Family Health Plus and Child Health Plus
Family Health Plus is a public health insurance program run by the Department of Health for adults between the ages of 19 and 64 who do not have health insurance � either on their own or through their employers � but have incomes too high to qualify for Medicaid. Family Health Plus is available to single adults, couples without children, and parents with limited income who are residents of New York State and are United States citizens or fall under one of many immigration categories. Family Health Plus provides comprehensive coverage, including prevention, primary care, hospitalization, prescriptions and other services. There are no costs to participate in Family Health Plus. Health care is provided through participating managed care plans in your area. To apply for Family Health Plus, you will need to have a personal interview where you will complete an application, provide proof of certain information, and select a health plan. Enrollment facilitators are located near your home or work, to help you apply, ease the enrollment process and answer your questions. Please call 1-877-9FHPLUS (1-877-934-7587), and ask about Family Health Plus. New York State also has a health insurance plan for kids, called Child Health Plus. Child Health Plus is run by the Department of Health. Depending on your family�s income, your child may be eligible to join either Child Health Plus A (formerly Children�s Medicaid) or Child Health Plus B. Both Child Heath Plus A and B are available through dozens of providers throughout the state. Enrolling in Child Health Plus is easy. To be eligible for either Child Health Plus A or B, children must be under the age of 19 and be residents of New York State. Whether a child qualifies for Child Health Plus A or Child Health Plus B depends on gross family income. Children who are not eligible for Child Health Plus A can enroll in Child Health Plus B if they don�t already have health insurance and are not eligible for coverage under the public employees� state health benefits plan. Please call this toll-free number: 1-800-698-4KIDS (1-800-698-4543), and ask about Child Health Plus.
Family Health Plus and Child Health Plus
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Your Friend
12:43 AM
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