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Monday, June 23, 2008

Manfaat minyak Nilam dalam aromaterapi dan kesehatan

Sebagai antiseptik, antijamur, insektisida. Minyak nilam dapat dipergunakan untuk mengobati luka, kudis, ketombe, jerawat, eksim dan iritasi vagina dengan cara mencampur minyak nilam dengan air hangat dapat dipakai untuk mengompres, membilas bagian wajah/kulit yang bermasalah atau dipakai untuk keramas. Untuk menambah harum dan meningkatkan efektivitas perawatan rambut minyak nilam dapat dicampur dengan minyak atsiri lainnya seperti minyak kenanga dan melati. Minyak nilam yang dicampur dengan minyak jeruk dapat menanggulangi iritasi pada vagina. Daun nilam dapat disimpan di antara lipatan pakaian untuk menghidarkan gangguan serangga/ kutu. Dan masih banyak lagi kegunaan minyak nilam yaitu dapat digunakan dalam bidang kecantikan, menanggulangi gangguan mental dan emosional, dengan cara pemijatan, merendam atau dengan hirup/menghirup uap dan juga minyak nilam sebagai aprodisiak (sumber; Yang N. Balittro)


The research aiming at the effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza to the 3 clones of Orthosipon aristatus was conducted in the green house and laboratory of Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops Research Institute, Bogor in 5 months. Completely randomized design, arranged factorially with 2 factors and 3 replications was used. First factor was the clone of orthosipon consisted of white flower, purpel and rather purple clones, meanwhile second factor was Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (AM) inoculation (300 spores of AM/plant) consisted of: without AM, Glomus agregatum, Mac-1 (mixed of Acaulospora sp and Glomus sp), and Mac-2 (mixed of 8 kinds of AM). The result showed a significant effect of orthosipon clone to the plant growth (plant height, number of leaves and stem), fresh weight of stem, dry weight of leaf and root, and leaf area index. White flower clone showed the best growth responses to the AM inoculation (fresh weight of leaf and plant P uptake increased 41,1% to 89,59% and 48,9% to 109,2%, respectively). Glomus agregatum inoculation resulted the highest increasing plant height, number of leaves and stem, dry weight of leaf and stem, and leaf area index of the three clones. Key words : Orthosipon aristatus, clone, arbuscular mycorrhizae, growth, production. Octivia Trisilawati; Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat

Komfrei (symphytum officinale)

Tanaman introduksi berkhasiat obat. Pemanfaatannya secara umu yaitu komfrei mempunyai peran yang besar bagi masyarakat Jerman yang merupakan ramuan turun temurun. Bagian yang digunakan adalah daun dan akarnya. Penggunaannya bukan hanya untuk obat luar tetapi juga sering digunakan untuk menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit. Akar yang dihaluskan dicampur dengan sedikit air panas dan minyak goreng dapat digunakan untuk kompres pada bagian tubuh yang luka. Daun yang dihaluskan dan direbus dengan air sampai airnya berkurang, diminum sebagai teh dapat menyebuhkan luka lambung. Daun segar yang dilayukan dan diberi minyak goreng juga dapat digunakan untuk kompres. Daun segar atau kering yang ditambahkan ke dalam air mandi untuk berendam dapat melembutkan kulit. Tepung dari akar yang diberi perlakuan khusus dapat dijadikan untuk cream penyembuh luka. Khasiat komfrei dalam farmakologi Cina dan pengobatan tradisional lainnya memiliki sifat dingin dan agak sedikit pahit. Biasanya efek ini diperoleh dari penggunaan daun, dengan atau tanpa tangkai. Komfrei banyak digunakan dalam berbagai pengobatan gangguan darah dan pembuluh darah. Diberbagai negara tanaman ini digunakan secara turun-temurun dan terbukti mampu mengobati tekanan darah tinggi, tekanan darah rendah, kolesterol, leukimia dan diabetes dan masih banyak lagi kegunaan-kegunaan dalam Komfrei ini. (sumber Melati, Balittro)


Sebagai tanaman obat, tanaman ketumbar selain digunakan untuk bumbu masak juga sebagai obat anti spasmodic, carminative (peluruh kentut), stimulant (perangsang) dan penambah nafsu makan. Ketumbar juga menunjukkan aktifitas hypoglycemik. (penurunan kadar gula dalam darah) dan juga penurun kadar lemak dalam darah. Kadang-kadang ketumbar juga digunakan sebagai obat kuat (aphrodisiac). Ketumbar juga dapat digunakan sebagai obat antifertility (pencegah kesuburan), antioksidan, dan anticonvulsant (pereda kejang). Ketumbar digunakan untuk obat keluhan sakit badan, kehilangan nafsu makan dan keluhan pada abdomen bagian atas. Ketumbar juga digunakan secara tradisional untuk keluhan pencernaan dan lambung, batuk, sakit dada, keluhan pada kandung kemih, penyakit lepra, disentri, sakit kepala, gangguan pada rahang dan mulut dan nafas berbau. Ketumbar juga digunakan untuk obat reumatik dan sakit pada sendi. Ketumbar juga dapat meningkatkan nafsu seksual. Ahli obat herbal di Cina menggunakan biji ketumbar untuk membantu pencernaan dan sakit lambung. Mereka juga menyatakan bahwa herbal ketumbar dapat digunakan untuk obat influensa. Ahli obat Cina menggunakan daun dan biji untuk membantu mengurangi bau yang tidak sedap pada alat kelamin pria maupun wanita. Minyak biji ketumbar banyak digunakan dalam obat-obatan. Berpotensi sebagai obat antibacterial dan juga digunakan untuk keluhan kejang perut (kolik), nyeri pada syaraf (neuralgia) dan reumatik. Minyak ketumbar dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi bau obat dan tembakau. Minyak ketumbar juga digunakan untuk parfum dan minuman beralkohol. (sumber: Devi R, Balittro)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Comparison of medical data of atomic-bomb survivors resident in the U.S. and Hiroshima.

The third medical examination of A-bomb survivors residing in the U.S. was performed in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Honolulu during the period 6 - 28 May 1981. The test results were studied and the actual state of the survivors in the U.S., was reviewed as explained hereunder. 1) The number of survivors actually registered with the Committee of A-bomb Survivors in the U.S. is 491 (133 males and 358 females) of whom 57.2% are U.S. citizens. Those exposed in Hiroshima accounted for 91.8%. The mean age was 53.3 +- 8.9, thus they were more than 3 years younger than their counterparts in Hiroshima. The present addresses of the survivors are distributed over 15 states, but those in California constitute 77.6% of the total, and when those residing in the states along the west coast and Hawaii are added the rate increases to 95.9%. 2) Those who underwent health examination numbered 166 (45 males and 121 females), and comparison of the U.S. survivors against the Hiroshima survivors showed there to be a difference in the following points. The prevalence of hypertension was lower among the U.S. survivors, but RBC counts and hemoglobin concentration were significantly higher. The same was observed for blood lipids with hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia being found at a significantly higher rate in the U.S. survivors. 3) Those free of clinical abnormalities in this survey were 37.3%, and the rest required dietary guidance, follow-up observation, detailed examination of treatment. Those with diseases which are considered would make them eligible for health management allowance if in Japan, accounted for 18.7%. Ito,-Chikako (Hiroshima Atomic-Bomb Survivors Health Clinic (Japan)); Matsubara,-Hiroomi; Yamakido,-Michio; Yamada,-Hiroaki

Delayed effects of A-bomb radiation; and reply.

The authors question Stewart's arguments for suggesting that previous estimates of radiation health effects are low by a factor of 10. In this letter and in Stewart's reply, the healthy survivor effect is discussed, with particular reference to cerebrovascular deaths, together with the criticism that arguments do not make sufficient use of the 'not in city cohort'. (U.K.). Ginevan,-M.E.; Puskin,-J.S. (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC (USA). Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research); Stewart,-A.M.

Irradiation of food. Report from a committee of experts.

A committee has on instructions from the swedish government made an inquiry into the possible effects on health and working environment from irradition of food. In this report, a review is presented on the known positiv and negative effects of food irradiation Costs, availabilty, shelf life and quality of irradiated food are also discussed. According to the report, the production of radiolysis products during irradiation is not easily evaluated. The health risks from irradiation of spices are estimated to be lower than the risks associated with the ethenoxid treatment presently used. (L.E.).Lindell,-B.; Danielsson-Tham,-M.L.; Hoel,-C.

Site selection and design options of Mining and Metallurgical Institutions

Intensepublicconcern regarding the environmental and health effects of uranium tailings has forced a re-evaluation of past disposal practices. This paper outlines the options that should be considered in selecting the site for, and the design of, the most economic and environmentally acceptable impoundment of tailings. A site selection method is described that ensures the consideration of all reasonable siting alternatives within a given radius of the plant site. Methods of qualitative and semi-quantitative evaluation ef the alternative sites are mentioned that permit the sites to be rated according to visual, land-use, pollution-risk, and cost criteria. Aternative impoundment designs that are reviewed include embankments and diversions, liners, covers, and stabilization methods. Physical and chemical methods of tailings preparation that reduce the potential for pollution are considered briefly. Robertson,-A.MacG. (Steffen Robertson and Kirsten (Canada) Inc.)

Presentations for individual and collective radiation doses after accidental releases of radioactivity.

The conventional presentation of only the final results of risk assessments in the form of frequency distributions of health detriments (fatalities) impedes the interpretation and adequate judgement of calculated risks. In particular special questions require information on the space- and time-dependency of radiation doses for individuals and for the population as a whole. For this reason the modified version of the accident consequence model UFOMOD/B3-DOS was developed and extended by various additional computer programs for graphical and numerical evaluations. Special emphasis was laid on the functional connection of frequency, organ dose and number of persons affected, since the calculation of the collective dose in ''manxrem'' is unsuitable for many problems. A systematic scheme of the possible 2- and 3-dimensional graphs facilitates the selection of the appropriate presentation in view of problem-oriented or personal criteria. Examples of frequency-dose diagrams are shown for release categories of the German Risk Study. (orig.). Ehrhardt,-J.; Zoeller,-U

I--129 in the environment, 9. Some aspects associated with iodine-129.

Iodine-129 has the characteristic properties of long-life and low radiation energies. Accordingly, in considering the iodine-129 discharged to the atmosphere or the marine environment, it is important to establish a methodology for evaluating the environmental impact caused by the long-term accumulation and to develop the measuring techniques of the environmental samples having very low radioactivity. This paper presents an overall review regarding the health physics problems associated with iodine-129. The contents consist of production of iodine-129, source terms monitoring for gaseous and liquid effluents, environmental monitoring, and methods of dose assessment based on the critical pathway and the specific activity method including the dose calculation due to a multi-compartment model. Fukuda,-Seiji (Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp., Tokyo (Japan))

Health physics as a career.

Health physics includes the protection of man and his environment against the effects of radiations and radioactive substances. As a career it deals with research, regulatory aspects of radiation protection and radiation monitoring. For a health physicist a post-graduate degree in Physics is required, while technical personnel should have a degree or technical diploma. NUCOR, UCOR, ESCOM and the Division for Radiation Control of the Department of Health and Welfare are some of the institutions that make use of the services of health physicists. As South Africa is one of the major uranium producers, there will be an increasing demand for health physicists in the future.

Current state and prospects of the investigations on the effect of low-dose ionizing radiation on the human health.

The problems connected with health hazard of low levels of ionizing radiation are considered. Accomodating abilities capable of levelling out with the alterations due to irradiation are determined and estimated. The necessity for further investigation of regularities for adaptation to background ionizing.irradiations and levels close to them is stressed. Moskalev,-Yu.I.; Kudritski-,-Yu.A.

Health effect coefficients for radium and radon released in the mining and milling of uranium

An evaluation of the radiological health risks from uranium mining and milling is presented. The sequence for studying health effects includes the estimation of the radioactive source term, dispersion mechanisms environmental dilution, uptake by humans, radiation doses, and the health effects. This paper reviews the recent values for recommended risk estimates for sup 2 sup 2 sup 6 Ra and for radon daughters. Nielson,-K.K.; Rogers,-V.C. (Rogers and Associates Engineering Corp., Salt Lake City, UT)

Winfrith SGHWR operating experiences 1968-82

The Winfrith reactor is a direct cycle pressure tube reactor of 100 MW(e) output using light water as the coolant and heavy water as the principal moderator. The plant has been in operation for 14 years and has successfully demonstrated the potential of this type of pressure tube reactor. It has also produced information and experience relevant to water reactors in general. The Paper summarieses the key operating experiences and the performance of principal components of the Winfrith plant. The Zircaloy 2 pressure tubes and associated rolled joints have not presented any problems. The diametral creep of the tubes has been towards the lower end of the original predictions and axial growth is acceptable. Semi automatic equipment capable of simultaneous eddy current and ultrasonic scanning of the tubes for defects is in use. After some early problems fuel element reliability has been very good. A batch refuelling scheme with simple off-load refuelling fits in well with the annual maintenance shutdowns and the single channel access enables refuelling to be carried out with minimum interference to the inspection and maintenance programmes. Relatively simple automatic control systems are used and the performance of these has been demonstrated to be very satisfactory during manoeuvres associated with normal operation and during a series of special tests. The key health physics aspects of the plant are described and reference is made to the regular chemical decontaminations of the reactor coolant circuits which have been carried out since 1969 as part of the programme to reduce the radiation dose to personnel. The experience with main plant, including the glandless reactor coolant pumps, the unique fast acting liquid shutdown system and the saturated steam tubine are summarized. Negus,-B. (Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith Dorset (UK))

Virus Hepatitis-C

A new problem on hepatitis for Indonesia is hepatitis-C virus (HCV). This infection is endemic, majority sub-clinic and progressive in chronic. Viral transmission is primarily via a parenteral route, while other rountes are still in debate. Diagnostic approach should be focused on how this virus developed. Keywords: hepatitis-C virus- molecular biology- Westem-blot-HCV- blood transfusion-epidemilogy. Suwarso, Fak. Kedokteran UGM.

The new soncepts in basic oncology research

Research on epidemilogy, pathology, clinical course and treatment of cancer is available. The epidemiological and clinical resarch on cancer must be brought into a comprehensive scheme. Basic research on oncology is suggested to be based on cancer epidemilogy, and applicable for clinical practice. This article discusses the new concept of basic oncology research using breast cancer as a model. It is concluded that the new concepts in basic oncology research have to be based on the community need. It will be better if the research is multidisciplinary and multiinstitutional approach. Using this approach the expectation is that and the result could solve the problem either in the community or in the hospital. keywords: oncology-cancer-epidemiology-breast cancer oncogen-immunohistoclinical signs-prognostic index. Soeripto Fak. Kedoteran, UGM.

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