreasing agents or dry winds, then your skin will need special care. The soap you use is very important in the way you care for your skin, and many people will use soaps that contain many ingredients that they cannot pronounce let alone understand.
Your skin needs cleansed regularly since it comes into contact with many dangerous and toxic substances. Apart from the everyday pollution of traffic fumes and factory emissions, there are also the substances that contaminate your skin at work and at home. At home specially, domestic cleaners can be very harsh on your skin, consisting of substances that are intended to clean away greases and oils, the very types of substance that protect your skin from the elements. When you clean your oven or your sink without gloves, you also clean off the protective oily layer on your skin and leave it open to bacterial attack. Your skin can also become sensitized to many substances, so that whenever it comes into contact with them it promotes an allergic reaction that can cause irritations so severe that your life can become very miserable. Many people are allergic to various types of soap or detergent because they have become sensitized to them, and are unable to use that type of cleanser after sensitization. Many soaps contain active ingredients that are intended to carry out specific functions. Thus, some contain antibacterial agents to inhibit the growth of specific types of bacteria on your skin, while others contain detergents to improve their cleaning power. However, some detergents can be very harsh on your skin, and try to avoid bar soaps containing PEG-6 methyl ether or butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). These can be harmful to your skin. There are others, and if your skin is sensitive try to avoid soaps containing animal products or petroleum derivatives.
Take tetrasodium EDTA, which is present in common bar soaps. It enhances the penetration of substances through your skin, which means that it can also enhance the penetration of the lees welcome ingredients in the soap as well as the moisturizers. Substances as sodium etidronate that is a synthetic preservative that might cause irritation to your skin and mucus membranes. There are several other synthetic detergents that are ingredients in bar soaps, and many kitchen soaps contain the same ingredients as personal or bathroom soaps, the difference between them being only in their moisturizer and perfume content. Other ingredients than can cause potential problems are limonene, linalool and camphor, all of which can give rise to unwelcome conditions such as irritation or respiratory problems. The first two of these are common in bar soaps, as are benzaldehyde and benzyl alcohol which are irritants. Alpha-pinene, found in some bar soaps, is a sensitizer than can damage your immune system. Unless you know what a specific ingredient is, don�t use the soap. Instead you should use pure natural bar soaps containing antioxidants that are good for your skin. A pure soap should contain the fat or oil that it is made from, good examples being coconut or palm oils, water, a water softener to enable the soap to cleanse the skin properly, an example being one of the penetrates, a moisturizer such as glycerine or lanolin and possibly a perfume derived from natural sources. Salt is also frequently used, and is a good bactericide. Wherever possibly, you should choose a natural soap containing antioxidants. Citrus soaps, for example, contain vitamin C although many soaps contain antioxidants such as beta carotenes, vitamin A and vitamin E. Since soap consists of both oils and water, you can have both oil and water soluble antioxidants in your soap. The antioxidants help to protect your skin from the ravages of pollution and the effects of the sun�s rays, both of which generate free radicals that can accelerate the aging and wrinkling of your skin. A good antioxidant, moisturizer and wetting agent in your bar soap will help to protect your skin from the effects of atmospheric pollutants, the drying effect of the sun and wind and also effectively cleanse the skin surface and pores of everyday dirt. If this is associated with an absence of synthetic chemicals that can cause irritation then you will be giving your skin the best protection that you can. This is true of soaps intended either for the kitchen or the bathroom.
These conditions, however, are caused largely through the emission of toxic agents through the sweat glands. Acne for instance is caused by excessive emission of sebum that combines with dead skin cells to form acne which can also become infected with bacteria. Psoriasis is the excessive formation of skin cells at too rapid a rate, the true causes of which are as yet unknown. Skin cells can become cancerous due to excessive exposure to sunlight or ultra violet radiation, and skin cancer is the most common type of cancer that your doctor is liable to come across.
If you suffer from any specific skin condition, such as acne, or even dry skin that can be caused through excessive exposure to degreasing agents or dry winds, then your skin will need special care. The soap you use is very important in the way you care for your skin, and many people will use soaps that contain many ingredients that they cannot pronounce let alone understand.
Your skin needs cleansed regularly since it comes into contact with many dangerous and toxic substances. Apart from the everyday pollution of traffic fumes and factory emissions, there are also the substances that contaminate your skin at work and at home. At home specially, domestic cleaners can be very harsh on your skin, consisting of substances that are intended to clean away greases and oils, the very types of substance that protect your skin from the elements. When you clean your oven or your sink without gloves, you also clean off the protective oily layer on your skin and leave it open to bacterial attack. Your skin can also become sensitized to many substances, so that whenever it comes into contact with them it promotes an allergic reaction that can cause irritations so severe that your life can become very miserable. Many people are allergic to various types of soap or detergent because they have become sensitized to them, and are unable to use that type of cleanser after sensitization. Many soaps contain active ingredients that are intended to carry out specific functions. Thus, some contain antibacterial agents to inhibit the growth of specific types of bacteria on your skin, while others contain detergents to improve their cleaning power. However, some detergents can be very harsh on your skin, and try to avoid bar soaps containing PEG-6 methyl ether or butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). These can be harmful to your skin. There are others, and if your skin is sensitive try to avoid soaps containing animal products or petroleum derivatives.
Take tetrasodium EDTA, which is present in common bar soaps. It enhances the penetration of substances through your skin, which means that it can also enhance the penetration of the lees welcome ingredients in the soap as well as the moisturizers. Substances as sodium etidronate that is a synthetic preservative that might cause irritation to your skin and mucus membranes. There are several other synthetic detergents that are ingredients in bar soaps, and many kitchen soaps contain the same ingredients as personal or bathroom soaps, the difference between them being only in their moisturizer and perfume content. Other ingredients than can cause potential problems are limonene, linalool and camphor, all of which can give rise to unwelcome conditions such as irritation or respiratory problems. The first two of these are common in bar soaps, as are benzaldehyde and benzyl alcohol which are irritants. Alpha-pinene, found in some bar soaps, is a sensitizer than can damage your immune system. Unless you know what a specific ingredient is, don�t use the soap. Instead you should use pure natural bar soaps containing antioxidants that are good for your skin. A pure soap should contain the fat or oil that it is made from, good examples being coconut or palm oils, water, a water softener to enable the soap to cleanse the skin properly, an example being one of the penetrates, a moisturizer such as glycerine or lanolin and possibly a perfume derived from natural sources. Salt is also frequently used, and is a good bactericide. Wherever possibly, you should choose a natural soap containing antioxidants. Citrus soaps, for example, contain vitamin C although many soaps contain antioxidants such as beta carotenes, vitamin A and vitamin E. Since soap consists of both oils and water, you can have both oil and water soluble antioxidants in your soap. The antioxidants help to protect your skin from the ravages of pollution and the effects of the sun�s rays, both of which generate free radicals that can accelerate the aging and wrinkling of your skin. A good antioxidant, moisturizer and wetting agent in your bar soap will help to protect your skin from the effects of atmospheric pollutants, the drying effect of the sun and wind and also effectively cleanse the skin surface and pores of everyday dirt. If this is associated with an absence of synthetic chemicals that can cause irritation then you will be giving your skin the best protection that you can. This is true of soaps intended either for the kitchen or the bathroom.
Bacteria are Inside Gum Crevices
One s. mutans bacteria about 1 micron in diameter, about 1/5th the size of a human red blood cell. Unfortunately, "There are more Strep Mutans bacteria in a single drop of dental plaque than there are humans on earth." One micron (also called a micrometer) is one thousandth of a millimeter. ( 54 ) Since normal pockets where your gums overlap your teeth are 1 to 4 millimeters deep, gobs of bacteria can and do hide in your gum pockets. "The electric toothbrushes, Sonicare and the Oral-B Braun 3-D claim to clean up to 2 or 3 millimeters past the bristle tips, or about 3.5 or 4.5 millimeters ( 55 ) into gum crevices, although this is debatable."
Memerangi penyakit dengan nuklir
Teknik kedokteran nuklir secara progresif telah menjadi alat paling penting dalam melawan berbagai penyakit, seperti diantaranya penyakit jantung. teknik nuklir telah memainkan peran kunci dalam menangani gangguan arteri koroner. Teknik ini juga berguna dalam menangani hipertensi renovaskular dan diagnosis gangguan pembuluh darah kecil yang mempengaruhi ginjal, jantung dan saluran pencernaan pada pasien-pasien yang menderita diabetes, skleroderma dan penderita penyakit kronis lainnya. Teknologi pemindaian dengan nuklir mengalami ledakan pertumbuhan dalam lebih dua dasawarsa terakhir. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, teknik kedokteran nuklir telah mapan sehingga sekarang menjadi kebiasaan rutin dalam praktek klinik di seluruh dunia. Saat ini pemindaian berada di persimpangan jalan, dengan agen pemindaian target molekular diharapkan dapat memperbesar secara nyata kemampuan metoda pemindaian anatomi konvensional. Pengamatan interaksi molekular dalam jaringan tubuh dengan teknik radioperunut telah dikenal sebagai kedoteran nuklir molekular. Teknik ini menganalisis biokimia sel dan hubungannya dengan proses penyakit yang terlihat dalam disfungsi jaringan dan organ untuk tujuan diagnostik dan terapi. Perkembangan penerapan kedokteran dan pemindaian dengan nuklir terkait erat dengan letersediaan radioisotop dan penemuan radiofarmaka baru. Hampir 10 juta pasien memanfaatkan penggunaan radiofarmaka setiap tahun, demikian laporan industri yang dilansir oleh Badan Tenaga Atom Internasional (IAEA) beberapa waktu lalu. Secara total lebih dari 25 juta prosedur pemindaian dengan radiofarmaka dilakukan di seluruh dunia pada 2000, guna diagnosa penyakit-penyakit utama.(BATAN)
Understanding Hernia - the Basics
What Is a Hernia? A hernia occurs when an organ or tissue squeezes through a hole or a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or connective tissue called fascia. The most common types are inguinal, incisional, femoral, umbilical and hiatal. In an inguinal hernia, the intestine or the bladder protrudes through the abdominal wall or into the inguinal canal in the groin. About 80% of all hernias are inguinal, and most occur in men because of a natural weakness in this area. In an incisional hernia, the intestine pushes through the abdominal wall at the site of previous abdominal surgery. This type is most common in elderly or overweight people who are inactive after abdominal surgery. A femoral hernia occurs when the intestine enters the canal carrying the femoral artery into the upper thigh. Femoral hernias are most common in women, especially those who are pregnant or obese. In an umbilical hernia, part of the small intestine passes through the abdominal wall near the navel. Common in newborns, it also commonly afflicts obese women or those who have had many children. A hiatal hernia happens when the stomach squeezes through the hiatus, an opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus and two large blood vessels pass. What Causes Hernias? Ultimately, all hernias are caused by a combination of pressure and an opening or weakness of muscle or fascia: The pressure pushes an organ or tissue through the opening or weak spot. Sometimes the muscle weakness is present at birth; more often, it occurs later in life. Poor nutrition, smoking, and overexertion all can weaken muscles and make hernias more likely. Anything that causes an increase in pressure in the abdomen can then cause a hernia, including obesity, lifting heavy objects, diarrhea or constipation, or persistent coughing or sneezing.
Bacteria are Inside Teeth, Hiding from Mouthwash
The dentists I consulted said bacteria that cause cavities are INSIDE teeth, under the surface. Mouthwash can't reach them. Interesting. Another said that bacteria can not be inside the teeth in the microtubules, otherwise they would infect the root. We saw above that plaque is 300 to 500 cells thick with s. Mutans. How does this layer interact with the tooth surface? How big are s. mutans bacteria? How do they hide from the active ingredients in mouthwash? In healthy enamel strands are 100,000 by 50 by 25 nanometers. ( 49 ) Each green bundle (artificially collored in the photo for clarity) below is made up of many enamel strands and each bundle is about 5 micrometers (microns) in diameter ( 50 ) or about five times as wide as a single s mutans bacteria. Above is an electron micrograph of enamel crystals organized in bundles called prisms. These extremely long and parallel organized hydroxyapatite crystals are often organized perpendicular to each other. The figure is colorized to show the organization. ( 52 ) You can see that from the perspective of a bacteria, the surface is rough and there may be many places to hide. It seems evident from this photo, however, that bacteria would not be able to penetrate healthy enamel unless they break it down first. Remaining questions about mouthwash: 1. How exactly does it kill bacteria? How effective is it at killing s mutans? 2. As they get into your teeth, do the bacteria leave behind any kind of barrier to keep the mouthwash out?
Life After Divorce
After an 18-year-marriage ended in divorce eight months ago (we separated eight months before that), I tried to see some positives in what was not a very pleasant situation. I was thinking that it does give me the opportunity to sort of reinvent or re-create my life at 46. How many people get to do that without having to negotiate that with a spouse? Well, I don't think I'm doing well at seeing where I could go, what I could do. I don't want to stay where I am but I don't just want to change locations and career simply for the sake of changing. I never wanted to move to my current location -- tried to make the best of it. But without the marriage it doesn't make much sense to stay here. I switched careers several years ago and I am not particularly happy in my current one. I'm well educated and generally resourceful. My problem is this inertia I have to take a specific step in It's like I am frozen with indecision. I've never been indecisive in my life. I feel like I have very little self-confidence, and I do attribute that to the divorce. I have even lost some interest in dating. I'm reluctant to get into a relationship that might keep me in my current location. I'm also reluctant to really get involved when I don't know what I want for my own life. But on the other hand, I feel pretty socially isolated and I know I am lonely. Frankly, I miss sex and I miss physical affection. That isn't helping my state of mind to be distracted by that either. I managed to get through a horrible divorce, rise eventually out of depression and problems with anxiety, and now I just want to get my life in order and focused toward the future. I should add that my only child will go off to college next year. I am very concerned that two big life changes -- a divorce and my daughter going off to pursue her own dreams (which I want her to do) -- and having to put all that in perspective -- are keeping me from developing a path for myself. Where to begin?
Radiasi Picu Risiko Kanker Otak
ANAK-ANAK yang terkena paparan terapi radiasi sebelum usia lima tahun diketahui memiliki risiko untuk terkena tumor pada otak atau sistem syaraf pusatnya beberapa tahun kemudian. Data itu diperoleh dari penelitian terhadap anak-anak yang bertahan hidup dari kanker semasa kanak-kanak. Jenis tumor saraf yang sering ditemui pada anak-anak yaitu gliomas dan meningiomas, yang umumnya ditemukan pada otak dan juga bagian lainnya. Sekitar 1 persen dari total penderita kanker usia anak-anak yang mampu bertahan dalam selang waktu bertahun-tahun diketahui akan terkena tumor pada sistem sarafnya jika mereka terkena radiasi. Risiko tertinggi untuk terkena kanker kedua kalinya (kanker pada sistem saraf) untuk anak-anak yang menjalani terapi radiasi pada usia sangat muda memiliki kemungkinan untuk berkembang menjadi kanker otak dikemudian hari. Sebuah penelitian yang melibatkan 14.361 penderita kanker pada usia anak-anak yang bertahan selama lima tahun terbebaskan dari kanker, 116 anak diantaranya beberapa tahun kemudian menderita kanker saraf. Sebanyak 40 orang diantaranya menderita gliomas berselang sembilan tahun setelah bebas dari kanker pertama di usia anak-anak dan 66 diantaranya menderita kanker meningiomas selang 17 tahun setelah dinyatakan sembuh dari kanker pertama pada usia anak-anak.
Apa itu Kedokteran Nuklir?
Anda pernah melihat atau mendengar seorang pasien mengalami terapi kanker dengan radiasi, dan dokter menganjurkan pemindaian (scanning) dengan PET untuk mendiagnosis pasien-pasien. Ini merupakan bagian dari spesialisasi kedokteran yang disebut kedokteran nuklir. Kedokteran nuklir menggunakan zat-zat radioaktif untuk memindai (memotret) tubuh dan menangani penyakit. Kedokteran nuklir melihat baik fisiologi (fungsi organ) maupun anatomi tubuh dalam menetapkan diagnosis dan penanganannya. Saat ini para dokter dapat menggunakan seperangkat peralatan dengan teknik-teknik non-invasif atau teknik tanpa operasi. Teknik ini meliputi sinar-X, pemindaian MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), pemindaian CAT ultrasonografi dan lain-lain. Masing-masing teknik ini mempunyai keuntungan dan kelemahannya yang membuat mereka bermanfaat untuk kondisi berbeda dan bagian tubuh berbeda. PET menghasilkan gambaran bagian dalam tubuh dengan mendeteksi radiasi yang dipancarkan oleh zat-zat radioaktif yang memiliki waktu paruh pendek, yang disuntikkan kedalam tubuh seperti C-11, F-18, O-15 atau N-13. PET mendeteksi sinar gamma yang dipancarkan pada posisi dimana positron yang dipancarkan oleh zat radioaktif bertumbukkan dengan elektron dalam jaringan tubuh. SPECT merupakan teknik yang serupa dengan PET, namun zat radioaktif (Xe-133, Tc-99, I-123) yang digunakan mempunyai waktu paruh yang lebih lama dan memancarkan sinar gamma tunggal. SPECT dapat menyajikan informasi aliran darah dan distribusi zat radioaktif dalam tubuh. Bayangan yang dihasilkan kurang sensitif dan kurang rinci dibanding bayangan menggunakan teknik PET, namun relatif lebih murah. Dalam penanganan kedokteran nuklir, zat-zat radioaktif yang disuntikkan dalam tubuh tidak membahayakan tubuh. Radioisotop yang digunakan meluruh dengan cepat, dalam hitungan menit sampai jam, mempunyai tingkat radiasi yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan sinar-X atau pemindai CT dan hilang melalui air seni dan ketika buang air besar. Teknik pemindaian dengan kedokteran nuklir memberi dokter cara lain untuk melihat bagian dalam tubuh manusia. Teknik ini menggabungkan penggunaan komputer, detektor dan zat-zat radioaktif. Teknik ini meliputi : # Tomografi emisi posotron (PET), # Tomografi emisi foton tanggal (SPECT), # Pemindahan kardiovaskular, # Pemindaian tulang punggung. Semua teknik ini menggunakan sifat-sifat berbeda dari unsur-unsur radioaktif untuk menciptakan sebuah bayangan. Pemindaian kedokteran nuklir antara lain berguna untuk mendeteksi : # Tumor, # Ankurisma, # Ketidakteraturan atau ketidaklancaran aliran darah ke berbagai jaringan, # Gangguan sel darah dan kegagalan fungsi organ, seperti tiroid dan defisiensi fungsi pulmonari. Penggunaan setiap pengujian spesifik, ataupun kombinasi pengujian bergantung pada gejala pasien dan penyakit yang didiagnosis.(BATAN)
10 Ways to Catch a Liar (3)
Experts have 10 tips that can let you know if someone isn't telling you the whole truth. (continued) Tip No. 9: Too Much Detail "When you say to someone, 'Oh, where were you?' and they say, 'I went to the store and I needed to get eggs and milk and sugar and I almost hit a dog so I had to go slow,' and on and on, they're giving you too much detail," says Berman. Too much detail could mean they've put a lot of thought into how they're going to get out of a situation and they've crafted a complicated lie as a solution. Tip No. 10: Don't Ignore the Truth "It's more important to recognize when someone is telling the truth than telling a lie because people can look like they're lying but be telling truth," says Newberry. While it sounds confusing, finding the truth buried under a lie can sometimes help find the answer to an important question: Why is a person lying? These 10 truth tips, experts agree, all help detect deception. What they don't do is tell you why a person is lying and what the lie means. "Microexpressions don't tell you the reason," says Ekman. "They just tell you what the concealed emotion is and that there is an emotion being concealed."When you think someone is lying, you have to either know the person well enough to understand why he or she might lie, or be a people expert. "You can see a microexpression, but you have to have more social-emotional intelligence on people to use it accurately," says O'Sullivan. "You have to be a good judge of people to understand what it means."Extra Tip: Be Trusting "In general we have a choice about which stance we take in life," says Ekman. "If we take a suspicious stance life is not going to be too pleasant, but we won't get mislead very often. If we take a trusting stance, life is going to be a lot more pleasant but sometimes we are going to be taken in. As a parent or a friend, you're much better off being trusting rather than looking for lies all the time.
10 Ways to Catch a Liar (2)
Experts have 10 tips that can let you know if someone isn't telling you the whole truth.(continued) Tip No. 4: Look for Insincere Emotions "Most people can't fake smile," says O'Sullivan. "The timing will be wrong, it will be held too long, or it will be blended with other things. Maybe it will be a combination of an angry face with a smile; you can tell because their lips are smaller and less full than in a sincere smile."These fake emotions are a good indicator that something has gone afoul. Tip No. 5: Pay Attention to Gut Reactions "People say, 'Oh, it was a gut reaction or women's intuition,' but what I think they are picking up on are the deviations of true emotions," O'Sullivan tells WebMD. While an average person might not know what it is he's seeing when he thinks someone isn't being honest and attribute his suspicion to instinct, a scientist would be able to pinpoint it exactly -- which leads us to tip no. 6. Tip No. 6: Watch for Microexpressions When Joe Schmo has a gut feeling, Paul Ekman, a renowned expert in lie detection, sees microexpressions. "A microexpression is a very brief expression, usually about a 25th of a second, that is always a concealed emotion," says Ekman, PhD, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of California Medical School in San Francisco. So when a person is acting happy, but in actuality is really upset about something, for instance, his true emotion will be revealed in a subconscious flash of anger on his face. Whether the concealed emotion is fear, anger, happiness, or jealousy, that feeling will appear on the face in the blink of an eye. The trick is to see it. "Almost everyone -- 99% of those we've tested in about 10,000 people -- won't see them," says Ekman. "But it can be taught."In fact, in less than an hour, the average person can learn to see microexpressions. Tip No. 7: Look for Contradictions "The general rule is anything that a person does with their voice or their gesture that doesn't fit the words they are saying can indicate a lie," says Ekman. "For example, this is going to sound amazing, but it is true. Sometimes when people are lying and saying, 'Yes, she's the one that took the money,' they will without knowing it make a slight head shake 'no.' That's a gesture and it completely contradicts what they're saying in words."These contradictions, explains Ekman, can be between the voice and the words, the gesture and the voice, the gesture and the words, or the face and the words.
"It's some aspect of demeanor that is contradicting another aspect," Ekman tells WebMD.
Tip No. 8: A Sense of Unease "When someone isn't making eye contact and that's against how they normally act, it can mean they're not being honest," says Jenn Berman, PhD, a psychologist in private practice. "They look away, they're sweating, they look uneasy ... anything that isn't normal and indicates anxiety.
"It's some aspect of demeanor that is contradicting another aspect," Ekman tells WebMD.
Tip No. 8: A Sense of Unease "When someone isn't making eye contact and that's against how they normally act, it can mean they're not being honest," says Jenn Berman, PhD, a psychologist in private practice. "They look away, they're sweating, they look uneasy ... anything that isn't normal and indicates anxiety.