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Monday, December 15, 2008


Nyamuk Aedes aegIjpti dikenal selain sebagai vektor utama penyakit demam berdarah dengue (DBD) juga sebagai vektor chikungunya. Penyebarannya cenderung meluas, tidak hanya di perkotaan tetapi diperkirakan ke daerah suburban dan rural. Telah dilakukan penelitian tempat perkembangbiakan jentik Aedes aegypti pada tempat penampungan air (kontainer) yang berada di dalam rumah di daerah rural Desa Jatireja Kecamatan Cikarang Timur Kabupaten Bekasi. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2007, meliputi 2 RW dengan melibatkan 102 rumah. Setiap rumah di daerah penelitian diperiksa kontainer yang berada di dalamnya. Jentik yang ditemukan pada tempat-tempat tersebut diambil kemudian diidentifikasi dengan alat bantu mikroskop dan buku identifikasi untuk memastikan jenis jentiknya. Dengan menggunakan single larva method diperoleh House lndeks (HI) dan Container lndeks (CI). Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang HI dan CI di daerah urban dan perilaku masyarakatnya untuk mencegah terjadinya tempat perindukan Aedes aegIjpti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa angka jentik HI sebesar 52,9 % dan CI sebesar 32,9 %. Perilaku masyarakat menutup kontainer belum menunjukkan adanya kesadaran mencegah terjadinya perkembangbiakan Aedes aegIjpti. Angka rata-rata HI di daerah penelitian lebih tinggi dari 5 %, yaitu standard nasional dapat dikatakan bebas jentik. Kata kunci : Aedes aegypti, Daerah Rural. M. Hasyimi, Puslitbang Ekologi dan Status Kesehatan, Depkes, Jakarta Pangestu dan Nanny Harmani Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan-Politekkes II, Jakarta

Sunday, November 23, 2008


The trend of using laptop in students, especially in FKM VI is increase. Price of a laptop is
become low and still has complete fitures. High intensity of using laptop in students is risky
and can occur of health effect. Therefor, this study was conducted to know the health
problem in students who using laptop. This study uses cross-sectional design. Samples are
students using laptop in campus, the number is 100 with simple random sampling
technique. Data were collected by questionnaires, interview, and observation. The results
show that 97% felt of health effect. The parts of body that have health effect (pain) are neck,
eye, shoulder, up of back, and carpal. Only a few of samples have pain in foot. 91.8% of
samples who felt health effect have high risk condition when using laptop. Suggestion for
students is using laptop with follow the it's function and ergonomics procedures and for
laptop manufacturers is complete their products with safety and ergonomic guidance for
using laptop.Keywords: laptop, health, ergonomicsHendra, Devie Fitri Octaviani
Departemen K-3, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pilates Benefits

By Kimberly Dawn Neumann

The limb-elongating aspect of Pilates is only one reason why dancers and models often favor this workout. The goal with Pilates is to always feel length throughout the entire body, even while performing moves that work specific body parts. There is also an ever-present mind-body element which makes it appealing to people looking to develop that connection. The exercises can be performed both on a regular exercise mat (known as Pilates mat workouts) and on spring-based machines developed by Mr. Pilates referred to by names such as "The Reformer," "The Cadillac," and "The Chair."

The benefits of Pilates are innumerable. According to Rael Isacowitz, author of 'Pilates' (Human Kinetics, April, 2006) and a master of the Pilates method, a Pilates regimen develops strength, flexibility, coordination, speed, agility, endurance, balance, and correct posture. Plus, most of the moves are non-impact, making it a great fitness activity for , aging individuals or athletes recovering from injuries.

With Pilates mat classes, students will work to increase the strength and mobility of the spine, according to Kimberly and Katherine Corps, founders of New York City's Pilates on Fifth and the Cardiolates � workout. "Plus Pilates encourages you to keep your belly button pulled to the front wall of your spine at all times -- instead of pushing it out -- so your stomach gets super flat," says Kimberly.

Pilates equipment work uses spring resistance to challenge muscles in both phases of the contraction -- concentric and eccentric. "Thus the entire muscle is targeted so the result is the appearance of lengthened muscle instead of bulk concentrated at the belly of it," says Katherine.

To the novice, the Pilates exercise equipment can look daunting, but rest assured that each piece was developed as a tool to help students learn proper body mechanics. Because it can be intimidating, learning proper technique, which can best be done privately with an instructor, is essential. For the floor exercises, all that's needed is a cushioned mat. Technique is still important, but can be learned in a class or by watching a good DVD.

Source: AolDotCom

Monday, October 27, 2008

Khasiat Daun Duduk

Daun Duduk (Desmodium triquetrum [L.] D.C.)

Tumbuhan ini merupakan suku Papilionaceae (leguminose). Di daerah Sunda, tumbuhan ini kerap disebut genteng cangkeng, ki concorong, atau cen-cen. Sementara di Jawa, kerap disebut daun duduk, gerji, gulu walang, sosor bebek, cocor bebek (jawa). Dalam bahsa asing Three-flowered desmodium (I)

Uraian Tumbuhan

Daun duduk dapat ditemukan mulai dari dataran rendah hingga ketinggian 1.500 m dpl. Tumbuh liar ditempat terbuka dengan cahaya matahari yang cukup atau sedikit naungan, serta tidak begitu kering. Perdu menahun, tumbuh tegak atau menanjak, tinggi 0,5 m hingga 3 m dengan kaki berkayu. Batang bulat, beruas, permukaan kasar, percabangan simpodial, diameter sekitar 2 cm, berwarna cokelat.

Daun tunggal, berseling, berdaun penumpu, serta tangkai daun bersayap lebar. Helaian daun lanset, ujung meruncing, pangkal rata, tepi rata, pertulangan menyirip, panjang 10 cm hingga 20 cm, lebar 1,5 cm hingga 2 cm, saat muda berwarna cokelat, setelah tua berwarna hijau.

Bunga majemuk, malai, keluar dari ujung batang, mahkota berbentuk kupu-kupu, warnanya putih keunguan, berambut halus, dan pangkal berlekatan. Buah polong, panjang 2,5 cm hingga 3,5 cm, lebar 4 mm hingga 6 mm, berambut, berisi 4 biji hingga 8 biji, masih muda berwarna hijau dan setelah tua berwarna cokelat. Bijinya kecil, berbentuk ginjal, berwarna cokelat muda, dan sistem perbanyakan dengan biji.

Sifat dan Khasiat

Herba ini rasanya sedikit pahit, sejuk. Berkhasiat sebagai pereda demam (antiperik), anti radang (anti-inflamasi), pembunuh parasit (parasitisid), meningkatkan napsu makan (stomakik), dan peluruh kencing (diuretik).

Kandungan Kimia

Daun tumbuhan ini mengandung tanin, alkaloida hipaforin, trigonelin, bahan penyamak, asam silikat, dan K2O. Buahnya mengandung saponin, dan flafonoida, sedangkan akar mengandung saponin, flavonida dan tanin.

Bagian yang digunakan

Seluruh bagian kecuali akar (herba) dapat digunakan. Pemakaian dapat dalam bentuk segar atau yang telah dikeringkan.


Herba ini berkhasiat untuk mencegah pingsan karena udara panas (heat stroke), demam salesma, radang amandel (tonsilitis), gondongan (parotitis), lelehan nanah (piorea), radang ginjal akut (akut nephritis), sembab (edema), radang susu (enteritis), disentri, infeksi cacing tambang (hookworn), infeksi cacing pita di hati, keputihan akibat trichomonas (trichomonal vaginitis), muntah-muntah pada kehamilan, kurang gizi pada anak ? anak, sakit kuning (ikterik hepatitis), keracunan buah nanas, TBC tulang dan kelenjar limfa, multipel abses, skleroderma, wasir serta rematik.

Cara Pemakaian

Siapkan herba daun duduk sebanyak 15 genggam hingga 60 genggam, lalu direbus dan diminum. Pemakaian luar berupa herba daun duduk yang digiling halus, digunakan untuk mengompres wasir, abses, sakit pinggang, dan pegal-pegal pada kaki.

Contoh Pemakaian

* Wasir.
Ambil 20 genggam daun segar, dicuci bersih lalu direbus dengan 1 gelas air selama 15 menit. Setelah dingin disaring. Hasil saringan diminum sakaligus. Lakukan tiap hari.
* Radang Ginjal akut, edema.
Ambil herba daun duduk sebanyak 60 genggam, dicuci lalu direbus dengan 3 gelas air sampai tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin disaring, minum sekaligus pada pagi hari.
* Muntah pada kehamilan.
Ambil herba daun duduk sebanyak 30 genggam, dicuci lalu dipotong-potong seperlunya. Rebus dengan 3 gelas air sampai tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin disaring, dibagi untuk 3 kali minum, yaitu pagi, siang, dan sore, masing-masing 1/3 gelas.
* Disentri.
Ambil herba daun duduk segar sebanyak 30 genggam, dicuci lalu digiling halus. Seduh dengan ? air panas, biarkan selama 15 menit. Tambahkan garam seujung sendok teh sambil diaduk. Peras dan saring. Hangat-hangat diminum sekaligus.

Bila herba ini ditambahkan pada ikan asin dan daging, dapat melindung makanan tersebut dari serbuan lalat dan belatung.

Sumber: Atlas Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia Jilid 1, dr Setiawan Dalimartha, Trubus Agriwidya, Anggota Ikapi, Jakarta, 1999.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Jeruk Bali Bisa Picu Kanker Payudara

WANITA yang sering mengkonsumsi Jeruk Bali harus berhati-hati. Berdasarkan penelitian Universitas South California dan Universitas Hawaii, AS, yang dilansir BBC, Jeruk Bali dapat meningkatkan risiko terserang kanker payudara.

Mereka meneliti 50.000 wanita menopause, dan menemukan wanita yang mengkonsumsi Jeruk Bali ditenggarai terkena resiko kanker payudara 30 persen, dibandingkan wanita yang tidak mengkonsumsi Jeruk Bali.

Pasalnya, Jeruk Bali dapat meningkatkan hormon esterogen, hormon yang memiliki andil besar memicu kanker payudara.

�Jika Jeruk Bali berperan penting meningkatkan level metabolisme estrogen, maka tidak diragukan lagi bila jeruk ini meningkatkan risiko wanita terkena kanker payudara,� kata salah seorang peneliti.

Sementara ini para peneliti mengatakan, mereka masih membutuhkan riset lebih lanjut terhadap temuan mereka. Lagi pula, mereka hanya meneliti buah, belum dalam bentuk jus.

Sedangkan menurut hasil penelitian riset terdahulu bahwa kanker payudara dipicu faktor gaya hidup seperti minum alkohol, dan kelebihan berat badan.

Namun , ahli nutrisi dari British Nutrition Foundation, Dr Joanne Lunn, menilai penelitian itu penting bagi wanita yang melakukan diet dengan banyak memakan buah-buahan. Terlepas dari perlunya riset lebih lanjut, ada baiknya wanita mengurangi konsumsi Jeruk Bali.

Sumber: Rakyat Merdeka Expose

Pap Smear Selamatkan Wanita dari Kanker Serviks

Pap Smear Selamatkan Wanita dari Kanker Serviks

MASIH banyak wanita kurang waspada terhadap penyakit kanker serviks, kanker yang terjadi pada area leher rahim dan dapat menimbulkan kematian. Padahal, menurut Dokter Spesialis Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Rachmawati dari RS Kanker Dharmais Jakarta, kanker serviks adalah kanker yang dapat diobati bila pada stadium dini terdeteksi dan tertangani dengan tepat.

Bahkan kanker serviks dapat dicegah. Caranya dengan melakukan pemeriksaan PAP Smear secara rutin bagi wanita yang telah menikah atau melakukan hubungan seks. PAP Smear pada dasarnya dilakukan untuk mendeteksi adanya kanker serviks. Karena makin dini terdeteksi, makin mudah kanker serviks disembuhkan.

Pemeriksaan PAP Smear dilakukan dengan mengambil sel dari serviks, kemudian diperiksa dengan mikroskop untuk mengetahui adanya kelainan pada serviks. Langkah ini sebaiknya dilakukan pada hari ke 10-20 terhitung dari mulainya siklus haid.

Bila tidak ada kelainan, biasanya PAP Smear diulang sedikitnya setahun sekali. Namun bila ditemukan kelainan, konsultasi lebih lanjut dengan dokter spesialis biasanya akan dilakukan untuk melakukan pengobatan seperti kemoterapi, radioterapi, dan pembedahan.

Jadi, dengan pemeriksaan rutin, kanker bisa dideteksi sejak dini. Deteksi dini membuat kanker lebih mudah dan murah diatasi dengan kemungkinan sembuh lebih besar. Di seluruh dunia, kanker serviks adalah kanker ke dua yang banyak menyebabkan kematian pada perempuan.

Menurut WHO sekitar 490,000 perempuan di diagnosa menderita kanker serviks, 80% nya terjadi di negara berkembang, dan 240,000 di antaranya meninggal dunia.

Sumber: KompasDotCom

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Manfaat Yoga Untuk Seks

Manfaat yoga selain membuat Anda relaks dan tenang, dapat pula membantu Anda saat melakukan aktivitas seksual. Menurut Ellen Barrett, penulis buku Sexy Yoga, yoga membentuk tubuh yang kuat dan lentur sehingga membuat Anda mudah melakukan lebih banyak variasi gerakan atau posisi dalam bercinta. Masih belum percaya? Berikut adalah lima alasan lain mengapa Anda 'wajib' mengenal yoga.

Melancarkan Aliran Darah

Sama halnya jika Anda melakukan olahraga pada umumnya, yoga juga dapat melancarkan aliran darah. Pada posisi yoga tertentu, seperti posisi elang, gerakan tersebut langsung melatih otot panggul Anda dan melancarkan aliran darah pada bagian panggul. "Semakin sering Anda melatih otot ini, ruang gerak Anda akan semakin luas," ujar Becky Jeffers, Direktur Berman Centre for female sexual health and menopause manajement di Chicago. Menurut Becky, melatih otot panggul akan membantu Anda melakukan kontraksi dan relaksasi lebih kuat yang akhirnya membawa Anda pada pengalaman orgasme yang lebih lama.

Menumbuhkan Kepercayaan Diri

Ketika Anda melakukan gerakan-gerakan yoga, Anda melatih konsentrasi pikiran dan fokus Anda. Hal ini membuat Anda semakin fokus pada apa yang Anda lakukan. "Ketika Anda menerima diri sendiri, Anda akan tahu apa yang dibutuhkan untuk bisa menikmati aktivitas seksual bersama pasangan," ujar Becky lagi. Anda bisa mengkomunikasikan perasaan ini kepada pasangan saat Anda berdua melakukan aktivitas tersebut.

Mengurangi Rasa Sakit

Bagi beberapa perempuan yang aktif, terutama yang suka olahraga lari, otot pinggul dan paha yang tegang terkadang bisa menghambat aktivitas seks. Yoga membantu untuk merilekskan otot tersebut. "Otot panggul yang tegang dapat mempengaruhi bagaimana panggul itu berkontraksi saat Anda melakukan aktivitas seks," ujar Becky. Satu bagian otot yang tegang dapat mempengaruhi gerak otot lainnya sehingga orgasme pun tidak bisa maksimal dan permainan cinta Anda tidak bisa dinikmati secara maksimal.

Jadi, santai saja, dan biarkan semuanya mengalir, dan orgasme akan datang

Memberikan Sensasi "Lebih Hidup"

Gerakan segitiga dalam posisi duduk bersila dalam yoga menstimulasi cakra Anda. Menurut filosofi Timur, kehidupan seks diatur oleh beberapa cakra. Cakra adalah pusat energi yang mengitari tubuh Anda. "Ketika cakra Anda sehat dan bekerja baik, kehidupan seks Anda juga akan sehat dan memuaskan," tutur Becky. Tiga cakra paling berpengaruh pada aktivitas seks Anda adalah the root chakra (pada daerah perineum, area antara tulang vagina dan anus), the sacral chakra (bagian tengah perut bagian bawah), dan the heart chakra (bagian tengah dada). Gerakan-gerakan yoga membuat darah mengalir lancar menuju area-area sensitif tersebut dan membuka prana (semangat hidup) Anda. Hal tersebut akan membuat Anda lebih terbuka dan lebih bereksplorasi pada aktivitas seksual dan Anda menjadi pribadi yang lebih bahagia.

Sumber : http://BelajarYoga.Usahaku.Info

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Jual: VCD Belajar Antenatal Yoga for Future Mother

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Ada Teks Bahasa Indonesia-nya

Beberapa latihan pernapasan sederhana dan tehnik pengendoran saat kehamilan dan proses kelahiran. Latihan yang dilakukan secara teratur akan sangat berguna. Cara pelatihan ini merupakan dasar yoga yang baik untuk ibu bersantai dan mempersiapkan secara fisik dan mental untuk bersalin.

Gerakan pernapasan adalah sangat penting guna mengurangi rasa sakit saat bersalin. Jenis gerakan antara lain seperti gerakan meniru gaya kodok yang membutuhkan banyak tekanan pada tulang belakang dan membantu mengurangi nyeri punggung, kucing merupakan postur tegak lurus yang baik untuk bayi agar dapat melewati rongga pinggul dengan mudah.

Tipe : VCD - Original from GoodLife Entertainment
Harga : Rp. 29.000*

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Waspadai produk berbahan melamin

Melamin merupakan persenyawaan (polimerisasi) kimia antara monomer formaldehid dan monomer fenol. Bila kedua senyawa bergabung, sifat racun formaldehid akan hilang karena terlebur menjadi satu senyawa, yaitu melamin.

Formaldehid dalam senyawa melamin dapat muncul kembali karena depolimerisasi. Akibat proses ini, formaldehid terlepas menjadi monomer yang bersifat racun. Pemicunya bisa berupa paparan panas, sinar ultraviolet, gesekan dan tergerusnya permukaan melamin hingga partikel formaldehid terlepas.

Senyawa melamin dan urea berasal dan hasil reaksi formaldehid dengan senyawa amino yang mengandung kelompok senyawa NH2. Susunan kimianya sangat berbeda. Melamin punya struktur rantai lingkaran sehingga lebih stabil. Ikatan kimia urea formaldehid berupa rantai lurus, makanya pelepasan formaldehid lebih mudah. Urea formaldehid hanya tahan sampai suhu 62 derajat celcius hingga lebih mudah pecah atau berubah bentuk pada perlakuan suhu ekstrem. Urea yang dipanaskan akan menghasilkan formaldehid yang kadar pencemarnya tergantung pada seberapa kuat ikatan bahannya serta tingkat proses yang dijalankan produsen.

Meski tahan di rentang suhu 120 derajat celcius sampai 30�C di bawah nol, tapi karena menyerap panas, melamin tak tahan dipapar panas terlalu tinggi. Apalagi terpapar dalam jangka waktu lama. Oleh sebab itu melamin tak bisa digunakan dalam microwave.

Persoalan lain, dalam persenyawaan yang kurang sempurna dapat terjadi residu. Sisa formaldehid dan fenol yang tak bersenyawa itu akan terjebak dalam materi melamin. Formaldehid yang terjebak inilah yang bisa mengancam kesehatan bila masuk ke tubuh manusia.

Formaldehid sebagai pencetus kanker bagi manusia. Uap formaldehid memicu radang pada mata (perih), hidung, saluran pernapasan atas, batuk, bronkitis, pneumonia, dan asma.

Kulit yang terpapar formaldehid akan perih dan kemerahan seperti terbakar. Bila air yang terkontaminasi formaldehid terhirup atau tertelan akan menyebabkan sakit mendalam, luka bernanah dan pembusukan pada selaput lendir tubuh (misalnya pada pipi bagian dalam dan bibir). Gejala keracunan dapat ditandai dengan muntah-muntah, pusing dan hilang kesadaran. Kematian bisa terjadi bila formaldehid terminum sampai kadar 30 mg/l.

Untuk menguji kadar formaldehid pada beberapa produk berbahan melamin, dapat dilakukan dengan cara uji rebus. Produk melamin direbus dalam 2 liter air selama 30 menit dalam panci tertutup berlubang kecil untuk menghindari tekanan. Ini untuk memperbandingkan dengan kebiasaan konsumen menggunakan wadah itu bagi air mendidih, misalnya menyeduh teh, kopi atau sebagai wadah bakso kuah dan sup panas yang biasa disantap selama 15 - 30 menit. Juga untuk menguji penggunaan berulang dengan air mendidih.

Kedua, uji kadar formaldehid dengan Pharmacopoeia Standard (Baku Mutu Farmakop). Hasilnya, seperti yang terungkap dalam Warta Konsumen, September 2004, enam merek melamin impor Cina ternyata berkadar formaldehid tinggi, 4,76 - 9,22 mg/l. Sementara merek lokal (Onyx, Golden Dragon, Vanda, Hoover) berkadar kurang dan 0,05 mg/l.

Sumber : InfoSehat

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Khasiat Jambu Biji Untuk Kesehatan Tubuh

Khasiat Jambu Biji Untuk Kesehatan Tubuh

Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :Diabetes melitus, Maag, Diare (sakit perut), Masuk angin, Beser; Prolapsisani, Sariawan, Sakit Kulit, Luka baru;

Pemanfaatan : 

1. Diabetes Mellitus

Bahan: 1 buah jambu biji setengah masakCara membuat: buah jambu biji dibelah menjadi empat bagian dandirebus dengan 1 liter air sampai mendidih, kemudian disaring untukdiambil airnya.Cara menggunakan: diminum 2 kali sehari, pagi dan sore.

2. Maag

Bahan: 8 lembar daun jambu biji yang masih segar.Cara membuat: direbus dengan 1,5 liter air sampai mendidih,kemudian disaring untuk diambil airnya.Cara menggunakan: diminum 3 kali sehari, pagi, siang dan sore.

3. Sakit Perut (Diare dan Mencret)

Bahan: 5 lembar daun jambu biji, 1 potong akar, kulit dan batangnyaCara membuat: direbus dengan 1,5 liter air sampai mendidih kemudiandisaring untuk diambil airnyaCara menggunakan: diminum 2 kali sehari pagi dan sore.

4. Sakit Perut atau Diare pada bayi yang masih menyusui

Bahan: jambu biji yang masih muda dan garam secukupnya.Cara menggunakan: dikunyah oleh ibu yang menyusui bayi tersebut,airnya ditelan dan ampasnya dibuang.

5. Masuk Angin

Bahan: 10 lembar daun jambu biji yang masih muda, 1 butir cabaimerah, 3 mata buah asam, 1 potong gula kelapa, garam secukupnyaCara membuat: semua bahan tersebut direbus bersama dengan 1 literair sampai mendidih kemudian disaring untuk diambil airnya.Cara menggunakan: diminum 2 kali sehari.

6. Beser (sering kencing) berlebihan

Bahan: 1 genggam daun jambu biji yang masih muda, 3 sendok bubukberas yang digoreng tanpa minyak (sangan = Jawa).Cara membuat: kedua bahan tersebut direbus bersama dengan 2,5gelas air sampai mendidih hingga tinggal 1 gelas kemudian disaring.Cara menggunakan: diminum tiap 3 jam sekali 3 sendok makan.

7. Prolapsisani

Bahan: 1 genggam daun jambu biji, 1 potong kulit batang jambu biji.Cara membuat: direbus bersama dengan 2 gelas air sampai mendidih,kemudian disaring untuk diambil airnya.Cara menggunakan: air ramuan tersebut dalam keadaan masih hangatdipakai untuk mengompres selaput lendir poros usus (pusar) padabayi.

8. Sariawan

Bahan: 1 genggam daun jambu biji, 1 potong kulit batang jambu biji.Cara membuat: direbus bersama dengan 2 gelas air sampai mendidih,kemudian disaring untuk diambil airnya.Cara menggunakan: diminum 2 kali sehari.

9. Sakit Kulit

Bahan: 1 genggam daun jambu biji yang masih muda, 7 kuntum bungajambu biji.Cara membuat: ditumbuk bersama-sama sampai halusCara menggunakan: untuk menggosok bagian kulit yang sakit.

10. Obat luka baru

Bahan: 3 pucuk daun jambu biji.Cara membuat: dikunyah sampai lembutCara menggunakan: ditempelkan pada bagian tubuh yang luka agartidak mengelurkan darah terus menerus.

Komposisi :KANDUNGAN KIMIA : Buah, daun dan kulit batang pohon jambu biji mengandung tanin, sedang pada bunganya tidak banyak mengandung tanin. Daun jambu biji juga mengandung zat lain kecuali tanin, seperti minyak atsiri, asam ursolat, asam psidiolat, asam kratogolat, asam oleanolat, asam guajaverin dan vitamin. Kandungan buah jambu biji (100 gr) - Kalori 49 kal - Vitamin A 25 SI - Vitamin B1 0,02 mg - Vitamin C 87 mg - Kalsium 14 mg - Hidrat Arang 12,2 gram - Fosfor 28 mg - Besi 1,1 mg - Protein 0,9 mg - Lemak 0,3 gram - Air 86 gram.

Sumber : IPTEKnet

Exploring the aetiology of increased endometrial bleeding in norplant users: the role of local factors?

The clinical study of endometrium has been conducted to investigate the aetiology of increased endometrial bleeding in Norplant user with the emphasis on the bleeding occured due to the steroid-sensitive cells from the regressing endometrium coming through the myimetrium to influence its vascular function and integrity. In conclusion, this sutdy provides evidence for increased microvascular density in endometrium from Norplant acceptors compared to normal menstrual cycle endometrium. In addition, endometrial endothelial levels of FVIIIRa in Norplant users are elevated above those seen in the control at the time of menstruation and unequally distributed within the endometrial microvasculature. Keywords: CD 34 antibody, FVIIIRa, hysteroscopy. Biran Affandi, Wachyu H, Peter A.W. Rogers; Dep. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, faculy of medicine UI, Dep of Obstetrics and gynecology, faculty of medicine, monash university Melbourne, Australia

Buah kelapa dapat mengobati beberapa penyakit... mau tau...

Penyakit-penyakit yang dapat diobati antara lain:Keracunan, Panas dalam, Sakit panas, Demam berdarah, morbili; Influenza, Kencing batu, Sakit saat haid, Cacing kremi, Sakit gigi; Ubanan, Ketombe; Pemanfaatan : 1. KeracunanBahan: 1 butir kelapa hijau;Cara membuat: dilubangi ujungnya;Cara menggunakan: Airnya diminum sampai habis. 2. Sakit panas dalamBahan: 1 butir buah kelapa hijau dan 1 butir telor ayam kampungmentah;Cara membuat: buah kelapa dilubangi ujungnya, telur ayam kampungyang masih mentah dipecah dan dibuang kulitnya, kemudiandimasukan ke dalam buah kelapa tersebut;Cara menggunakan: diminum pada siang hari. 3. Sakit panasBahan: 1 gelas air kelapa muda dan 1 sendok madu;Cara membuat: kedua bahan tersebut dicampur dan diaduk sampairata;Cara menggunakan:Untuk dewasa: diminum 2 kali sehari, pagi dan sore.Untuk balita: 2 kali sehari, 1/2 cangkir the; 4. Demam berdarahBahan: 1 butir buah kelapa dan 1 butir jeruk nipis;Cara membuat: buah kelapa dilubangi ujungnya, jeruk nipis diperasuntuk diambil airnya, kemudian air jeruk nipis dimasukan ke dalambuah kelapa dan diaduk sampai merata;Cara menggunakan: diminum 2 kali sehari, pagi dan sore. 5. Kencing batuBahan: 1 butir buah kelapa hijau dan 1 butir telur ayam kampungmentah;Cara membuat: buah kelapa dilubangi ujungnya, telur ayam kampungyang masih mentah dipecah dan dibuang kulitnya, kemudiandimasukan ke dalam buah kelapa tersebut.Cara menggunakan: diminum 2 kali sehari, pagi dan sore. 6. Mengurangi sakit waktu haidBahan: 1 gelas air kelapa hijau dan 1 potong gula aren;Cara membuat: Kedua bahan tersebut dicampur dan diaduk sampaimerata;Cara menggunakan: diminum 2 kali sehari 1 gelas, pagi dan sore,selama 3 hari berturut-turut. 7. InfluenzaBahan: 1/4 butir buah kelapa dan 1 rimpang kencur sebesar ibu jari;Cara membuat: buah kelapa dan kencur diparut, kemudian keduabahan tersebut dicampur merata, ditambah 1 gelas air masak dandiperas untuk diambil airnya;Cara menggunakan: diminum 1 kali sehari. 8. MorbiliBahan: 2 helai daun kelapa kering, 1/2 genggam daun korokot, 1/2rimpang dringo bengle, 1/2 genggam daun petai cina, adaspulawaras secukupnya;Cara membuat: semua bahan tersebut ditumbuk bersama sampaihalus;Cara mengunakan: digunakan sebagai bedak untuk seluruh tubuh sipenderita. 9. Mengusir cacing kremiBahan: 1/4 butir buah kelapa dan 1 buah wortel;Cara membuat: buah kelapa dan wortel diparut, kemudian keduabahan tersebut dicampur, ditambah 1 gelas air, diperas dan disaring;Cara menggunakan: diminum malam hari menjelang tidur. 10. Sakit gigi berlubangBahan: tempurung (batok)Cara membuat: tempurung kelapa dibakar dan minyak yang keluardi pinggir api diambil dengan kapas dan digulung sebesar lubanggigi;Cara menggunakan : dimasukan ke dalam lubang gigi yang sakit. 11. UbananBahan: 1/2 butir buah kelapa tua , air buah kelapa itu sendiri;Cara membuat: buah kelapa diparut dan diperas dengan air kelapaitu sendiri untuk diambil santannya; kemudian air santan tersebutdiberi garam secukupnya dan diaduk sampai merata, kemudiandiembunkan semalam di luar rumah;Cara menggunakan: Sebagian dari santan tersebut dipergunakanuntuk mengurut bagian yang beruban dan dibiarkan 10 -15 menit,sebagian santan lagi dipergunakan untuk keramas secara teratur 3hari sekali. 12. KetombeBahan: 1/2 butir buah kelapa tua dan 1/4 buah nanas, 1 butir jeruknipis, 11/2 gelas air kelapa itu sendiri;Cara membuat: buah kelapa dan nenas diparut untuk diambilairnya, kemudian semua bahan tersebut dicampur sampai meratadan disaring;Cara menggunakan: dipergunakan untuk keramas 5 hari sekali. Komposisi :Buah kelapa yang sudah tua mengandung kalori yang tinggi, sebesar 359 kal per 100 gram; daging kelapa setengah tua mengandung kalori 180 kal per 100 gram dan daging kelapa muda mengandung kalori sebesar 68 kal per 100 gram. Sedang nilai kalori rata-rata yang terdapat pada air kelapa berkisar 17 kalori per 100 gram. Air kelapa hijau, dibandingkan dengan jenis kelapa lain banyak mengandung tanin atau antidotum (anti racun) yang paling tinggi. Kandungan zat kimia lain yang menonjol yaitu berupa enzim yang mampu mengurai sifat racun. Komposisi kandungan zat kimia yang terdapat pada air kelapa antara lain asam askorbat atau vitamin C, protein, lemak, hidrat arang, kalsium atau potassium. Mineral yang terkandung pada air kelapa ialah zat besi, fosfor dan gula yang terdiri dari glukosa, fruktosa dan sukrosa. Kadar air yang terdapat pada buah kelapa sejumlah 95,5 gram dari setiap 100 gram.

Fistual Ureterovaginalis. Suatu Komplokasi Cidera Ureter Bagian Distal

In the female complication of the distal portion of the ureter injury is the ureterovaginal fistula, seen most often after the Wertheim hysterectomy. The true incidence of the disease is difficult to ascertain in the literature. Incontinence is the first symptom of the ureterowaginal fistula patient. An IVP, RPG, cystography, crystoscopy and double dye test investigations are to be advocated for diagnosis of the disease. Ureterovaginal fistula is repaired by standard ureteroneocystostomy, incorporating an anti-refluxing submucosal tunnel. Key words: Wertheim hysterectomy-ureterovagina fistula-incontinence-ureteroneocystostomy-ureter injury. Prawito Singodimedjo, Sungsang Rochadi dan H. Moh Baried Ishom; Lab. Ilmu Bedah Fak. Kedokteran UGM.

Ekstrak Daun Jambu Biji Berpotensi Sembuhkan Demam Berdarah

DAUN jambu biji tua ternyata mengandung berbagai macam komponen yang berkhasiat untuk mengatasi penyakit demam berdarah dengue (DBD). Kelompok senyawa tanin dan flavonoid yang dinyatakan sebagai quersetin dalam ekstrak daun jambu biji dapat menghambat aktivitas enzim reverse trancriptase yang berarti menghambat pertumbuhan virus berinti RNA. Demikian hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (POM) bekerja sama dengan Fakultas Kedokteran dan Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya, yang sejak 2003 meneliti ekstrak daun jambu biji untuk pengobatan DBD. Pada tahap awal penelitian dimulai dengan pengujian preklinik. Hasil penelitian dipaparkan oleh Kepala Badan POM Drs Sampurno MBA di Jakarta, Rabu (10/3). Ide penelitian berasal dari Badan POM dan mereka menunjuk Dr Drs Suprapto Ma�at MS. apoteker dari Patologi FK Unair untuk meneliti daun jambu biji. Seperti diketahui, DBD merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus dengue dengan angka kematian dan kesakitan yang cukup tinggi. Sampai saat ini pengobatan DBD masih bersifat suportif, yaitu mengatasi kehilangan cairan plasma akibat peningkatan permeabilitas pembuluh darah kapiler. Pada tahap awal dilakukan penelitian preklinik di FK Unair yang menggunakan hewan model mencit dengan pemberian oral ekstrak daun jambu biji terbukti dapat menurunkan permeabilitas pembuluh darah. Pada penelitian tersebut dilaporkan juga bahwa ekstrak daun jambu biji terbukti dapat meningkatkan jumlah sel hemopoetik terutama megakriosit pada preparat dan kultur sumsum tulang mencit. Pada uji keamanan (toksisitas) ekstrak daun jambu biji termasuk zat yang praktis tidak toksik. Hambat virus dengue Daun jambu biji memang mengandung berbagai macam komponen. Berkaitan dengan itu telah dilakukan uji invitro ekstrak daun jambu biji di mana ekstrak tersebut terbukti dapat menghambat pertumbuhan virus dengue. Kelak setelah dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut diharapkan ekstrak daun jambu biji dapat digunakan sebagai obat anti virus dengue. Juga telah dilakukan uji awal berupa penelitian open label di beberapa rumah sakit di Jawa Timur (RS Jombang dan RS Petrokimia Gresik) pada penderita DBD dewasa dan anak-anak. �Hasil penelitian dibagi-bagikan ke RS Jombang dalam bentuk 30 kapsul dan 30 sirup, lalu RS Petrokimia Gresik 20 kapsul dan 20 sirup. Ada yang sukarela mau mencoba,� kata Suprapto. Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak daun jambu biji dapat mempercepat peningkatan jumlah trombosit tanpa disertai efek samping yang berarti, misalnya sembelit. Penelitian open label ini masih perlu dilanjutkan dengan uji klinik untuk membuktikan khasiat dengan evidence based yang lebih kuat. Pengamatan lain yang sedang dikerjakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun jambu biji terhadap sekresi GM-CSF dan IL-11 untuk mengetahui mekanisme kerjanya pada trombopoiesis. Juga terhadap aktivitas sistem komplemen dan sekresi TNF-Alfa olehmonosit dalam hubungannya dengan mekanisme penurunan permeabilitas pembuluh darah. Pada tahun 2004 akan dilakukan uji klinik di RSUD Dr Soetomo Surabaya/FK Unair, yang akan dipimpin oleh Prof Dr dr Sugeng Sugijanto DSA yang dibantu dr M Nasirudin dengan Dr Ugrasena untuk pasien DBD anak dan Prof dr Edy Soewandojo SpPD untuk pasien DBD dewasa. Badan POM dalam waktu dekat juga akan melakukan kajian-kajian intensif dengan para pakar untuk mendukung tata laksana yang sekarang ini ada. Sampurno optimis karena daun jambu biji bahan bakunya sangat mudah diperoleh dan proses teknologinya sederhana. (LOK)

Polyester Sling Scrotal Cover Induces Oligozoospermia in Normal Indonesia Men

The objective of this study is to ascertain the effects of polyesther sling scrotal cover on sperm production in healthy volunteers used polyester sling scrotal cover all day and night for 24 weeks. Semen was analyzed at a 3-week interval, and clinical chemistry and hematology were monitored at a 12-week interval. The results showed that within 24 weeks sperm concentration, percentage of normal sperm morphology, and sperm velocity decreased to below normal range in all subjects. We concluded that polyester sling scrotal cover can suppress sperm production to aligospermia in Indonesia men. Not a single subject achieved azoospermia, as compared with in Egypt study that showed 100% azoospermia in 14 men. Keywords: Fertility, male contraception, spermatogenesis, electrostatic field, thermoregulation, polyester sling. Nukman Moeloek; Departmen of Biology, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia

Survival Patterns of Children with Rheumatic Heart Disease

We examined the survival curves of patients with estabished rheumatic heart disease treated at the Division of Cardiologi, Department of Child Health Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta during the period of January 1983 until December 1992. There were 359 patients available for analysis. At the end of the 120-month observation, 69.1% patients were still alive. Comparisons of several curves based on certain characteristics showed that age at the time of diagnosis and the number of valves involved were associated with survival, while sex, parental education, or nutritional status were not. Closer examination of 177 patients who had completed 5 years of follow-up, both using univariate and multivariate analyses (logistic regression analysis) confirmed the results of survival analyses. We conclude that age at the time of diagnosis and the number of valvar involvement are strong determinants for the prognosis of children with rheumatic heart disease. Keywords: survival analysis, rheumatic heart disease, risk factors, prognosis. Sudigdo S, Bambang M, Ismet N Oesman, Sukman Tulus P, Najib A.; Departemen of Child Health Medical School University of Indonesia

Friday, August 8, 2008

Studies on Male Fertility Regulation in Indonesia

Male contraception has not received mush attention, compared with the extensive numbers of investigations dealing with female contraception. The condom and coitus interruptus were among the first methods of male contraception. These methods are usually started on the initiative of the couple, without any medical advice, as they are not ordinarily recommended in the family planning clinic. The development of safe, effective and reversible contraceptive methods for for men is an important step in increasing the options available for couples who wish to regulate their family size. This paper reviews the results of studies on male fertility regulation conducted in Indonesia, such as a combination of androgen-progestagenm androgen only, simetidine, ketoconazole, nonscalpel vasectomy and vas occlusion using medical grade silicone. Some of those studies showed good results and prospectives in developing safe and effective contraceptive methods for men. Keywords: hormonal, non-hormonal, male fertility regulation.K.M. Arsyad; Division of Andrology Departmen of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Sriwijaya University

The Mechanisms of Autoimmune Response: Insights into an Enigmatic Repertoire

Several possible mechanisms of autoimmune response leading to the development of autoimmune diseases are discussed briefly herein. Failure of both B and T sell tolerance, lack of suppressor T cell functions, an apoptosis defect, increased expression of superantigens, adverse effects of cytokines and possible microbial infections have all been proposed as the mechanisms of autoimmune response. Yet, none of the proposed mechanisms seems to explain satisfactorily and exclusively the development of a single autoimmune disease, suggesting that the diseases may involve complex mechanisms rather than due to a single pathway. Whether findings based upon the animal models can be extrapolated in humans remains also to be investigated further, since it would provide a direction for future bimodal therapy. Keywords: Immunoregulation, autoimmunity, autoimmune diseases. Wihaskoro Sosroseno, Endang Herminajeng, Department Dental Public Health

Treadmill Test in Patients with Rheumatic Mitral Regurgitation

Treadmill tests were performed in 48 patients with rheumatic mitral regurgitation ranging in age from 9 to 18 years, consisted of 17 boys and 31 girls. The method used was Bruce protocol. Patients with heart failure or other valvular defects were excluded from this study. Thirty-eight (79.2%) patients, 15 boys and 23 girls, could reach stage 4 or more. Shorter endurance time was associated with increasing age and larger body suface area, both in boys and girls. In the group of patients with cardiomegaly in their x-ray photos, 83.3% of the boys and 70.0% of the girls could reach stage 4 or more in, while in those without cardiomegaly 100% of the boys and 76.1% of the girls could achieve stage 4 or more. Patients with LVH on their ECGs could reach stage 4 or more in 87.5% of the boys and 85.7% of the girls, while patients without LVH could reach stage 4 or more in 88.8% of the boys and 70.0% of the girls. We conclude that: (1) treadmil test is quite safe for children with mild and moderate rheumatic mitral regurgitation; (2) older age and larger body surface area are assosiated with lower endurance, (3) cardiomegaly on chest X-ray can be used as guide for exercise restriction in that group, but this is not true with ECG-LVH. Keywords: Treadmill test, rheumatic mitral regurgitation, cardiomegaly, left ventricular hypertrophy. Bambang Madiyono, Sabiqun Rusdi, Ismet N. Oesman, Sudigdo Sastroasmoro, Sukman T. Putra, Najib Advani

Friday, July 11, 2008

Pengaruh beberapa induser terhadap produksi enzim kolesterol oksidase pada streptomyces violascens pseudomonas putida dan rhodococcus erytropolis.

Enzim kolesterol oksidase CEC (1-3-6) yang mampu mengkatalisa perubahan kolestrerol menjadi 4-kolesten dan hidrogen peroksida, dapat diproduksi dari mikrobia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh induser, yaitu kolesterol, gliserol dan Na-dioksikolat terhadap produksi enzim kolesterol oksidase yang terikat membran maupun ekstra seluler. Pada streptomyces violascens, Pseudomonas putida dan rhodococcus erytropolis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa produksi enzim kolesterol oksidase yang terikat membran pada streptomyces violascens diinduksi oleh kolesterol, sedangkan pada pseudomonas putida, kolesterol menginduksi enzim kolesterol oksidase yang ekstra seluler, gliserol menginduksi enzim terikat membran, dan natrium dioksikolat menginduksi pada keduanya. Sedangkan pada Rhodocaccus erythropolis, kolesterol menginduksi produksi enzim kolesterol oksidase baik yang terkait membran maupun ekstra selulernya, gliserol hanya menginduksi enzim terkait membrannya dan natrium dioksikolat hanya menginduksi enzim ekstra selulernya.Budi Baskoro, Retno Indrati, Eni Harmayani

Pemurnian enzim kolesterol oksidase dari Pseudomonas putida

Analisis secara enzimatis merupakan cara terbaik untuk mendeteksi kadar kolesterol dalam darah, karena bersifat lebih spesifik dibanding analisis kimia dan hasil dapat diperoleh dalam waktu relatif cepat. Agar hasil dapat dicapai secara cepat dan akurat maka dibutuhkan enzim dengan aktivitas dan spesifisitas tinggi. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu teknik permurnian untuk memperoleh enzim murni. Pemurnian enzim kolesterol oksidase dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan kolom kromatografi penukar ion, yaitu DEAE Toyopearl. Hasil yang diperoleh, enzim kolesterol oksidase menunjukkan dua karakter yaitu terikat dan tidak terikat kolom DEAE Toyopearl. Dari pengujian dengan SDS PAGE diperoleh bahwa enzim kolesterol oksidase terikat kolom mempunyai pita protein tunggal dengan BM32,3kDA, sedangkan enzim tidak terikat kolom mempunyai dua pita protein, masing-masing 29,5 dan 26,3 kDA. Karakterissasi enzim terikat kolom menunjukkan bahwa enzim tersebut mempunyai aktivitas optimal pada pH 8,0 dan suhu 370C.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Nuclear Application in Agriculture, Health Care Products and Cosmetics

Pada pembicara kedua dan sekaligus yang terakhir di dalam acara Luceon Talk WIN-Indonesia, Dra. Nazly Hilmy yang merupakan presiden Indonesia periode 1995-2005 dan satu-satunya expert dari Indonesia di bidang Tissue Banking dan Sterilisasi radiasi mempresentasikan tentang aplikasi iptek nuklir di bidang kesehatan dan kosmetika. Pada kesempatan tersebut diungkapkan tentang aplikasi produk kesehatan/ healthcare products yang diseterilkan dengan radiasi, terutama produk jaringan seperti alograf (amnion, tulang dan jaringan lunak seperti tendon, facia lata, ligament dll), tulang xenograf serta sterilisasi produk kosmetik. Pada alat kesehatan steril sekali pakai biasanya dipergunakan dan ditujukan pada pasien untuk menghindari pasien dari kontaminasi mikroba yang dapat menimbulkan penyakit lainnya, terutama untuk menghindari mikroba pathogen. Sedangkan penggunaan alat kesehatan yang dipakai secara berulang dan diseterilkan dengan uap atau cara lainnya dengan maksut menghemat biaya, dapat menularkan penyakit dari satu pasien ke pasien lainnya atau biasa disebut dengan kontaminasi silang. Untuk sterilisasi yang mempergunakan radiasi nuklir biasanya dipakai untuk jaringan biologi produk bank jaringan biologi, seperti allograf dan xenograf. Produk jaringan bioligi ini memerlukan diskrining dengan benar serta proses pencucuian dan proses pengawetan serta sterilisasi secara tepat dan benar Sehingga resiko pemindahan penyakit dari donor kepada resipien dapat diminimalkan, baik itu dari mikroba prion, virus, bakteri, kapang dan khamir. Pemakaian produk kesehatan sekali pakai (disposal medical items) sangat dianjurkan terutama bagi negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia . Di negara-negara tersebut, penyakit infeksi belum terkontrol, dan alat kesehatan masih dipakai secara berulang, dengan alasan untuk menghemat biaya. Untuk alat kesehatan yang dipakai seluruh dunia 27 % distrerilkan dengan radiasi sinar gamma, 3 % dengan electron yang dihasilkan oleh Mesin Berkas Elektron (MBE), 68 % dengan gas etilen oksida (EtO) dan sisanya dengan panas. Antara periode 1995 � 2000 jumlah alat kesehatan yang disterilkan dengan radiasi di seluruh dunia sekitar 40 %. Ditambahkan pula dalam presentasinya bahwa penggunaan dan aplikasi produk bank jaringan steril radiasi mempunyai tujuan antara lain menyediakan jaringan tubuh pengganti (alograf) dengan kualitas tinggi, mengurangi morbiditas akibat pengambilan jaringan sendiri (autograf) dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup dan kesehatan sehingga terhindar dari cacat seumur hidup dan memperpanjang kehidupan. Di Indonesia telah terdapat 4 bank jaringan yang produknya disterilkan dengan radiasi yaitu Bank Jaringan Riset Batan, Pusat Biomaterial RSUP R. Sutomo Surabaya, Tisuue Bank RSUP Dr. M. jamil Padang dan Tissue Bank RSK Sitanala Tangerang. Untuk produk yang disterilkan dengan radiasi dan telah dipakai di Indonesia pada umumnya terdiri dari membran amnion, tulang serta jaringan lunak seperti tendon, facia lata dll. Penggunaan membrane amnion umumnya dipakai untuk menutup luka dan bedah plastic dan transpantasi. Di Indonesia produksi jaringan amnion yang diawetkan dengan cara iradiasi dosis 25 kGy, telah dipakai oleh lebih dari 40 rumah sakit di Indonesia terutama untuk kasus-kasus seperti penutup luka operasi, penutup luka pada sunat, luka bakar, penutup ulkus plantar pada penderita kusta, pterygium, symblepharon, kerusakan kornea, kunstruksi vagina, moulding untuk operasi gigi. Untuk graf tulang yang berfungsi sebagai kekuatan mekanik dan atau sebagai fungsi biologi diperlukan pengetahuan yang tinggi seperti bagaimana graf tulang tersebut dipanen, disiapkan, diproses, disimpan sehingga menambah kepercayaan pada penggunaan graf.

Evaluasi kandungan flavanol teh hijau jenis super, lokal, broken tea dan gagang produksi PT. Pagilaran Samigaluh

Teh hijau dibuat dari pucuk dan daun muda tanaman teh camellia sinensis yang telah diolah tanpa melalui proses fermentasi khusus. Pada teh hijau terdapat kandungan senyawa flavanol yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh. Kandungan flavanol atau lebih dikenal dengan katekin pada setiap jenis teh hijau berbeda dan diduga ada hubungannya dengan mutu teh hijau. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi kandungan flavanol teh jenis super, lokal, broken tea dan gagang yang bahan mentahnya berasal dari kebun Samigaluh milik PT. Pagilaran, ternyata kandungan flavanol pada teh hijau jenis broken tea paling tinggi. Kadar total flavanol teh hijau jenis broken tea 55,00%, lokal 39,93%, super 37,21% dan gagang 19,93%. Kandungan flavanol teh hijau tidak ada hubungannya dengan mutu teh hijau. Boedi Sardjana Julianto, Haryadi, Supriyadi (Agritech vol. 16 No.4 thn. 1996)

Efek tempe pada diet rendah Cu terhadap aktivitas enzim superoksida dismutase dan kadar malondialdehid pada tikus

Tempe sebagai makanan tradisional Indonesia kaya akan protein vitamin, mineral dan beberapa antioksidan yang dapat mencegah oksidasi lemak dalam tubuh. Penelitain ditujukan untuk menggali komponen bioaktif pada tempe yang berperan sebagai antioksidan. Penelitain dilakukan menggunakan tikus jenis wistar, dengan pemberian pakan variasi protein tepung tempe dan kasein. Pakan terbagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Pada akhir percobaan diambil darah dan hatinya kemudian dilakukan analisa kadar Malondaldehid (MDA) dan aktivitas enzim Superoksida Dismutase (SOD). Hasil analisa MDA dan SOD menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata antara tikus dengan diet protein tempe 100% dan tikus dengan diet protein kasein 100%. Aktifitas enzim yang tinggi disebabkan oleh konsumen Cu yang cukup dalam tempe. Cu berfungsi sebagai kofaktor dan regulator. Penurunan kadar MDA selain disebabkan oleh aktifitas enzim kemungkinan juga oleh antioksidan dalam tempe yang dikonsumsi. Anna Kurniangingsih, Mary Astuti

Monday, June 23, 2008

Manfaat minyak Nilam dalam aromaterapi dan kesehatan

Sebagai antiseptik, antijamur, insektisida. Minyak nilam dapat dipergunakan untuk mengobati luka, kudis, ketombe, jerawat, eksim dan iritasi vagina dengan cara mencampur minyak nilam dengan air hangat dapat dipakai untuk mengompres, membilas bagian wajah/kulit yang bermasalah atau dipakai untuk keramas. Untuk menambah harum dan meningkatkan efektivitas perawatan rambut minyak nilam dapat dicampur dengan minyak atsiri lainnya seperti minyak kenanga dan melati. Minyak nilam yang dicampur dengan minyak jeruk dapat menanggulangi iritasi pada vagina. Daun nilam dapat disimpan di antara lipatan pakaian untuk menghidarkan gangguan serangga/ kutu. Dan masih banyak lagi kegunaan minyak nilam yaitu dapat digunakan dalam bidang kecantikan, menanggulangi gangguan mental dan emosional, dengan cara pemijatan, merendam atau dengan hirup/menghirup uap dan juga minyak nilam sebagai aprodisiak (sumber; Yang N. Balittro)


The research aiming at the effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza to the 3 clones of Orthosipon aristatus was conducted in the green house and laboratory of Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops Research Institute, Bogor in 5 months. Completely randomized design, arranged factorially with 2 factors and 3 replications was used. First factor was the clone of orthosipon consisted of white flower, purpel and rather purple clones, meanwhile second factor was Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (AM) inoculation (300 spores of AM/plant) consisted of: without AM, Glomus agregatum, Mac-1 (mixed of Acaulospora sp and Glomus sp), and Mac-2 (mixed of 8 kinds of AM). The result showed a significant effect of orthosipon clone to the plant growth (plant height, number of leaves and stem), fresh weight of stem, dry weight of leaf and root, and leaf area index. White flower clone showed the best growth responses to the AM inoculation (fresh weight of leaf and plant P uptake increased 41,1% to 89,59% and 48,9% to 109,2%, respectively). Glomus agregatum inoculation resulted the highest increasing plant height, number of leaves and stem, dry weight of leaf and stem, and leaf area index of the three clones. Key words : Orthosipon aristatus, clone, arbuscular mycorrhizae, growth, production. Octivia Trisilawati; Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat

Komfrei (symphytum officinale)

Tanaman introduksi berkhasiat obat. Pemanfaatannya secara umu yaitu komfrei mempunyai peran yang besar bagi masyarakat Jerman yang merupakan ramuan turun temurun. Bagian yang digunakan adalah daun dan akarnya. Penggunaannya bukan hanya untuk obat luar tetapi juga sering digunakan untuk menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit. Akar yang dihaluskan dicampur dengan sedikit air panas dan minyak goreng dapat digunakan untuk kompres pada bagian tubuh yang luka. Daun yang dihaluskan dan direbus dengan air sampai airnya berkurang, diminum sebagai teh dapat menyebuhkan luka lambung. Daun segar yang dilayukan dan diberi minyak goreng juga dapat digunakan untuk kompres. Daun segar atau kering yang ditambahkan ke dalam air mandi untuk berendam dapat melembutkan kulit. Tepung dari akar yang diberi perlakuan khusus dapat dijadikan untuk cream penyembuh luka. Khasiat komfrei dalam farmakologi Cina dan pengobatan tradisional lainnya memiliki sifat dingin dan agak sedikit pahit. Biasanya efek ini diperoleh dari penggunaan daun, dengan atau tanpa tangkai. Komfrei banyak digunakan dalam berbagai pengobatan gangguan darah dan pembuluh darah. Diberbagai negara tanaman ini digunakan secara turun-temurun dan terbukti mampu mengobati tekanan darah tinggi, tekanan darah rendah, kolesterol, leukimia dan diabetes dan masih banyak lagi kegunaan-kegunaan dalam Komfrei ini. (sumber Melati, Balittro)


Sebagai tanaman obat, tanaman ketumbar selain digunakan untuk bumbu masak juga sebagai obat anti spasmodic, carminative (peluruh kentut), stimulant (perangsang) dan penambah nafsu makan. Ketumbar juga menunjukkan aktifitas hypoglycemik. (penurunan kadar gula dalam darah) dan juga penurun kadar lemak dalam darah. Kadang-kadang ketumbar juga digunakan sebagai obat kuat (aphrodisiac). Ketumbar juga dapat digunakan sebagai obat antifertility (pencegah kesuburan), antioksidan, dan anticonvulsant (pereda kejang). Ketumbar digunakan untuk obat keluhan sakit badan, kehilangan nafsu makan dan keluhan pada abdomen bagian atas. Ketumbar juga digunakan secara tradisional untuk keluhan pencernaan dan lambung, batuk, sakit dada, keluhan pada kandung kemih, penyakit lepra, disentri, sakit kepala, gangguan pada rahang dan mulut dan nafas berbau. Ketumbar juga digunakan untuk obat reumatik dan sakit pada sendi. Ketumbar juga dapat meningkatkan nafsu seksual. Ahli obat herbal di Cina menggunakan biji ketumbar untuk membantu pencernaan dan sakit lambung. Mereka juga menyatakan bahwa herbal ketumbar dapat digunakan untuk obat influensa. Ahli obat Cina menggunakan daun dan biji untuk membantu mengurangi bau yang tidak sedap pada alat kelamin pria maupun wanita. Minyak biji ketumbar banyak digunakan dalam obat-obatan. Berpotensi sebagai obat antibacterial dan juga digunakan untuk keluhan kejang perut (kolik), nyeri pada syaraf (neuralgia) dan reumatik. Minyak ketumbar dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi bau obat dan tembakau. Minyak ketumbar juga digunakan untuk parfum dan minuman beralkohol. (sumber: Devi R, Balittro)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Comparison of medical data of atomic-bomb survivors resident in the U.S. and Hiroshima.

The third medical examination of A-bomb survivors residing in the U.S. was performed in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Honolulu during the period 6 - 28 May 1981. The test results were studied and the actual state of the survivors in the U.S., was reviewed as explained hereunder. 1) The number of survivors actually registered with the Committee of A-bomb Survivors in the U.S. is 491 (133 males and 358 females) of whom 57.2% are U.S. citizens. Those exposed in Hiroshima accounted for 91.8%. The mean age was 53.3 +- 8.9, thus they were more than 3 years younger than their counterparts in Hiroshima. The present addresses of the survivors are distributed over 15 states, but those in California constitute 77.6% of the total, and when those residing in the states along the west coast and Hawaii are added the rate increases to 95.9%. 2) Those who underwent health examination numbered 166 (45 males and 121 females), and comparison of the U.S. survivors against the Hiroshima survivors showed there to be a difference in the following points. The prevalence of hypertension was lower among the U.S. survivors, but RBC counts and hemoglobin concentration were significantly higher. The same was observed for blood lipids with hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia being found at a significantly higher rate in the U.S. survivors. 3) Those free of clinical abnormalities in this survey were 37.3%, and the rest required dietary guidance, follow-up observation, detailed examination of treatment. Those with diseases which are considered would make them eligible for health management allowance if in Japan, accounted for 18.7%. Ito,-Chikako (Hiroshima Atomic-Bomb Survivors Health Clinic (Japan)); Matsubara,-Hiroomi; Yamakido,-Michio; Yamada,-Hiroaki

Delayed effects of A-bomb radiation; and reply.

The authors question Stewart's arguments for suggesting that previous estimates of radiation health effects are low by a factor of 10. In this letter and in Stewart's reply, the healthy survivor effect is discussed, with particular reference to cerebrovascular deaths, together with the criticism that arguments do not make sufficient use of the 'not in city cohort'. (U.K.). Ginevan,-M.E.; Puskin,-J.S. (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC (USA). Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research); Stewart,-A.M.

Irradiation of food. Report from a committee of experts.

A committee has on instructions from the swedish government made an inquiry into the possible effects on health and working environment from irradition of food. In this report, a review is presented on the known positiv and negative effects of food irradiation Costs, availabilty, shelf life and quality of irradiated food are also discussed. According to the report, the production of radiolysis products during irradiation is not easily evaluated. The health risks from irradiation of spices are estimated to be lower than the risks associated with the ethenoxid treatment presently used. (L.E.).Lindell,-B.; Danielsson-Tham,-M.L.; Hoel,-C.

Site selection and design options of Mining and Metallurgical Institutions

Intensepublicconcern regarding the environmental and health effects of uranium tailings has forced a re-evaluation of past disposal practices. This paper outlines the options that should be considered in selecting the site for, and the design of, the most economic and environmentally acceptable impoundment of tailings. A site selection method is described that ensures the consideration of all reasonable siting alternatives within a given radius of the plant site. Methods of qualitative and semi-quantitative evaluation ef the alternative sites are mentioned that permit the sites to be rated according to visual, land-use, pollution-risk, and cost criteria. Aternative impoundment designs that are reviewed include embankments and diversions, liners, covers, and stabilization methods. Physical and chemical methods of tailings preparation that reduce the potential for pollution are considered briefly. Robertson,-A.MacG. (Steffen Robertson and Kirsten (Canada) Inc.)

Presentations for individual and collective radiation doses after accidental releases of radioactivity.

The conventional presentation of only the final results of risk assessments in the form of frequency distributions of health detriments (fatalities) impedes the interpretation and adequate judgement of calculated risks. In particular special questions require information on the space- and time-dependency of radiation doses for individuals and for the population as a whole. For this reason the modified version of the accident consequence model UFOMOD/B3-DOS was developed and extended by various additional computer programs for graphical and numerical evaluations. Special emphasis was laid on the functional connection of frequency, organ dose and number of persons affected, since the calculation of the collective dose in ''manxrem'' is unsuitable for many problems. A systematic scheme of the possible 2- and 3-dimensional graphs facilitates the selection of the appropriate presentation in view of problem-oriented or personal criteria. Examples of frequency-dose diagrams are shown for release categories of the German Risk Study. (orig.). Ehrhardt,-J.; Zoeller,-U

I--129 in the environment, 9. Some aspects associated with iodine-129.

Iodine-129 has the characteristic properties of long-life and low radiation energies. Accordingly, in considering the iodine-129 discharged to the atmosphere or the marine environment, it is important to establish a methodology for evaluating the environmental impact caused by the long-term accumulation and to develop the measuring techniques of the environmental samples having very low radioactivity. This paper presents an overall review regarding the health physics problems associated with iodine-129. The contents consist of production of iodine-129, source terms monitoring for gaseous and liquid effluents, environmental monitoring, and methods of dose assessment based on the critical pathway and the specific activity method including the dose calculation due to a multi-compartment model. Fukuda,-Seiji (Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp., Tokyo (Japan))

Health physics as a career.

Health physics includes the protection of man and his environment against the effects of radiations and radioactive substances. As a career it deals with research, regulatory aspects of radiation protection and radiation monitoring. For a health physicist a post-graduate degree in Physics is required, while technical personnel should have a degree or technical diploma. NUCOR, UCOR, ESCOM and the Division for Radiation Control of the Department of Health and Welfare are some of the institutions that make use of the services of health physicists. As South Africa is one of the major uranium producers, there will be an increasing demand for health physicists in the future.

Current state and prospects of the investigations on the effect of low-dose ionizing radiation on the human health.

The problems connected with health hazard of low levels of ionizing radiation are considered. Accomodating abilities capable of levelling out with the alterations due to irradiation are determined and estimated. The necessity for further investigation of regularities for adaptation to background ionizing.irradiations and levels close to them is stressed. Moskalev,-Yu.I.; Kudritski-,-Yu.A.

Health effect coefficients for radium and radon released in the mining and milling of uranium

An evaluation of the radiological health risks from uranium mining and milling is presented. The sequence for studying health effects includes the estimation of the radioactive source term, dispersion mechanisms environmental dilution, uptake by humans, radiation doses, and the health effects. This paper reviews the recent values for recommended risk estimates for sup 2 sup 2 sup 6 Ra and for radon daughters. Nielson,-K.K.; Rogers,-V.C. (Rogers and Associates Engineering Corp., Salt Lake City, UT)

Winfrith SGHWR operating experiences 1968-82

The Winfrith reactor is a direct cycle pressure tube reactor of 100 MW(e) output using light water as the coolant and heavy water as the principal moderator. The plant has been in operation for 14 years and has successfully demonstrated the potential of this type of pressure tube reactor. It has also produced information and experience relevant to water reactors in general. The Paper summarieses the key operating experiences and the performance of principal components of the Winfrith plant. The Zircaloy 2 pressure tubes and associated rolled joints have not presented any problems. The diametral creep of the tubes has been towards the lower end of the original predictions and axial growth is acceptable. Semi automatic equipment capable of simultaneous eddy current and ultrasonic scanning of the tubes for defects is in use. After some early problems fuel element reliability has been very good. A batch refuelling scheme with simple off-load refuelling fits in well with the annual maintenance shutdowns and the single channel access enables refuelling to be carried out with minimum interference to the inspection and maintenance programmes. Relatively simple automatic control systems are used and the performance of these has been demonstrated to be very satisfactory during manoeuvres associated with normal operation and during a series of special tests. The key health physics aspects of the plant are described and reference is made to the regular chemical decontaminations of the reactor coolant circuits which have been carried out since 1969 as part of the programme to reduce the radiation dose to personnel. The experience with main plant, including the glandless reactor coolant pumps, the unique fast acting liquid shutdown system and the saturated steam tubine are summarized. Negus,-B. (Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith Dorset (UK))

Virus Hepatitis-C

A new problem on hepatitis for Indonesia is hepatitis-C virus (HCV). This infection is endemic, majority sub-clinic and progressive in chronic. Viral transmission is primarily via a parenteral route, while other rountes are still in debate. Diagnostic approach should be focused on how this virus developed. Keywords: hepatitis-C virus- molecular biology- Westem-blot-HCV- blood transfusion-epidemilogy. Suwarso, Fak. Kedokteran UGM.

The new soncepts in basic oncology research

Research on epidemilogy, pathology, clinical course and treatment of cancer is available. The epidemiological and clinical resarch on cancer must be brought into a comprehensive scheme. Basic research on oncology is suggested to be based on cancer epidemilogy, and applicable for clinical practice. This article discusses the new concept of basic oncology research using breast cancer as a model. It is concluded that the new concepts in basic oncology research have to be based on the community need. It will be better if the research is multidisciplinary and multiinstitutional approach. Using this approach the expectation is that and the result could solve the problem either in the community or in the hospital. keywords: oncology-cancer-epidemiology-breast cancer oncogen-immunohistoclinical signs-prognostic index. Soeripto Fak. Kedoteran, UGM.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pemeriksaan sitologik cairan pleura untuk diagnosis mesotelioma Ganas dan adenokarsinoma

Suatu diagnosis banding, Reccurent pleural effusions are frequently the first manifestation of a diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma. Pleural effusion of the malignant mesothelioma is frequently industinguishable from the pleural effusion due to adenocarcinoma. The prognosis of this tumor is poor, but immediate and accurate therapy will render prolonged remission. For these reasons, microscopic examination of thoracocenthesis fluid is necessary, because it may provide an immediate diagnosis. Unfortunately the reliability of cytologic diagnosis is still disputable. Based on microscopic examination, there is no single pathognomonic feature. The cytologic diagnosis of a malignant pleural examination is based on the constellation of findings. The histiry of the course of the disease, optimal sample preparation and special stains are important requirements to provide definitive diagnosis. Keywords: mesothelioma-adenocarcinoma-thoracocenthesis fluid-air-drie May Grunwald-Giemsa-monoclonal antibody B72.3. Ahmad Ghozali; Lab. Patologi Anatomik UGM.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Amega Global

About Amega: Our Mission; To open a �door of opportunity� for the small business owner that will enable them to successfully operate a Global business. The best way to understand the Amega vision is through the success of our members. Our Vision; Passion and Excellence in business & life. Empowering individuals with the Amega concept that will lead them to financial independence, overall happiness and well being. Magnet mengobati serangan migraine. Sakit kepala karena migraine dapat disembuhkan dengan bio magnetik. Alat ini bekerja dengan teknik transcranial magnetic stimullation (TMS). Medan magnet yang dihasilkan oleh alat ini dapat mempengaruhi sel-sel syaraf pada otak sehingga dapat menghentikan pertumbuhan rasa sakit. Sebagai contoh, setengah dari pasien diobati dengan teknik TMS dan setengah lagi diobati dengan placebo (Obat yang biasa digunakan untuk mengobati migrain). Hasilnya 70% pasien yang diobati dengan teknik TMS melaporkan bahwa dirinya merasa lebih baik bahkan tidak sakit lagi, sedangkan yang diobati dengan Placebo hanya 48% yang merasa lebih baik. Penemuan ini dilaporkan Mohammad dalam Pertemuan American Headache Society (AHS) di Los Angles, dan didukung pula oleh Adrian Upton, seorang ahli otak dari McMaster University di Ontario, Canada. Ia mengatakan bahwa pasien-pasiennya merasa lebih baik setelah mendapatkan tiga kali pengobatan. Alat berukuran portabel telah diproduksi di Neuralieve dan dapat digunakan oleh siapa saja. Fungsi dan Manfaat Bio Magnet adalah untuk meningkatkan sistem imun, membantu mengembangkan pembuluh darah dan melancarkan peredaran darah, membantu mengatasi migrain dan vertigo, reumatik dan asam urat, bau badan, rascun dalam tubuh, memperkuat daya tahan tubuh, mencegah penyakit gondok, mengatasi gangguan asthma dan bronkhitis, membantu mengatasi sinusitis, membantu meningkatkan gairah sex, mengatasi penyakit jantung koroner, kangker akibat radikal bebas, mengatasi sistem pencernaan, hati dan lambung, mengatasi gangguan susah tidur dan lain-lain. dengan banyak products yang beraneka ragam. Jika anda berminat untuk mendapatkan info yang lengkap dapat klik atau lebih tepatnya hubungi Ibu Wida / HP.081315781185.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Easing the Seizures, and Stigma, of Epilepsy

By ALIYAH BARUCHIN; The first thing you notice about 13-year-old Nora Leitner is the dark circles under her eyes. They stand in stark contrast to the rest of her appearance. At a glance she might be any petite, pretty tween girl, with her blond ponytail, elfin frame and thousand-watt smile, but the circles tell a different story. Nora looks as if she hasn�t slept in a month. In a sense, she hasn�t. Nora has epilepsy, and as with 30 percent of those with the disorder, her seizures are not controlled by existing treatments. She often has more than one a day, mostly at night. Her seizures, called tonic-clonic (what used to be known as grand mal), cause her to lose consciousness for a full minute while her body convulses. While some people feel an �aura� of symptoms before a seizure, Nora�s seizures happen entirely without warning. When she seized at the top of a staircase in her home in Yardley, Pa., it was plain luck that her parents were at the bottom and caught her as she fell. Though she is on the brink of she is rarely, if ever, left alone. Epilepsy affects 50 million people worldwide and more than 2.7 million people in the United States; half of all patients are children. Especially in its intractable form, also called refractory epilepsy, the disorder � and the side effects of epilepsy medications � can cause problems in learning, and behavior, and indelibly alter development. Epilepsy can also consume families, monopolizing their time, money and energy. Despite the number of people with epilepsy � the disorder affects more Americans than do combined � it still carries a stigma that dates to ancient civilizations. Many patients, doctors and families say the stigma hampers care, public recognition and the ability to raise money for research. �There is an ongoing, significant embarrassment level about it,� said Dr. Orrin Devinsky, director of the Epilepsy Center at New York University The feeling, for a lot of people, is that it does carry a lot worse stigma than a even. At some level, it�s society that needs to wake up and realize it�s just another neurologic disorder.�Warren Lammert, who runs a financial firm in Boston and whose daughter has epilepsy, founded an organization in 2002 with Dr. Devinsky and two others to support research into new treatments. �It�s better today,� he said about public perceptions of the disorder. �But even among well-educated people, people don�t like to talk about epilepsy.� While many public figures with cancer (or cancer in the family) are forthcoming about the illness, Mr. Lammert said, the same does not go for epilepsy. And though his organization, the Epilepsy Therapy Development Project, has two strong public representatives � the Olympic women�s hockey goaltender Chanda Gunn and the hip-hop artist D J Hapa � the disorder has never found an icon like Michael J. Fox, whose openness about Parkinson�s disease helps raise tens of millions of dollars a year for research. Meanwhile, despite advances that have helped people with treatable epilepsy, the 30 percent rate for the intractable form has changed little in 40 years. �Refractory epilepsy remains an enormous problem, Dr. Devinsky said. Epilepsy results from an electrical disturbance in the brain, though at various stages in history it has been thought of as evidence of a connection to the divine, a sign of demonic possession or the mark of a witch. The types of seizures vary from staring episodes or eye blinks to sudden falls or All can be debilitating, depending on factors like frequency and the age when they start. Comprehensive Epilepsy Centers, medical practices that specialize in treating the disorder at 50 around the nation, represent the gold standard in therapy. Treatments include anticonvulsant medications, which can have profound effects on memory, behavior and cognitive ability; the ketogenic a restrictive plan that has had remarkable success in controlling seizures; an implanted stimulator that sends regular pulses of electricity to the brain; and surgery to remove an affected area of the brain. In the last two decades, surgery has changed the landscape of epilepsy for many patients, including children. Yet Nora Leitner, like many others, is not a candidate for surgery because her seizures involve all of her brain, rather than a localized area. For Nora, her parents, Lee and Kina Leitner, and her brother, Ethan, 7, epilepsy has become the center of the universe, governing decisions about everything from where to live to whether to go out to dinner. The level of frustration and the level of stress is just phenomenal, said Ms. Leitner, 60, a resilient and energetic college professor. Mr. Leitner, 49, also a professor, hates seeing Nora�s youth overwhelmed by the illness. Her childhood is defined by this, he said, and it�s really sad.�The Leitners experience is typical, Dr. Devinsky said, adding, It involves everybody to an incredible degree.�Looking back, the Leitners think Nora had her first seizure in utero two weeks before she was born. Her first recognized seizure happened when she was 4 � months old; a month later, she had five seizures in three days. The formal diagnosis came after her first birthday. Dr. Christina Bergqvist, Nora�s neurologist at Children�s Hospital of Philadelphia, said Nora�s shows visible abnormalities in her brain. The critical struggle in Nora�s care, as for many children with epilepsy, has been to safeguard her cognitive life. Children with intractable epilepsy display a wide range of abilities, from normal functioning to profound retardation. Nora falls somewhere in the mid-high range. Her speech is extremely slow and soft; she often frowns before answering a question, as if struggling to formulate her response. While her answers are usually accurate, her response time is slow, and she sometimes is not aware that she has been asked a question at all. Yet beneath the layers of difficulty is a sharp mind, an avid reader in a home filled with books, a child whose favorite subject is science and who can discuss ancient Egyptian culture and identify common vertebrates and invertebrates. Despite her halting speech, she tells a reporter that her chore in the house is looking after the recyclable cans and bottles. Nora�s responsible for taking those out, Ms. Leitner said. Her daughter added dryly, Yeah, without asking. That child, and those submerged abilities, were what Ms. Leitner first saw clearly in 2000, when Nora went off a medication called Depakote. The side effects of anticonvulsant medications are often as disabling as seizures themselves, and Nora�s life on medication had begun at 6 months, when her doctor prescribed phenobarbital, a drug that causes cognitive and language delays. We were beside ourselves, said Ms. Leitner, who teaches at University of Maryland University College and who suddenly found herself putting her expertise to work for her own child. One of my biggest concerns was, do we medicate her? I knew that the drugs they used to treat epilepsy were all cognitive depressants. It is the Solomon�s choice faced by parents of children with intractable epilepsy: risk the damage wrought by seizures, or the side effects of medication? Over the next five years Nora tried eight or nine medications, and in 2000, at age 6, she entered first grade taking two anticonvulsants, Depakote and every day. Then she caught a break. The Depakote made her so sleepy that Ms. Leitner rescheduled the lunchtime dose so she would be alert at school. After a few months, they dropped the midday dose entirely. Suddenly, a new Nora surfaced. �It was a phenomenal change,� Ms. Leitner said. �She was awake, alert. We took away another dose; then that summer, we took the last one away and she started seizing again. But she had started talking, reading, everything she hadn�t done before; she never talked in full sentences until she was 6 years old. I wasn�t willing to go back.� In October 2002, Nora went on the ketogenic diet. It is like the Atkins diet in overdrive: it mandates vast quantities of fats, like oil, which Nora drank from a small bottle, and almost no Every morsel is weighed, and no deviations are allowed. Within weeks, Ms. Leitner said, there were pronounced changes in Nora�s abilities and attention span. Over the next 21 months, she had only two seizures. But in the summer and fall of 2004, there were three more, and that October, while swimming at school, Nora had a seizure and nearly drowned. Within a year, she had begun to have a seizure or two a month as she entered puberty. In March 2006 she had a vagus nerve stimulator implanted, but her seizures became so frequent that the Leitners had the device turned off two months later. Since then, she has often had more than one seizure a day. Families of children with intractable epilepsy often have a hard time getting the constellation of services they need. �Throughout the years, we�ve had to find things out for ourselves,� Ms. Leitner said. �Nobody ever said to us, Nora needs speech therapy, or Nora should see a developmental pediatrician.� Even finding the right school was a trial. The Leitners now drive Nora 30 miles each way to the Orchard Friends School in Moorestown, N.J., and they will begin home-schooling her in the fall. Social isolation is a persistent issue. Schools may not want to include students with epilepsy on field trips; peers may not invite them for sleepovers. A lot of it just seems to be awareness issues,� Mr. Leitner said. �Most people have never seen somebody have a seizure.� Dr. Bergqvist agreed. �It is frightening to see a child seize, she said. �And then based on that fright, people decide, �I can�t deal with that child.� People still think it�s contagious.�In late November 2006, the Leitners agreed to give the vagus nerve stimulator another try, but it made no difference in Nora�s seizure control. In fact, in the first half of 2007, her condition deteriorated to the point at which, on two separate days that summer, she had 19 full-blown seizures each day. A few months earlier, in March 2007, Dr. Bergqvist had been surprised to discover that a genetic test on Nora came back positive for a mutation called SCN1A, which is linked to a variety of severe seizure disorders. In August, Nora began taking stiripentol, a high-priced medication that has been approved in Europe, but not the United States, to treat patients with SCN1A mutations. (It is not covered by insurance plans in the United States.) In combination with two other medications, it brought her seizures completely under control at first. They have come and gone since, as Dr. Bergqvist and Ms. Leitner try to pin down the right combination of doses. Nora typically feels best in the brief period immediately after a change in treatment, but the improvement is always fleeting. When we make a change to the VNS settings, she is fabulous for about two to four hours � really alert and awake and bright and on target, all there, Ms. Leitner said. And when we introduce a new drug, or when we change the dosing on a drug, she�ll go seizure-free for about two weeks. And then it�s like the brain finds a way of getting around the drug.�So far, the new trio of medications has offered Nora a better level of control than almost any other treatment that the Leitners have tried over the years. In addition, last fall Nora went off the ketogenic diet and onto a less restrictive low-glycemic-index diet, freeing the Leitners to go to restaurants and travel as a family. In the midst of all of this, Nora is having as typical a 13-year-old life as she can. She loves to swim and has taken gymnastics, piano lessons, tae kwon do, and hip-hop dance classes. Her bedroom brims with books, dolls and stuffed animals, and she eagerly shows off her huge repertoire of knock-knock jokes. She dotes on the family dog, Franklin, and the cat, Lily. Dr. Bergqvist says Nora could experience a remission after she goes through puberty. Until then, the choices continue. But Ms. Leitner acknowledged that their approach may have to change. At a certain point, I�m going to have to stop worrying about her ability to think and go for the seizure control,� she said. But she knows that it will not be easy. �If she had always been the way she was before the diet, I probably wouldn�t be as dramatic about this as I am,� she said. �But I�ve seen what she can do.
Dr. Devinsky says that families like the Leitners, torn as they may be over the correct path to take, are on the right track. �If there�s a message, it�s not to give up, he said. They should do everything possible to maximize the quality of life of their child, but at the same time, never, ever give up. Because there will be other things coming down the pike.�Updated from an article that originally appeared in The Times

O.K., Avatar, Work With Me

Women, parents, even nursing-home residents have been drawn to the Wii�s simple evocations of games such as tennis and bowling. The Wii has become the best-selling game machine of the current generation, selling more than 25 million worldwide, and remains scarce on store shelves across the nation. Now Nintendo�s latest brainchild, Wii Fit, could send similar ripples through the home-fitness market. Scheduled to be released in North America next week, Wii Fit is not meant to replace a gym. But in a world of $3,000 elliptical machines and $150-an-hour personal trainers, it has at least a chance of becoming a global, affordable, mass-market interactive home-fitness system. (On its overseas debut last month, it became one of the fastest-selling games ever in Britain.) Exercising with Wii Fit is like having a Bob Harper or a Denise Austin who talks back � gently cajoling you through exercises, praising, nudging, even reminding you to eat a banana once in a while. It also lets you see how you stack up against friends or family members; each user creates a cartoony avatar called a Mii. The system costs $90, plus $250 for the basic Wii console. It uses a television and a sensitive �balance board� placed on the floor to present a few dozen activities, from push-ups to yoga, to more entertaining challenges like balance games and aerobic contests. Nintendo is not aiming Wii Fit at people with a serious exercise regimen. Rather, it is meant to appeal to the person busy with work and family who just wants to have fun getting a little toned at home. Believe me, I could use some help. As a video game journalist, I live in a world where Buffalo wings, potato chips and jalape�o poppers are considered food groups. The closest I get to serious exercise is flopping around at concerts like a lumpy, overeducated flounder. Then again, most Americans aren�t really in great shape either. So I felt I could reasonably reflect the broad mass market (if you will) in testing whether a silicon coach has the potential to rescue millions of Americans from decrepitude. To help me evaluate the system, Thursday Styles recruited two fitness professionals, an avid exerciser and one work-at-home parent to try Wii Fit at the Chelsea Piers sports complex in Manhattan. Here is what we thought:
THE MULTITASKER Shira Weiss, a 33-year-old mother of two who works out of her home in Teaneck, N.J., as a publicist for small businesses, wants Wii Fit because it fits both her lifestyle and her doorway. Before having the kids, I used to work out every day � I belonged to a gym � but now it really only when I have a chance,she said. Let me put it this way: I clean with vigor. I like aerobic exercise and would like a treadmill. But we tried to get one, and the door of our house was too narrow. It just wouldn�t fit, and my husband was like, �Forget the treadmill.
She eyed the 12 by 20� Wii Fit board. �But this could work,� she said. Wii Fits almost 50 exercises are divided among four categories: strength training, aerobics, balance games and yoga. Each user creates a personal profile, including a potential weight loss (or gain) goal. The system tracks a user�s weight and body-mass index as well as their performance on individual exercises. To help prevent novices from overextending or frustrating themselves, only a few exercises are initially available in each category; more advanced activities are unlocked only after completing simpler options. Ms. Weiss found her groove in Wii Fit�s aerobics section. She proved a quick study with the hula hoop game (gyrating in circles), before finding her long-sought treadmill replicated in the running game. In Wii Fit, running does not use the board. Rather, the user puts the TV-remote-size Wii controller in her pocket or hand and runs in place while the motion-sensitive controller serves as a pedometer. On screen, the user runs through a bucolic park while a pacesetter beckons the player onward. For longer runs, users can watch television while the Wii tracks their progress.

Low-Fat Diet

May Cut Prostate Cancer Risk. Cutting back on fried foods and baked goods may lower a man�s risk for prostate cancer, a new animal study suggests. Scientists at Jonsson Cancer Center at the University of California, Los Angeles, focused on fat from corn oil, which is made up primarily of omega-6 fatty acids. That�s the type of polyunsaturated fat typically used in high levels in processed baked goods and fried foods. The healthiest fats are omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in fish, or monounsaturated fat, the kind found in foods like almonds, pecans, cashew nuts, peanuts, avocados and olive and canola oil. Using a mouse model that closely mimics human prostate cancer, researchers fed one group of mice a diet with about 40 percent of calories coming from fat, similar to the amount found in a typical Western diet. The other group received 12 percent of their calories from fat. The study, published this month in the journal Cancer Research, found a 27 percent lower incidence of prostate cancer in the low-fat diet group. Precancerous cells, which can go on to become cancer, also grew at a much slower rate in the mice eating a low-fat diet, compared to those in the high-fat group, the study showed. Although the data come from mice, researchers say it�s reasonable to think the finding will translate to people. Further animal studies and human clinical trials are under way to study the issue. The theory is that lowering dietary fat results in an increase in levels of a protein that slows prostate cancer development by cutting off the growth factor that allows prostate cancer to thrive. Although the verdict is still out on the link between fat and prostate cancer, researchers say there are already known benefits to lowering or eliminating processed baked goods and fried foods from the diet. �A low-fat, high-fiber diet combined with weight loss and exercise is well known to be healthy in terms of heart disease and is known to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, so that would be a healthy choice to make, said Dr. William Aronson, a Jonsson Cancer Center researcher and the study�s senior author. Whether or not it will prevent prostate cancer in humans remains to be seen.

Doctors Say �I�m Sorry� Before �See You in Court

Once an X-ray provided proof in black and white, Dr. Das Gupta, the 74-year-old chairman of surgical oncology at the University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago, did something that normally would make hospital lawyers cringe: he acknowledged his mistake to his patient�s face, and told her he was deeply sorry. �After all these years, I cannot give you any excuse whatsoever,� Dr. Das Gupta, now 76, said he told the woman and her husband. �It is just one of those things that occurred. I have to some extent harmed you.� For decades, malpractice lawyers and insurers have counseled doctors and hospitals to �deny and defend.� Many still warn clients that any admission of fault, or even expression of regret, is likely to invite litigation and imperil careers. But with providers choking on malpractice costs and consumers demanding action against medical errors, a handful of prominent academic medical centers, like Johns Hopkins and Stanford, are trying a disarming approach. By promptly disclosing medical errors and offering earnest apologies and fair compensation, they hope to restore integrity to dealings with patients, make it easier to learn from mistakes and dilute anger that often fuels lawsuits. Malpractice lawyers say that what often transforms a reasonable patient into an indignant plaintiff is less an error than its concealment, and the victim�s concern that it will happen again. Despite some projections that disclosure would prompt a flood of lawsuits, hospitals are reporting decreases in their caseloads and savings in legal costs. Malpractice premiums have declined in some instances, though market forces may be partly responsible. At the University of Michigan Health System, one of the first to experiment with full disclosure, existing claims and lawsuits dropped to 83 in August 2007 from 262 in August 2001, said Richard C. Boothman, the medical center�s chief risk officer. �Improving patient safety and patient communication is more likely to cure the malpractice crisis than defensiveness and denial,� Mr. Boothman said. Mr. Boothman emphasized that he could not know whether the decline was due to disclosure or safer medicine, or both. But the hospital�s legal defense costs and the money it must set aside to pay claims have each been cut by two-thirds, he said. The time taken to dispose of cases has been halved. The number of malpractice filings against the University of Illinois has dropped by half since it started its program just over two years ago, said Dr. Timothy B. McDonald, the hospital�s chief safety and risk officer. In the 37 cases where the hospital acknowledged a preventable error and apologized, only one patient has filed suit. Only six settlements have exceeded the hospital�s medical and related expenses. In Dr. Das Gupta�s case in 2006, the patient retained a lawyer but decided not to sue, and, after a brief negotiation, accepted $74,000 from the hospital, said her lawyer, David J. Pritchard. �She told me that the doctor was completely candid, completely honest, and so frank that she and her husband � usually the husband wants to pound the guy � that all the anger was gone,� Mr. Pritchard said. �His apology helped get the case settled for a lower amount of money.� The patient, a young nurse, declined to be interviewed. Mr. Pritchard said his client netted about $40,000 after paying medical bills and legal expenses. He said she had the rib removed at another hospital and learned it was not cancerous. �You have no idea what a relief that was,� Dr. Das Gupta said. Some advocates argue that the new disclosure policies may reduce legal claims but bring a greater measure of equity by offering reasonable compensation to every injured patient. Recent studies have found that one of every 100 hospital patients suffers negligent treatment, and that as many as 98,000 die each year as a result. But studies also show that as few as 30 percent of medical errors are disclosed to patients.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Memahami Efek Ketergantungan Narkoba

Ketergantungan Narkoba merupakan suatu penyakit kompleks yang ditandai oleh adanya keinginan kuat untuk selalu memakai obat (craving) meskipun disadari akan berbahaya dan dapat mengancam kehidupannya. Penyakit ini bersifat menahun dan sering kambuh walaupun ada periode abstinensia untuk waktu yang cukup lama. Namun demikian, disamping efek-efek jangka lama yang mungkin timbul perlahan-lahan, pengguna narkoba juga sangat mungkin mengalami keadaan darurat yang membutuhkan pertolongan segera, antara lain overdosis dan sakaw. Overdosis Obat-obatan yang sering dipakai untuk mabuk mempunyai efek pada kerja otak. Karena otak mengendalikan bagian lain dan fungsi dari tubuh - seperti paru-paru yang membuat oksigen tidak beredar ke darah, ginjal dan hati yang menetralkan racun dari tubuh, dan jantung yang memompa darah ke seluruh tubuh - menggunakan drugs dapat mempengaruhi satu atau lebih dari aktivitas fungsi tubuh yang penting ini, untuk membuat seseorang mabuk. Tubuh seseorang biasanya dapat menyesuaikan dengan perubahan ini, tetapi jumlah/kadar obat yang dipakai terlampau banyak, perubahannya bisa melebihi kemampuan tubuh dalam menyesuaikannya diri dan menimbulkan efek samping yang seringkali berbahaya. Beberapa efek samping yang terjadi dari pemakaian drugs yang berlebihan adalah serius, tetapi tidak dirasakan secara langsung. Hati dan ginjal dapat rusak karena pemakaian drugs ini membuat organ-organ akan bekerja lebih keras. Dan untuk menghilangkan efek dan kerusakan dari drugs tersebut membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun. Tetapi jika otak terlalu banyak memperoleh obat-obatan dalam waktu yang relatif singkat, efek samping yang muncul dapat sangat berbahaya seperti hilangnya kesadaran, berhentinya pernafasan, gagal jantung, serangan jantung- termasuk tentunya, kematian. Inilah yang disebut overdosis dari obat-obatan. Overdosis sangat serius tetapi tidak perlu berakhir fatal jika ditangani dengan cepat dan tepat. Siapa saja yang memakai drugs bisa overdosis, orang yang baru pertama kali menggunakan sampai orang yang telah bertahun-tahun menggunakan obat. Sakaw Ketergantungan fisik merupakan suatu fenomena alami bila seseorang menggunakan suatu obat (biasanya golongan opioid seperti morfin dll) dalam dosis yang cukup besar dan berjangka lama. Sel-sel tubuh yang terpajan obat akan beradaptasi sehingga terdapat suatu keseimbangan biologis yang baru. Penghentian penggunaan opioid secara tiba-tiba pada seseorang yang sudah bergantung pada opioid dalam jangka lama akan menimbulkan reaksi putus obat dengan gejala-gejala: Tingkat O: craving, ansietas. Tingkat I: menguap, lakrimasi, rinorea, berkeringat. Tingkat II: midriasis, piloereksi, anoreksia, tremor, panas dingin Tingkat III: peningkatan keluhan dan gejala, suhu meningkat, tekanan darah dan nadi meningkat, napas cepat dan dalam, ejakulasi/orgasme spontan. Gejala putus obat ini merupakan pengalaman yang sangat tidak mengenakkan walaupun tidak mematikan. Reaksi gejala putus obat berlangsung sekitar 5-10 hari. (klinikpria/*)

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